Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1072 The Troublemaker Old Man

Lu Li glanced at the 100th stone step with some fear, then looked at the 103th step, becoming a little hesitant.

Although everything just now was fake, the pain that penetrated into the bone marrow was extremely real, making him not want to experience it again.

But there's still a long way to go, and Lu Li doesn't intend to stop there.

So, after hesitating for a moment, Lu Li raised his feet with difficulty and stepped on the stone steps to the upper level.

Lu Li thought that he would experience the same pain as before, but to his surprise, there was nothing going on on this level.

Moreover, not only this level, but also the dozen or so levels that followed were still extremely peaceful. Apart from the difficulty of climbing, nothing else happened.

It wasn't until he stepped onto the 200th floor that he faced the second wave of tests.

It was a space full of wind blades. A man who looked exactly like him stood in the group of wind blades and sarcastically said: "You can live if you retreat! If you go further, you will die!"

Lu Li did not flinch, and decisively stepped into the wind blade group, enjoying the feeling of being cut to pieces by a thousand knives, and then walked out safely.

By this time, Lu Li finally understood that the test here was actually not difficult, as long as you could bear the fear of pain in your heart.

Because, all of this is fake, and no matter how painful it is, it is only temporary. As long as you persist in the past, you can exit unscathed.

Moreover, he guessed that there would not be too many such tests, and they should only occur once every one hundred steps.

The facts were not what Lu Li expected.

Sure enough, it was not until the 300th step that Lu Li fell into the illusion again.

The test was still physical torture. The same young man in black who looked exactly like him tied Lu Li to a pillar and used a dagger to peel off his skin bit by bit. Then he sprinkled it with sugar and released dense ants, tearing it apart. bite him...

That kind of feeling is so overwhelming that if it were an ordinary person, he would rather choose to die.

But when the young man in white asked Lu Li if he was willing to give up, Lu Li gritted his teeth, stared straight at the young man and said, "My heart! It's as solid as a rock!"

After being tortured for half an hour, Lu Li was finally released from the 300th floor.

He felt like his whole body was about to collapse. Although there were no visible injuries on the surface, his body was in great pain, forcing him to stop and rest before continuing.

Next, the 400th, 500th, 600th, 700th, and 800th time were all tortures on the body, and they became more and more cruel, and the sequelae after each time came out became more and more serious.

Lu Li felt like he couldn't move any further, so he could only use his hands and feet to climb up step by step.

The hard and cold stone steps seemed to suddenly become sharp. His robe was scratched, and his body was also cut during the collision, and blood dripped on the stone steps.

He has now reached the 850th floor, and can faintly see the end of the stone steps.

But the scene behind him also looked more and more dangerous. The slope of the stone steps was very steep. If he fell, he might die without any body parts.

Lu Li didn't dare to look back, so he could only keep climbing up.

Finally, Lu Li reached the 900th floor!

Lu Li thought he would be tortured here, but unexpectedly, he saw a different scene. There was a huge bathing pool in the purple mist, with fairy mist misty and a beautiful woman smiling coquettishly.

Several familiar figures were playing in the pool, and their impressive curves almost made Lu Li spit out blood.

"Husband, what are you doing standing still? Come down and join us..."

Weiyue jumped up from the pool with a smile, twisted her perfect body, and walked towards Lu Li...

"Sin, sin!"

Lu Li was speechless by this illusion. He thought to himself, I have never thought this way in my heart. How could this bitch create such an outrageous illusion? Isn't this ruining my reputation?

After murmuring something, Lu Li pretended not to notice and prepared to avoid the bath.

"Master, are you going to abandon Ling'er again..."

"Brother, do you dislike my sister..."

Unexpectedly, just as he started to move, two more beautiful figures flew out of the pool with a splash, and stopped in front of Lu Li with a look of resentment on their faces...

"It's too much!"

Lu Li was really angry now, so Weiyue was fine. He had already regarded Weiyue as his significant other, but bringing Ling'er and Laojie in was hard for him to accept.

I don't know if he felt the anger in Lu Li's heart, but the scene in front of him suddenly burst like bubbles.

Returning to the stone steps again, Lu Li glanced above his head with a gloomy expression, and then continued to climb up in silence.

At this time, he has arrived at the 901st floor, with only the 99th floor left in front of him, and hope is right in front of him.

The road ahead is still difficult.

Lu Li even felt the smell of the gravity confinement formation, which made it even more difficult for him to climb even though he had already lost his true energy.

Nine hundred one, nine hundred two, nine hundred three... nine hundred five!

Suddenly, Lu Li stopped on the 950th floor.

This time, it was not that he encountered an illusion, but that he discovered that on the 960th floor in front of him, a white-haired old man with an immortal spirit suddenly appeared.

There is a large round stone on the stone steps next to the white-haired old man.

"Boy, the opportunity is right in front of you, I'm sorry!" The old man smiled sinisterly at Lu Li, put his skinny paws on the boulder, and began to shake it vigorously.

If such a big stone hit Lu Li, he would be knocked off the cliff.

This made Lu Li scream, "Daoyou, what can we talk about!"

"Talk? Hehe, there is no talk, you better die!" The old man was not moved at all, and with a sudden force, the boulder suddenly rumbled and pressed down towards Lu Li.

Lu Li was terrified, and at the critical moment, he suddenly rolled over and hid in the deepest part of the stone steps.


The boulder rolled down and flew directly over Lu Li's head. Seeing this, Lu Li couldn't help but secretly feel lucky that the stone steps were relatively high, otherwise it would be dangerous.

"Boy, you are lucky. You can escape thirty, but you can't escape the first! There are several big guys on the top, all kinds of them, I want to see how long you can hide!"

Seeing that Lu Li actually dodged, the white-haired old man couldn't help but smile sinisterly, and immediately climbed to the next level, his movements were also slow and laborious, and he didn't look much better than Lu Li.

Seeing this, Lu Li was shocked and angry. After a slight hesitation, he hurriedly chased after the old man.

The white-haired old man was nine steps away from the next boulder, and the distance between him and the old man was also nine steps. He only needed to stop him before he reached the boulder, and that would be enough...

Eight steps, seven steps, five steps, three steps... two steps!

In order to successfully pass the test, Lu Li also tried his best. He didn't know where he got the strength from, but in just a moment, he shortened the distance between the two to two steps.

At this time, the white-haired old man was still five steps away from the boulder above.

What was even more surprising was that the old man looked like he was dying at this time, as if he had been drained of his strength. Seeing Lu Li catching up, he showed a horrified expression...

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