Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1419 My face still hurts

Chanbao looked up at Weiyue.

But at this moment, Weiyue's face suddenly turned cold, and she burst out with a strong murderous intent, and the whole courtyard suddenly became windy.

Chanbao was startled and retreated in panic.

The next moment, Weiyue seemed to have returned to normal, looking back at the tower: "Wait for me to come back."

Then without saying a word, her figure quickly became blurred, and she disappeared in the breath.

"Sister Weiyue!"

Chanbao chased a few steps, but could not sense Weiyue's breath. She couldn't help but hold the envelope and looked at the tower, looking embarrassed.

"How could this happen?"

Chanbao scratched his head, muttered softly, put the envelope away, and then sat by the pond again.

When it was almost evening, seeing that there was still no movement in the tower, Chanbao suddenly felt something was wrong, so he flew towards the tower.

The door was ajar.

Chanbao walked over carefully and pushed open the room, only to see a mess inside. Lu Li was lying naked on the bed, with a calm expression, as if he was asleep.


Chanbao screamed, hurriedly covered her eyes, retreated from inside, and then rushed down to the courtyard, patting her chest nervously: "I didn't see it, I didn't see it..."

At noon the next day.

Yuwen came over again, glanced at the tower, frowned and walked over to Chanbao and asked: "Girl, hasn't the boss come out yet?"

Chanbao shook her head.

Yuwenshu frowned even deeper, muttering, "Nothing will happen, will it?"

Chanbao's eyes suddenly brightened: "However, why don't you go up and take a look?"

Yuwenshu was stunned: "You are crazy, if I go up, I will be beaten to death."

Chanbao scratched his head and muttered, "But it's not appropriate for me to go up..."

Yuwenshu suddenly showed a hint of interest: "Why is it inappropriate? You are a child, you are not afraid. Why don't you go up and take a look? Your sister Weiyue will definitely not be angry when she sees you."

"Sister Weiyue left yesterday, she will definitely not be angry, I am just... afraid that the master will be angry." Chanbao said angrily.

"Left?" Yuwenshu said puzzledly.

"Yes, she left yesterday, and it seems that something is right..."


Hearing this, Yuwenshu's face changed instantly, and he took off without thinking and flew to the ninth floor of the tower.

Arriving at the tower corridor, Yuwen let out a light breath, calmed himself down, and then walked over carefully and opened the door.

When he pushed the door open, he immediately relaxed and laughed dryly: "Boss, you are okay."

At this time, Lu Li was sitting at the table intact, but with one hand on the table, his brows were tightly knitted, and he looked worried.

Lu Li raised his head and looked at Yuwen, his brows trembled a few times, and then he suddenly said: "It's you, come and sit down."

Seeing Lu Li's expression, Yuwen couldn't help but be a little suspicious, walked to the table and sat down, and asked with concern: "Boss, you don't look very energetic, are you okay?"

Lu Li shook his head: "It's okay, I just have a headache, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh, that's good. It's like this, I'm almost at the limit of distraction now, I'm going to go out for a walk, see if I can find a contract to break through the fusion..." Hearing that Lu Li just had a headache, Yuwen was relieved.

Then he tried to probe: "My girl Chanbao said that the sister-in-law went out and seemed to be a little bit wrong. Did you... have a conflict?"

However, Lu Li was confused after hearing this: "Sister-in-law? What sister-in-law?"

"Boss, you... this is not good. We just got married and you..." Yuwen said with a wry smile.

"I really don't know what you are talking about." Lu Li pounded his head, looking a little headache.

Seeing this scene, Yuwen immediately became suspicious and stared at Lu Li suspiciously and asked: "Boss, you... really don't remember sister-in-law Wei Yue?"

He didn't think Lu Li was the kind of heartless and ungrateful person. Combined with Chanbao's previous words, Yuwen immediately felt that there was a big problem here.

Lu Li shook his head: "Who is Wei Yue? And, I always feel that there are many things missing in my memory..."

At this time, Lu Li's cultivation had reached the limit of the distraction stage. As long as he took the fusion pill, he could immediately break through to the fusion stage, but many memories in his mind became incoherent.

It was as if a part of his memory had been dug out, and many past events became unreasonable, making him feel that some of his past experiences were somewhat inexplicable.

Moreover, Lu Li was also very puzzled about the fact that he suddenly reached the limit of distraction.

"There are many things missing in my memory."

Hearing this, Yu Wenshu instantly thought of something, but after changing his face several times, he smiled and comforted:

"It's nothing, maybe you are too tired from practicing recently, boss, you should have a good rest, maybe you will be fine in a few days. Boss, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"Okay, then you go first, I also have a severe headache and want to have a good rest." Lu Li nodded.

"Okay, then I'll leave first, boss, you have a good rest."

Yu Wenshu stood up and said goodbye, then left the room with a lot of thoughts in his mind, and closed the door.


When he came to the verandah outside, Yu Wenwen let out a heavy breath, then flashed down to the courtyard below and said to Chan Bao: "Little guy, let me ask you something."

Chan Bao threw the old turtle into the pond, came over and asked, "What's going on?"

Yuwen frowned and said, "Yesterday, when your sister Weiyue left, did you tell her anything? For example, did you tell her where she was going or what she was going to do?"

Chan Bao shook his head: "She didn't say where she was going or what she was going to do, but she left me a message and a letter."

Yu Wenwen looked happy: "What message did you leave behind!?"

Chan Bao shook his head: "She only asked me to tell the master, and she had to tell the master at a specific time, so I can't tell you."

Yu Wenwen was stunned for a moment: "Okay, what about the letter? You can show it to me, right?"

Chan Bao still shook his head: "No way. Sister Weiyue said that the letter is for her father Qin Feng and cannot be shown to others."

Yu Wenwen was depressed and suddenly rolled his eyes: "Was the little puppet I gave you last time fun..."

"What a funny thing! I get angry when you talk about this thing. You hurry up and I'm going to beat you up later." Before Yu Wenwen could finish his words, Chan Bao put his hands on his hips and shouted angrily.

"Don't get excited, I have something more fun. How about you secretly tell me what sister Weiyue left, and I will give you some more fun stuff?" Yu Wenwen asked in a coaxing way.

Unexpectedly, Chan Bao didn't appreciate it at all. He pushed Yu Wenshu and said angrily:

"Hurry up and leave, I don't want your broken toys! My face is still hurting now, and you actually cheated me. You are really not a good person. Come on, hurry up!"

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