Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 161: Wish Come True

for the rest of the time.

While Xiao Ling was sculpting the primary flame bomb, he explained to Lu Li the precautions during the sculpting process, including the coordination of Qi, the strength of the brushstrokes, and even how to hold the pen to facilitate the completion of a stroke... and so on.

Lu Li listened with great interest as he listened to all the details. Because he was staring at Xiao Ling so intently, Lu Li even felt his mouth was dry.

Perhaps because he was explaining to Lu Li while drawing, none of Xiao Ling's next dozen talismans were successful.

Lu Li also discovered the key. As long as Xiao Ling's hand shook slightly, the fallen essence and blood would flow back and form an inconspicuous little node. If there are too many such nodes, the essence and blood on the surrounding lines will be sucked away. Infuriating, the lines I drew before disappear.

Moreover, when these blood essences and true energy are gathered together, they will occasionally ignite the spiritual paper and cause an explosion, which is no less powerful than setting off firecrackers.

After consecutive failures, Xiao Ling seemed to be a little angry, and glanced at Lu Li angrily: "It's all your fault, huh!"


Lu Li scratched his head and said humbly, "Um, yes, I'm sorry. You go on. You don't have to tell me anymore, hehe."

The other party has already explained it from beginning to end several times, and there really is no need to say it again.

Seeing Lu Li's resigned expression, Xiao Ling couldn't help but smile, "I'm just kidding you, forget it, you go ahead, I'll watch from the side."

"Oh fine."

Lu Li was also a little moved, and stood up and sat down at Xiao Ling's original position.

Xiao Ling stood on the left side of Lu Li, with one hand clasped in front of his abdomen and the other touching his chin, quietly watching Lu Li's every move.

Lu Li was also preparing to carve the primary flame bomb, because he seemed to have never seen other primary runes. Even this primary flame bomb was only written down when Xiao Ling was carving it just now.

Of course, there are many elementary runes in the Dayan Forbidden Technique, but he just didn't remember them.

A drop of blood essence similar to the amount Xiao Ling used before was put on the tip of the pen in a decent manner. Lu Li sat upright nervously, took a deep breath, and then slowly started writing.

Press down one stroke, then turn your wrist slightly, and the light and thin lines will appear on the paper, very smooth, until the pen is closed and condensed, it is completed in one go.

Xiao Ling glanced at the talisman in surprise and said faintly: "Did you... forget something?"

Lu Li was about to show off happily when he was stunned when he heard this, "Huh?"

"Pfft!" Xiao Ling covered her mouth, "You didn't inject true energy. You want to laugh me to death!"

"Uh, it's true!" Lu Li was speechless, "I wonder why it was so smooth."

As he said this, he crumpled the talisman paper into a ball and threw it aside to continue carving. But at this moment, Xiao Ling seemed to remember something and said quickly:

"Actually, it might be a good idea to practice the smoothness of the essence and blood lines like you do. How about... you practice a few more, and when you are completely proficient, you can inject true energy into it?"

"Really? Then I'll practice a few more times."

Lu Li just did what he said, and he wasn't afraid of wasting blood essence and spiritual paper. Anyway, they were all elementary and not worth a lot of money.

Soon, there was a pile of spiritual paper balls on the ground, and Lu Li became more and more skilled in his techniques.

It took almost one or two breaths to complete the engraving of the primary flame bullet rune. Xiao Ling was almost ready to do it and wanted to test whether he could do it himself.

However, in order to avoid wasting the essence and blood, Lu Li did not use the essence and blood of the Fire Rat when practicing later, but used the essence and blood of monsters with other attributes.

After drawing the 300th rune, Lu Li stopped and replaced the blood essence with the Fire Rat again. This time he was going to inject Qi into the drawing.

Xiao Ling couldn't help but show a hint of expectation in his eyes, as if he expected the students he taught to get good grades.

She couldn't help but place her left hand on the table, leaning forward, staring closely at Lu Li's strokes with her big, smart eyes.

Put pen to paper.

Lu Li quickly turned his wrist, and at the same time, he injected a thin line of fire attribute energy into the pen barrel, and infected the spiritual paper along with the essence and blood.


The line had just gone three inches when the talisman suddenly exploded, startling both of them.

"" Lu Li turned his head sharply. Before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt suffocated. His face hit a ball of soft stuff with a faint fragrance.

"Ah! I hate it!" Xiao Ling took a few steps back, and her pink face turned into a red apple.

Lu Li stared at Xiao Ling's chest, feeling embarrassed, scratched his head and said, "I, I didn't mean it, I didn't know you were so close..."

"You're still looking at it!" Xiao Ling scolded with a shy look.


Lu Li reluctantly looked away, wondering what this girl had grown up on. She was almost as old as Weiyue at that young age.

After an interlude, the atmosphere in the room became a little strange.

Lu Li also seemed to be absent-minded. He drew a dozen more talismans, but none of them were successful. This made him a little irritated. If he couldn't even draw a junior talisman, let alone an advanced talisman.

Thinking of this, Lu Li simply stood up and washed his face with cold water to calm himself down before continuing to write.

"You write too fast."

After another failure, Xiao Lingcai came over again and said softly, "Slow down a little, and your consciousness should always follow the pen edge, so that you can better control your true energy."

The soft voice shocked Lu Li, as if he had received the other party's understanding. Lu Li's mood suddenly became cheerful, and the repressed breath in his heart was swept away.

"Okay." Lu Li nodded and started to carve again.

This time, Lu Li still failed, but he had reached two-thirds of the rune, which was countless times better than the previous failure.

This gave him a great boost of confidence.

Next, he carved three more, until the fourth one, he finally succeeded!

Looking at the first talisman in his life that he had carved by himself, Lu Li couldn't help but want to shout loudly, but it was obviously inappropriate to shout in this place. After all, he held back, but the joy on his face could not be concealed.

Xiao Ling also showed admiration in his eyes. Compared with his previous self, Lu Li successfully carved the first talisman with only more than 300 pieces of spiritual paper, which was already amazing.

"This is the first talisman in your life. It is of commemorative significance. Keep it well." Xiao Ling smiled.

"Yes, it is very commemorative."

Lu Li stared at the talisman again and again, then picked up the talisman pen and wrote the five big words "Wish Come True Talisman" on the back of the talisman, then folded it into a triangle, and handed it to Xiao Ling after taking a look:

"I give it to you. I wish you all your wishes come true!"

"Give it to me?" Xiao Ling suddenly felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart. He blinked and said crisply, "Don't regret it, okay?"

"Of course, I have never regretted anything I gave away." Lu Li said with a smile.

This talisman has eight achievements of Xiao Ling. Lu Li wrote the words "Wish Come True Talisman" and gave it to the other party. The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

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