Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1447: A Few Points

"You are open-minded."

Lu Li nodded, picked up the jade cup and took a sip, then fell silent.

Miao Daren didn't say anything when he saw this, he just buried his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, Miao Daren murmured in a low voice like a little daughter-in-law: "Senior Immortal Master, you will finish the tea, otherwise, I will stay here to help you fetch water, okay? ?”

Lu Li unexpectedly glanced at Miao Daren. He didn't refuse or agree, but his eyes flickered slightly, as if he was considering something.

After a moment, he spread his palms, and a small medicine bottle appeared in his palm, and handed it to Miao Daren: "There are five awakening pills in it, you can take care of it yourself."

After saying that, he stood up and walked towards the jungle.

This jungle has a radius of more than ten miles. It is mostly composed of large straight trees that can be hugged by a person. There are very few shrubs. In February, the cold winter has just passed, and some buds sprouted from the rotten leaves on the ground.

"There is no sun and moon in cultivation, but the spring and autumn are still there."

Lu Li secretly lamented that most cultivators have forgotten the cycle of the four seasons, but the four seasons have never forgotten everything in the world. Whether you care about it or not, it will accompany you silently.

He leaned over and pulled out a green seedling, and murmured in a daze: "You are just an unknown weed. You live and die in spring and autumn. What is the meaning of coming to this world?"

After that, he looked back at Miao Daren, who was still sitting at the stone table, shook his head, walked to a stone slab in the distance, and sat down cross-legged.

Miao Daren's head was buzzing at the moment, and he was holding the jade bottle tightly with both hands, fearing that it would fly away accidentally, and his mind was filled with the word 'awakening'.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that Lu Li had disappeared. He stood up and looked around before he found Lu Li sitting cross-legged in the forest. He wanted to go up and say a few words of thanks, but he was afraid of disturbing Lu Li.

After hesitating for a while, Miao Daren still didn't go over to look for Lu Li, and finally sat down cross-legged on the spot.

Although he didn't know how to practice, he had seen the young children in the village taking the awakening pill before. According to the village chief, all you need to do is sit cross-legged on the ground and take the elixir. There are no other rules.

As an awakening pill entered his abdomen, Miao Daren suddenly felt a warm current flowing around his body, as if he was looking for something.

After a moment, a faint mist of air came out of Miao Daren's body, and Miao Daren seemed to feel his own changes, and couldn't help but open his eyes and look at his arm.

"I, I have spiritual roots?! I can practice, I...ha!"

Miao Daren was so excited that he almost jumped up, but he laughed out loud and quickly covered his mouth. He glanced furtively in Lu Li's direction and did not dare to make any noise.

However, he couldn't hold back the joy on his face.

He lay on the ground and looked up at the sky, feeling that today's gloomy sky was particularly beautiful.

More than half an hour had passed since he was lying there, but there was still no movement from Lu Li in the forest. Miao Daren couldn't sit still. He stood up and walked to the table, carefully opening the lid of the pot.

"There's more."

Seeing that there was still tea inside, Miao Daren scratched his head and put the lid back on the pot. Then he made up his mind and walked into the forest. He bowed to Lu Li from a distance and said, "Senior, this junior is getting ready to go down the mountain. Do you have any instructions?"


Lu Li slowly opened his eyes, looked at Miao Daren who bent his waist at 90 degrees, and said calmly.

"Yes, it is."

Miao Daren's voice trembled slightly, but he still seemed unable to conceal his inner excitement.

"Come here, let me take a look."

Lu Li waved his hand and said.

Miao Daren quickly walked up to Lu Li, and then carefully squatted in front of Lu Li, looking extremely respectful.

Lu Li put his hand on Miao Daren's mouth, felt it for a moment, and nodded: "Tumu Spiritual Root, it's okay."

Hearing Lu Li say 'not bad', Miao Daren couldn't help but get excited: "Thank you, senior, for the compliment. Senior, tell me, can I fly in the sky like you in the future?"

Lu Li smiled, "Maybe, maybe not, it depends on your personal luck. Your village chief can also practice, and he has a single fire root. According to some people, his talent is better than yours. But you have seen the final result..."

Like a basin of cold water falling from the sky, most of the fire in Miao Daren's heart was extinguished in an instant, but he soon said with hope: "Then, how can I be as powerful as you, senior..."

Lu Li said calmly: "Having goals is a good thing, but aiming too high will only make you breed inner demons. My realm is not something you can understand now.

Cultivation is like building a tall building. The foundation bricks and tiles must be laid step by step, layer by layer, in order to rise steadily.

You have just awakened your spiritual roots. It can be said that you have not even started digging the foundation. You are dreaming about standing on the seventh or eighth floor. Such an impatient attitude will only make you think about cutting corners in your future practice. Opportunistic. In the end, if you suffer a slight setback, your Taoist mind will definitely be unstable, and the embankment of a thousand miles will be destroyed in an ant nest, and it will be too late to regret..."

Miao Daren had some difficulty understanding Lu Li's words and scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

Lu Li smiled softly and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you just need to remember that every state of practice has its own reason for existence.

I might as well tell you that if I want, I can let someone like you enter the foundation-building pill easily at any time, but I won't do that, because it's not helping you, but hurting you..."

Miao Daren opened his mouth, bowed and said, "Junior understands." In fact, he didn't understand at all. At this moment, his mind was like a mess.

He didn't know what the foundation-building pill Lu Li was talking about, and he didn't know why he had to climb up little by little when he could ascend to heaven in one step.

Lu Li waved his hand: "Go, I don't have time to teach you these introductory knowledge now. Your village chief has been immersed in the Qi training stage for many years. I believe that Qi training is not difficult for him. You can go to him for advice. If you really encounter difficulties, it's not too late to come to me..."

Miao Daren heard the words, respectfully said yes, and then bid farewell to Lu Li , he walked down the mountain with a lot on his mind, the excitement on his face had long disappeared.

When Miao Daren walked away, Lu Li shook his head and began to practice with his eyes closed again.

Miao Daren was just a fate for him, and they just happened to meet. He could give some advice to the best of his ability and his heart's desire. But he would never waste too much energy for someone he had just met.

After Miao Daren left, Yunhe Peak returned to tranquility. Except for the occasional bird song, no other sound could be heard.

And Lu Li never moved since that day, and he sat there for three months.

On this day, when the warm sun of May fell on Lu Li's eyebrows, he finally opened his eyes, and two dazzling rays of light burst out of his eyes: "So that's it, I was wondering why I couldn't condense the Tao seed."

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