Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1146 The Old Man in the Lake

The blank area was irregular in shape, with a minimum width of two feet and a minimum height of three feet, and the bottom edge was only one foot above the ground.

More importantly, thirty feet away from the blank area, there was a deep ancient forest, which was very suitable for hiding.

Lu Li's figure flashed and landed in the ancient forest opposite the barrier.

He did not rush to test the barrier, but sat cross-legged behind a black ancient tree, secretly looking at the blank area.

He wanted to know whether the blank area would change significantly in position or shape over time.

In order to avoid that it would be easy to get in but difficult to get out, if he could not get out after entering, it would be a big trouble.

After looking at it for a while, Lu Li put away his pupil technique, like an old monk in meditation, sitting cross-legged on the ground motionless, closing his eyes to rest.

Almost an hour later, he used the pupil technique again and looked at the barrier, and found that the area still existed, and the position and shape had not changed much.

Then, he closed his eyes again and continued to wait.

In this way, time soon approached dawn. So far, Lu Li has observed that area five times, and the final result is that the area will move.

However, the movement speed is very slow. It only moved half an inch to the left in five or six hours.

As for the shape and size, there is no change.

The sky has become brighter. In order to avoid attracting attention and exposing this rare barrier defect, Lu Li decided to leave first and observe it again at night.

"How is it!"

Seeing Lu Li coming back, Wu De immediately stood up and walked towards Lu Li, asking anxiously.

Lu Li looked at Wu De with a little surprise, thinking why you look more anxious than me, then walked to the table and sat down, and told Wu De the information he knew.

Wu De couldn't help but doubt after hearing it: "Is the Thunder Fire Ant really that magical? Don't make any trouble."

"Don't worry, I will be fully prepared before the test. Even if I fail, I won't expose us."

"That's good, by the way, what did you say about purple pupils just now, what is that?" Wu De nodded and asked curiously again.

Without saying anything, Lu Li took out the "Sky-peeping Small Success" and put it on the table: "This is it, this is the second part of the pupil technique I gave you last time, you can copy a copy."

"Hiss! You kid, you really have a good stuff!" Wu De grabbed the leather scroll and looked at it with shining eyes.

"Don't take this original away, I still need it." Lu Li said faintly.

"Useful? You want to give it to your girlfriend! Oh, by the way... Where is your girlfriend, why is she not with you?" Wu De said teasingly, and suddenly asked curiously.

Hearing this, Lu Li's mood instantly fell: "She was taken away, I don't know whether it was a blessing or a disaster, and I don't know where she went."

"She was taken away!" Wu De was shocked and said: "What happened?"

Hearing Wu De's inquiry, Lu Li did not hide it, and directly told Wu De the news he learned from Qin Feng and Tang Fei.

Wu De couldn't help but frown after hearing this: "Venerable Huishu, the fusion level, this is really a bit tricky..."

"Have you heard of this person, or do you know where Suxin Palace is?" Lu Li asked hopefully.

Wu De shook his head, "Sorry, I really don't know. But... According to my understanding, although Suxin Palace does not enter the world, it will send people to walk in the world every once in a while, searching for talented women everywhere... I think, if you want to find the location of Suxin Palace, you may have to start with the Suxin Palace walkers..."

"Suxin Palace walkers?"

"Well, it is said that they are elders or elite disciples of the sect. There are not many of them, but their cultivation is extremely high, and they are very loyal to Suxin Palace..."

"Do they have any special signs?"

"Signs? Since they choose to hide in the world, how can they be easily recognized? But... It is said that the people in Suxin Palace are very cold and hate outside practitioners, especially men. You can start the investigation from these points..." Wu De suggested.

"You don't like men, is there no man in Suxin Palace?" Lu Li showed a look of doubt, and for some reason, he suddenly felt relieved.

"Yes, according to the records of the strange stories in the Xiuxing Baolu, Suxin Palace is full of women, not even a man, life is really lonely like snow." Wu De said in a strange tone.

"Xiuxing Baolu? Could it be that... you got all this information from the Xiuxing Baolu?"

"Of course, the strange stories above record a lot of interesting things. I suggest you flip through it when you have time to increase your knowledge. Don't just think about cultivation all day, be careful not to become a cultivator idiot."

"What cultivator idiot?"

"Hehe! It's just like you, you have a good cultivation, but you have very little knowledge, just like a nerd..."

"Uh, okay..."


The sky was completely clear. Lu Li chatted with Wu De for a while, then lay down on the bed, and went into the Time Hall to study the Xiuxing Baolu from Wu De.

This book is roughly divided into three parts. The first is the insights into cultivation, which explains some knowledge about cultivation.

The second is the Universal Record of All Things, which records a lot of knowledge about magical medicines, strange objects, spirits, alien races, etc.

The third is the Odd Stories, which records some gossip and oddities that have been circulated in the cultivation world.

The first two articles were easy to understand and Lu Li couldn't put them down after reading them. He felt like he couldn't stop reading. However, Lu Li cared more about the gossip of Suxin Palace mentioned by Wu De.

So, he turned directly to the third article and read it carefully...


The inner gate of Tianjian Pavilion.

There is a vast lake between the mountains deep in the north, which is Changqing Lake.

It was early in the morning, and the morning mist was shrouded in Changqing Lake. In the hazy air, you could vaguely see a man in a green robe walking slowly towards the octagonal pavilion on the white jade corridor bridge in the lake.

There were two old men sitting on the ground, playing chess in the pavilion.

One of them was wearing a gray robe and looked to be in his seventies or eighties. He had a slightly round face and sparse hair. He frowned slightly and was a little hesitant. It took him a long time to make a move.

The other one was wearing a blue-black robe and looked to be in his sixties. He always had a faint smile on his ruddy face, and he looked calm as if he had won the game.

After the middle-aged man in green robe came to the entrance of the pavilion, he stopped and watched from afar.

After a long while, he heard a piece fall, and then he saw the old man in gray robe sighed and said with a wry smile: "Master Wei is a superb chess player. Yue really feels inferior to him!"

"Hahaha, Pavilion Master Yue is too modest! Do you think I can't see that you are deliberately letting him win..." The man in the dark blue robe laughed and shook his head.

"No, no, I am indeed inferior to you! Master Wei, how about I listen to what this useless disciple has to say, and then I can play with you?"

The old man surnamed Yue glanced at the middle-aged man outside the pavilion, and poured a cup of tea for the old man opposite, saying apologetically.

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