Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1148: Inner Gate of Tianjian Pavilion

After several years of cultivation, the number of Thunder Fire Ants has become considerable, reaching as many as 20,000.

However, as the number increased sharply, headaches also followed one after another. The growth rate of the spiritual medicine in his medicine garden could not keep up with the speed of the Thunder Fire Ants.

Lu Li had to stop the Queen Ant from laying eggs temporarily and firmly control the number of soldier ants to about 20,000.

After all, he also understood the principle of "the quality of soldiers is not the number". If all 20,000 Thunder Fire Ants grow up, they will be quite terrifying.

Under Lu Li's drive, the ant king in the Ruyi space immediately issued a series of chirping sounds of varying lengths.

Even though the two were in different spaces, the nearly 3,000 soldier ants outside moved in an instant and rushed in the direction pointed by Lu Li.

In a breath, the blank area was crawling with Thunder Fire Ants.

Although these Thunder Fire Ants were small in size, they were extremely ferocious. With a few moments of biting, they gnawed a huge hole in the barrier of the blank area.

Then the formation changed, and the thunder and fire ants near the middle of the cave spread their wings and came to the edge of the cave, surrounding the edge of the cave and condensing into a thick circle of thunder and fire ant door frames.

Then they all chirped softly, opened their mouths and spit out dense thunder and fire power, forming a red and blue thunder and fire barrier in the middle of the cave door.

It was like a patch on the barrier of the Three Hua Dream Formation, which was really magical.

Seeing this, Lu Li turned his palm, and a green bead floated on his palm, and then he flicked his finger, and the bead suddenly turned into a ball of blue cloud and flew towards the thunder and fire barrier.

"It can actually pass!"

Seeing that the blue cloud bead passed through the barrier safely, Lu Li was immediately delighted and took a few steps towards the barrier. After a slight hesitation, he tentatively stretched his hand towards the barrier.

The moment he touched the barrier, Lu Li felt a strange feeling at his fingertips, numb, but not painful.

Then he gritted his teeth and put his whole hand into the thunder and fire barrier.

The test results made Lu Li breathe a sigh of relief. His hand was not hindered at all and he passed through the thunder and fire barrier easily. There is no doubt that this thunder and fire barrier can allow people to pass safely.

However, soon, Lu Li frowned.

He found that the thunder and fire light on the thunder and fire ants was rapidly weakening, and the thunder and fire barrier in the middle was gradually losing its brilliance. It seemed that it would not last long.

Lu Li was secretly shocked and did not dare to waste any more time. He immediately sent a voice message to Wu De to come over, and then without saying a word, he hooked his body and got into the barrier.

When Wu De also came in safely, he moved his mind and took all the soldier ants back to the Ruyi space.

What made Lu Li secretly relieved was that with the disappearance of the thunder and fire ants, the array barrier returned to its original appearance, and there was no trace of damage.

At this time, Lu Li and the other person were at the edge of a mountain range, and the surroundings were very quiet.

Neither of them spoke. Lu Li used his pupil technique to scan around. After confirming that there was no activity around, he flew to the hill in front of him.

"Have you sensed the location of your soul-devouring beast?" Wu De stood beside Lu Li and asked in a voice transmission.

"I have a hunch that Jianpi is in that direction." Lu Li nodded and pointed to the northwest.

"Then what are you waiting for? Take advantage of the dark and act quickly."


The two exchanged a few words briefly, then flashed and flew towards the northwest, but in order not to cause too much noise, neither of them flew too fast.

Moreover, every time they flew a certain distance, Lu Li would use his pupil technique to observe. Once he found a mountain with people moving around, he would take the initiative to avoid it early. He would rather rush a little further than risk passing through these mountains with people.

The further he went, the clearer Lu Li felt his connection with Jianpi.


Zeng Ping is the direct disciple of the ninth elder of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion. His talent is similar to that of the current Saint Son. Both of them have a single spiritual root of the highest grade, except that he has a fire spiritual root, while Cheng Xiaoyuan has a thunder spiritual root.

However, although the two have similar talents, their cultivation is worlds apart.

Cheng Xiaoyuan is only two thousand years old now, but he is already in the late stage of the Spiritualization, while he is one thousand nine hundred years old and is only in the early stage of the Spiritualization.

In addition to the difference in comprehension and the degree of hard work in cultivation, resources and opportunities also account for a large part of the reason.

Cheng Xiaoyuan was spotted by the Pavilion Master early on and was accepted as a direct disciple. With the blessing of various resources, it is difficult for him to practice slowly. Moreover, Cheng Xiaoyuan is also very keen on going out to explore, and all kinds of adventures and opportunities make people jealous.

But Zeng Ping is a cautious person. Since he was accepted as a disciple by the Ninth Elder, he rarely goes out to take risks, for fear that he will fall outside if he is not careful.

He buried his head in the sect, relying on the sect's fixed salary and taking some non-dangerous tasks to maintain his practice, so his practice speed naturally slowed down.

Fortunately, as the eldest disciple of the Ninth Elder, he had a noble status and could get close to various tasks with rich rewards, and he also made a lot of contributions.

For example, a few years ago, Cheng Xiaoyuan suddenly brought back a soul-devouring beast and needed someone to guard it outside the dungeon.

Such a task, not only has a very rich reward, but also has no danger. If it is released in the inner gate of Tianjian Pavilion, it will definitely be a fight for the head.

But Zeng Ping got the news first through his master, and easily got the good job.

Now, he only needs to sit at the entrance of the dungeon of Xuanshi Peak and be a human sculpture. Although he is guarding the dungeon, he doesn't need to do anything. He can get an extra contribution of 100,000 every month.

At this time, it was late at night.

Zeng Ping was practicing in the small house on the right side of the dungeon entrance. The special stone bed was higher than the normal bed. As long as he opened his eyes, he could see the heavy iron door to the dungeon through the wide window.

This Xuanshi Peak dungeon was specially built for the soul-devouring beast. There were many restrictions on it. There was no other way to enter the dungeon except through this door.

The restrictions on the iron door were not only good at defense, but also could launch terrifying attacks. If he didn't have the key in his hand, even if the peak of the transformation of the spirit came, he might not be able to break it.

Therefore, Zeng Ping was not worried about someone breaking into the dungeon.

His role here was just to be on the safe side and to be able to respond effectively at critical moments. Otherwise, there would be no need for an old monster like him who has reached the state of transformation, and any low-level cultivator would be able to do the job.

But what Zeng Ping didn't know was that at this moment, in a forest 800 miles south of Xuanshi Peak, a pair of eyes shining with purple light were staring at the dungeon door outside the house from afar...

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