Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1401: Night Battle

Lu Li used his fingers as swords and easily killed a mid-stage master of the Spirit Severing Realm. Just as he was about to attack again, he was also dizzy and dazed by Yang Shuo's roar.

But soon, he came to his senses, pinched his hands together, and suddenly sword energy was everywhere around him. Thousands of sword lights flew towards the human traitors like spirit snakes.

These people were already confused by Yang Shuo, and they couldn't even control their bodies at this time. When Lu Li fired thousands of swords at the same time, their heads moved directly and rolled all over the ground!

"So strong!"

When the masters of the tenth district just came to their senses, they saw the heads of the traitors in the ninth district falling to the ground. They couldn't help but feel numb and looked at Lu Li with awe.

But after a short moment of shock, these people came to their senses again and continued to kill the traitors in the ninth district.

Lu Li was not idle either, flying back and forth on the battlefield. Every time he attacked, he could accurately take away a traitor in the Spirit Severing Stage, which made those people tremble with fear.

With the cooperation of Wu De and Yang Shuo, the rebel leader Ren Qianyi could not even hold on for a round, and was beaten to pieces. The two attacked again, and in a moment, more than a dozen people in the late Spirit Severing Stage died with hatred!


After a quarter of an hour of fighting, with the last unwilling voice falling, this human internal struggle finally came to an end.

When the dust settled, thousands of mountains were incomplete, and nearly a thousand rebel masters were all killed.

But when everyone came to their senses and wanted to find the three masters who were roaming around and killing people like butchering dogs, they found that the three had disappeared.

"It's so fucking relieved! Do any of you know those three Taoist friends?" The tall and hot-tempered middle-aged man asked the people around him with a happy look on his face, although there was blood on the corners of his mouth.

"I don't know the other two, but haven't you seen the Taoist friend in green? He was the guy who fought with Deputy General Qin in the square?" The old man next to him explained.

"Oh! I remember, I heard that his surname is Yang, and he also signed up for this raid. He used to show his power here and wiped out countless trolls. Unfortunately, I didn't sign up for this operation and didn't get to see his style..." Another person interrupted.

"Surname Yang? Isn't that my family? No wonder he is so brave, he is really worthy of being a member of my Yang family, hahaha..." The strong man laughed loudly when he heard it.

"Come on, even if he is surnamed Yang, he has nothing to do with you. And, you, a foul-mouthed guy, don't smear the Yang family..." Someone said contemptuously.

Hearing this, the people around laughed and rushed towards the direction of the Demon Suppression Plain.

At this time, night had begun to fall.

The atmosphere of the Demon Suppression Plain seemed particularly heavy.

The human race has 100,000 soldiers, arrayed in the north of the Pillar of Light. There should have been a formation of ten flags, but now there are only eight.

At the end of the field opposite the human army, there is a dark mass of demon warriors, densely packed, neatly and solemnly arranged in 28 squares, each square has no less than 10,000 people!

Tall trolls, enchanting succubus, sword demons with arms like knives, night demons with black robes and only eyes exposed, blood demons wearing blood robes, and winged demons with wings!

The eyes of the 280,000 demon soldiers are cold, as if they want to devour people.

In front of each square, there are no less than 50 sixth-level commanders, and the demon flames are surging, which makes people tremble with fear.

"Brother Mo, we can't wait any longer. They are obviously waiting for dark. If we wait any longer, it will be even more disadvantageous for our human race!" The sixth deputy general reminded in a deep voice in front of many squares.

"Yes, these guys are definitely not just bluffing. They are obviously preparing for a decisive battle. We can only fight them to the death while the light is still there. Only then can we have a chance of survival." The eighth deputy general said anxiously.

"Okay, it seems that almost everyone who can come has come. Then, prepare for the battle!"

Mo Xuanqi said as he soared into the air, facing everyone and shouting:

"Dear Taoist friends! Whether it is for merit or for the justice of the human race, at this moment, we have no way out! I, Mo Xuanqi, swear here! If the demons don't retreat, I won't retreat!"

"No retreat!"

"No retreat!"

Instantly, the momentum of the eight squares soared, and 100,000 people stood up and shouted. The buzzing sound shook the sky!

"Okay! Everyone, listen to my command. For the sake of the human race, follow me to kill!!!" Mo Xuanqi raised his right arm and waved it forward. Then he took the lead and rushed towards the dark demon army in the distance.





Instantly, the eight square formations moved together, shouting and killing.

"Hehe, ants."

In front of the demon formation, a middle-aged man in a black robe glanced at the distance with disdain, with his hands behind his back, soaring into the sky like a peregrine falcon, with his back to hundreds of thousands of demon masters:

"Break this formation, we can all go to the human land! Among all the races in the world, I am the demon king, follow me to kill!!!"

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The demons roared together, and their momentum was even stronger than that of the human race. Immediately, the black-robed man also took the lead and rushed towards the human race, followed by thousands of sixth-level demons below.

Twenty-eight giant square formations followed at the end like a torrent.


As two spells, one black and one green, collided, causing huge waves, the decisive battle in the intermediate battlefield finally began at this moment.

The sword formation of Mingxin Sword Palace, the magic formation of Wuchen Dao Palace, the puppets of Yunwu Valley, the Buddhist Dharma of Mingguang Treasure Temple, the spiritual weapons of Xuanlian Pavilion, and the strange shields of Yaowang Valley supported by elixirs...

Although the number of people is far less than that of the demons, the rare heritage of the major sects is something that the demons do not have. For a time, both sides were caught in a tangle of consumption.

The night gradually fell.

Lu Li wandered in the dark, and from time to time he shot a sword light as fast as lightning. While saving a human, he also constantly improved his merit value.

At this time, the two sides had completely entangled together, and Lu Li was not good at using the group attack magic like the rising sun, because if he was not careful, it would cause a large number of human casualties.

On the battlefield in the dark, the Night Demon Clan was more handy, appearing from the void from time to time, harvesting the lives of the human race.

The succubus are naturally charming, and various illusions emerge one after another, which makes some people with weak wills run around in circles, and then they are beheaded by the night demons hiding in the dark.

The sword demons are extremely powerful with two swords. With their arms dancing together, they cut the puppets into pieces...

After nightfall, the human race began to gradually fall into disadvantage.

The demons also knew that they had little time left. If they could not resolve the battle within two hours, everything would be reversed at dawn.

So, they killed more vigorously. For a while, shouts, screams, curses, and the sound of spells colliding turned into a sea of ​​sound waves, filling the entire night sky.

"Boy, when are you going to take action?"

At this moment, a hoarse and old voice sounded from somewhere in the dark night, passing by everyone's ears like a clear stream, which made some people excited.

Yes, why didn't that person take action?

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