Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1137: Turtle Breathing Skill

Lu Li waited for an hour or two, until the street was deserted, and then he found a suitable target.

Two men who had just come out of Wanhua Tower were walking towards him with a slightly drunk look, staggering. They were wearing uniform clothes, and they were guards of the City Lord's Mansion.

Lu Li leaned against the wall at the entrance of the alley, gently supported his hood, and quietly waited for the two to arrive.

"Damn, it's so comfortable, after a set, I feel like I'm floating..." While walking, the tall middle-aged man on the right had weak legs and feet, and shouted with the help of alcohol.

"Hey, Lao Zhang, I don't think you're floating, you're weak, look at me... I don't even stagger when I walk, this is how a man should be, understand..." The man next to him said, and jumped back.

"Bah! Don't pretend, Miss Mudan told me that you couldn't do it before she felt your thing go in..." The strong man said contemptuously.

" you!"

"What do you mean you? Isn't what I said the truth?"



Just as the two were arguing, a light cough suddenly sounded in front of them, and a man wearing a cloak came three feet away from them.

The two were shocked and wanted to say something, but suddenly their minds went blank, and then their legs softened and they fell to the ground.

However, before the two fell to the ground, Lu Li took one in each hand and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


In the deep alley, Lu Li threw the two people to the ground, then formed a soundproof barrier, squatted down and woke up the big guy.

As soon as this person woke up, he couldn't help but want to shout, but when he saw the cloaked man in front of him, he quickly shut up and said timidly: "Senior, what do you want to do..."

"I ask you, you are an outer disciple of Tianjian Pavilion!" Lu Li said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the sturdy man was stunned for a moment, then nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, but... I haven't been back to Tianjian Pavilion for more than ten years."

"Very good! Tell me your real name, I advise you not to lie to me, otherwise... you will be dead next time we meet." Lu Li said coldly.

"I am Wei Jingang, I live in Qingliu Street, Qingshi Lane, my mother is eighty years old, and my mother is..."

"Shut up!"

Before Wei Jingang finished speaking, Lu Li's face turned black and he scolded: "Just tell me your name, why are you talking nonsense!"

"Yes, yes, senior, I don't know where I offended you, you are so generous, please spare my life..." Wei Jingang begged for mercy again and again.

"That depends on whether you know what's good for you! Let me ask you again, what does the City Lord's Mansion buy so many Flowing Cloud Stones for?"

"I know that!"

Wei Jingang seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, and hurriedly said: "Yes, the sect wants it. They said that they need to set up a certain large formation recently, so they urgently need a large amount of Flowing Cloud Stones as the formation base..."

Sure enough.

Lu Li's eyes flickered slightly, "Okay, take out your Tianjian Pavilion disciple token and show it to me. If you are really a Tianjian Pavilion disciple, I will spare your life."

"Okay, okay."

Wei Jingang's expression relaxed, and he quickly took out a silver token from his storage bag and handed it to Lu Li: "Senior, look, this is a genuine outer sect disciple token, guaranteed to be genuine."

Lu Li thought this person was really interesting, and with a move in the air, the token fell into Lu Li's hands.

The front of the token was engraved with a small sword wrapped in clouds, and the back was engraved with two large characters for the outer sect, and three small characters for 'Wei Jingang'. It seems that this person did not lie.

After flipping it over and over, Lu Li handed the token back to Wei Jingang.

Wei Jingang did not doubt it and immediately reached out to take it, but unexpectedly, at this moment, a sudden pressure that made him unable to breathe came down on his head.

Suddenly, Wei Jingang rolled his eyes and fainted again.

Lu Li smiled and took the token back, then flipped his palm, took out a jade bottle, poured out a forget dust pill from it and stuffed it into Wei Jingang's mouth.

Then he did the same thing and got the token of the thin man next to him, and then flew out of the alley with the two of them.

The next day, when the two woke up, they found that they were sleeping at the entrance of an alley. When they looked at the sky, it was already bright, and they couldn't help but curse themselves for drinking too much last night and still feeling dizzy.

Then they supported each other and went to the direction of the city lord's mansion.

On the other side, Lu Li found Wu De early in the morning, told him what happened last night, and then handed the token of the thin man to Wu De: "Take this for emergency use."

"Do you really want to sneak into the Tianjian Pavilion? This is a bit risky, right? There are so many masters in there, and there are also masters of the spirit separation." Wu De frowned.

"It's okay, my hidden breath technique is enough to hide from people of the same realm. Although the Tianjian Pavilion is powerful, there are only more than ten masters of the spirit separation, so it must not be so easy to meet them."

Lu Li decided to go to the Tianjian Pavilion. If nothing else, he would first confirm whether Jianpi is in the Tianjian Pavilion. Once he gets the exact information, it will not be too late to make a move.

"Really?" Wu De was a little confused.

"What do you mean by serious?"

"What is your hidden breath technique? Can it really hide from people of the same realm?"

"Of course, I won't joke about my life. Don't worry, just wait for me outside. If you really need help, you can wait for an opportunity to help." Lu Li affirmed.

However, Wu De still didn't believe it and asked Lu Li to perform it on the spot.

It was not until Lu Li suppressed his cultivation to the seventh level of Qi training, and even he couldn't see anything wrong, that Wu De was relieved and said that Lu Li's hidden breath technique was good.

But then he said that he would go to Tianjian Pavilion with Lu Li.

Lu Li frowned and said, "You'd better not go. Your cultivation is too eye-catching."

Wu De laughed and said, "It's not a small matter. Look at me."

As he said that, Wu De formed a spell and pointed it at his forehead. A brown rune flashed and disappeared. Then, the breath dropped sharply in an instant, and in the blink of an eye he reached the Qi training level.

Lu Li carefully sensed it several times, but did not find any problem. He was shocked: "What kind of method is this? You can also perfectly restrain your breath!"

"Hehe, are you envious? Let me tell you, this is my unique method, 'Turtle Breathing Divine Art'. In this world, only I can do it so perfectly." Wu De said proudly.

"Turtle Breathing Divine Art?! Could it be... you are really a big turtle!" Lu Li said with wide eyes.

"Puh, phuh, phuh! You are the big turtle, your whole family is a big turtle... I tell you, I am..." Wu De was furious and wanted to show off, but he suddenly stopped talking halfway.

"What is it?"

"Your ancestors!"

Lu Li:......

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