Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1350: The Land of the Sword Monument

Although the old man in green robe had guarded here before, he had never really seen the Burning Sun Holy Tree. He couldn't help but come closer.

When he saw the three fruits hanging on it, a trace of greed flashed through his mind, but he quickly restrained it and stepped aside as if nothing had happened.

"The fruit doesn't look ripe yet. What should I do?" Wei Yue frowned as she looked at the three walnut-sized, golden fruits on it.

"It's okay. I have a way."

As Lu Li said this, he flashed and flew down to the pit below. Then he carefully wrapped the trunk of the small tree with his true essence and shouted softly: "Get up!"

Suddenly, the Burning Sun Holy Tree was pulled out of the ground inch by inch.

What surprised Lu Li was that not only the branches of the holy tree were pure gold, but even the roots were gold.

But the next moment, Lu Li's face suddenly changed again. He found that as the Burning Sun Holy Tree was gradually pulled up, the golden light on its body also quickly faded. After just a few breaths, it looked sick.

Seeing this, Lu Li didn't care much. He quickly exerted his strength and directly put it into the medicine garden. Then he communicated with Chan Bao non-stop, asking her to plant the tree quickly.

After a while, his mind sank again. He went into the medicine garden to observe. After finding that the Burning Sun Holy Tree was recovering rapidly, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This fruit has ninety-eight spiritual patterns. According to the Cultivation Treasure Record, one spiritual pattern of the Burning Sun Holy Fruit represents a hundred years, and it is fully mature after a hundred spiritual patterns.

In other words, under normal circumstances, this fruit still needs two hundred years to mature.

However, his medicine garden is now ripening three hundred times. If the ripening ratio is also effective for the Burning Sun Holy Fruit, it means that he only needs less than a year to make these three Burning Sun Holy Fruits mature.

After taking a look, Lu Li withdrew his mind and flashed to the top of the tiankeng.

Although Wei Yue and Yu Wenshu were a little curious about how Lu Li could keep the scorching sun holy tree alive, they were tactful and did not ask.

But at this moment, a rumbling sound suddenly came from the south, causing Yu Wenshu to frown: "Nothing will happen, right?"

Hearing this, the old man in green robe couldn't help but brighten his eyes and became a little eager.

"Do you have any ideas?"

Lu Li turned his head and looked at the old man in green robe.

The old man in green robe changed his face and laughed dryly: "No, no."

Lu Li's voice sank: "No is the best, take us to Changqing Lake immediately, dare to play tricks, I will kill you immediately!"

"Yes, yes, yes..."

The old man nodded and bowed, then took off into the air and flew to the west. During the flight, his eyes looked to the south from time to time, as if he was looking for something.

Lu Li and the other two followed closely behind, but seeing that the old man seemed to deliberately slow down, Lu Li's face sank again, and he accelerated and picked him up in his hand: "Show the way!"

The old man was startled and said quickly: "Five hundred miles ahead, go straight."

Lu Li snorted coldly, and in a flash he went five hundred miles away. At this time, the old man said again: "Turn right for a thousand miles, and you will reach Changqing Lake."

Sure enough, after flying north for a while, a vast lake appeared in front of them. On the lake, there was a water bridge and a small pavilion.

There was a ban at the entrance. Because of the death of the eighth and ninth elders, the tokens on Wei Yue and Yu Wenshu could no longer be used. Lu Li had to use the thunder and fire ants to bite a gap in the ban, so that he could pass smoothly.

Several people followed the bridge to the small island in the middle of the lake and found a small stone house.

The light was also flowing above the stone house, and it was obvious that there was a ban. Lu Li asked the thunder and fire ants to take action again, but this time it was not so easy.

Just as the lightning ants pounced on it, the flowing light on the stone house suddenly rioted, and there was a burst of popping sounds, and the lightning ants were directly shredded into slag.

Seeing this scene, Lu Li couldn't help but feel distressed, and at the same time he couldn't help but frowned, looking at Wei Yue and Yu Wenshu: "This restriction is not simple, it's probably the eighth level, do you have any solution?"

Wei Yue shook her head: "I have no treasures except the Soul-Capture Bell."

Yu Wenshu was also helpless: "With my cultivation, it is not enough to forcibly break this restriction. If I have the legendary Swallow Fish Arrow, maybe I can give it a try."

"Swallow Fish Arrow?"

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, thinking to himself, am I stupid?

So he took out a strange bronze arrow with a wave of his hand, and said strangely: "Look... Does this look like the swallow fish arrow you mentioned?"

Yu Wenshu suddenly glared at this, grabbed the swallow fish arrow, and stammered: "This... this... Boss, where did you get it? This is really a swallow fish arrow!"

Lu Li smiled and said: "I picked it up by accident. I won't say anything. Let's get started. Even if there is a swallow fish arrow in the eighth-level restriction, I am afraid I can't break it alone. I still need your help."


Yu Wenshu immediately threw the swallow fish arrow forward, and at the same time formed a spell, and a soul-crossing seal hit the swallow fish arrow, making it suddenly glow green.

Wei Yue and Lu Li did not neglect it either. They pinched the spell one after another, and two lines of true essence connected to the swallow fish arrow, making it brighter!

Then, Lu Li shouted "Go!", and immediately, the swallow fish arrow spun rapidly and hit the door of the stone house directly.

With a loud bang, the whole stone house exploded and turned into countless rubbles that flew in all directions.

"So strong!"

The old man in green robes at the back couldn't help shrinking his pupils when he saw this scene.

He heard that this stone house was built by the founder of Tianjian Pavilion and even the combined master might not be able to break it easily. He didn't expect that it couldn't withstand even a single blow from these three people.

"Wei Yue, you wait here, I'll go in and take a look."

At this time, the stone house was completely unrecognizable. Only a circle of foundation stones about a foot high remained in place, but it could be seen at a glance that there was a stone platform with a faint light inside.

It looked very similar to the teleportation platform in the stone house in Yaowang Valley at the beginning, and it should also lead to the secret realm.

"Okay, be careful." Wei Yue nodded gently.


As Lu Li said this, he walked towards the ruins of the stone house. When he came to the inside, Lu Li waved his hand to clean up the several pieces of broken stone slabs around him, and then stepped onto the teleportation platform.

As expected, as soon as Lu Li stepped on it, the light on the stone platform suddenly became brighter.

And the next moment, he disappeared on the stone platform.

When he appeared again, he had come to a gloomy ancient forest. Everywhere he looked, there were black ancient trees, and under his feet were very wet rotten leaves.

With a light step, there was a sizzling sound, as if water could be squeezed out.

"No, where is the sword tablet?"

Lu Li looked around, but did not see any stone tablet, and could not help but frowned.

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