Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1061 Three Attacks

"Forget it, this person and the guy in white are sitting so close. They might be together. It's better not to provoke them."

"Yes, if you increase the price by three million, he might be a genius from a big family or even a hidden family. You can't afford to offend such a person."

"If you don't add it, then I won't add it either..."

"You would like to add more, but do you have the spirit stone?"

"That's too much! Hit someone without hitting someone in the face..."


Seeing everyone whispering to each other, but no one spoke up, Lu Li was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that this guy really had two brushes.

Apart from anything else, he has a very good grasp of the human heart.

Of course, a large part of the reason is that this price is almost the same as the previous rounds of transaction prices. There are still forty groups later, so there is no need for everyone to compete with Lu Feiyu.

Under such circumstances, Lu Feiyu also easily won a set of magic pills.

However, during the delivery, Lu Li clearly saw that Lu Feiyu's face was very painful. He stared at the storage bag over and over again, and then reluctantly handed the storage bag to the waiter.

"There's no need for this, are you short of these spiritual stones?" Lu Li asked strangely after the waiter left.

"Hey! To be honest, that is almost all my belongings, and now I can't even get a hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones out of me." Lu Feiyu sighed.

"So poor?"

"Yes, I earned this after accumulating hundreds of years in advance."

"You are not Jiu..."

"Brother Lu, please don't mention this again. I really don't want to mention that place again." Before Lu Li could finish speaking, Lu Feiyu shook his head and interrupted Lu Li, looking a little lonely.

"I made a mistake."

Seeing this, Lu Li couldn't help but apologize a little.

While the two were chatting, the auction continued for three more rounds, reaching the fourteenth round.

The bid at this time was five million high-grade spiritual stones, and there were five other competitors, but the price increases were very conservative. Every time they were raised by hundreds of thousands, it would depend on who could not hold on first.

Just as the competition between several people was getting heated, Lu Li suddenly turned his eyes and saw Shen Haonan standing up calmly across from him, then walked to the passage behind the crowd and walked slowly towards the door.

Not long after Shen Haonan left, the old man Mo Yunda, who had borrowed Shen Haonan's spirit stone before, also followed him out of the passage behind.

Lu Li frowned, then raised his hand: "Seven million!"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole room was shocked again!

"Hasn't this guy already taken a group of them? Why did he interfere? Moreover, he still asked for such a high price."

"Yes. Could it be that you are here to help the family purchase goods?"

"I think it's possible..."


Lu Li directly asked for seven million, which had reached the highest price in the following rounds. Although everyone was a little dissatisfied with Lu Li's behavior, there was nothing they could do. They really couldn't afford that many spiritual stones.

Shu Heng was slightly surprised to see Lu Li take action again, but there was no rule in the auction house not to allow one person to bid more than once, so he naturally wouldn't say anything more. What's more, Lu Li's bid was still so high.

No surprise, Lu Li won another set for seven million.

"Brother Lu, why did you buy so many? Are you worried that one set is not enough?" Lu Feiyu asked confused.

"That's not true."

Lu Li put away the brocade box and said, "I bought this for a friend. He doesn't have the Medicine King's Order..."

"So that's it."

Hearing what Lu Li said, Lu Feiyu could immediately understand.

From then on, until the twentieth round, Lu Li did not make another move.

However, in the twenty-first round, Lu Li shouted out a high price of '7.5 million', which shocked everyone and at the same time, they became very afraid of Lu Li.

This is not as simple as ordinary people. The three rounds of shots totaled a total of 20 million high-grade spiritual stones. Even large sects with some old monsters in charge of gods had to weigh this.

In fact, Lu Li didn't want to do this, but he was really worried. After all, his physique was too special. If he found out that the elixir was not enough when he was halfway through transforming into a god, it would be troublesome.

Therefore, he decided to prepare an extra set.

After all, if the spiritual stone is gone, you can still make money again, but if the person is dead, it will be too late to regret it.

"Senior, Elder Shu said that he would like to chat with you after the auction later. Is it convenient for you?" During the delivery, the waiter suddenly came to Lu Li's ear and whispered in his ear.

Lu Li was stunned for a moment, hesitated slightly and nodded: "Convenient."

"Okay, then I will report back to the elder."

The waiter bowed his hands and walked back towards the auction table. When handing back the spirit stone, he whispered to Shu Heng and stood back to his original position.

Lu Li originally planned to leave as soon as he got the three sets of elixirs, but the sudden change made him change his mind and he just lay down on the soft chair, closed his eyes and rested.

Lu Feiyu naturally heard what the waiter said, and couldn't help but feel a little envious in his heart.

As time went by, the subsequent bidding became more intense, and more and more people joined the bidding. Within a few moments of each round, the price could go up to five million.

But after reaching this price, it suddenly became deserted, forming two extremes.

That is to say, it is very popular at the beginning, but as the price rises, the popularity will suddenly decrease.

This is the inevitable result of insufficient spiritual stones.

At this time, some people began to make changes and borrow spiritual stones from everywhere, or under some conditions, two or even three or five people bid for a pill together.

In this way, the price quickly soared back to six million.

After about two hours of fierce competition, the auction finally came to an end and came to the last round.

The competition in this round was even more fierce.

Five or six teams fought hard, and finally they were condensed into two teams. Finally, a six-person team won the last set of Huashen Pills at a high price of nine million.

As for how these six people will be distributed in the end, whether there will be casualties, it is unknown.

As the last set of Huashen Pills were sold, Shu Heng also breathed a sigh of relief, and announced with a smile that the auction was over, and everyone began to leave in an orderly manner.

There is no doubt that Lu Li has become the focus of many people, and when they left, they all gave him a caring look.

Lu Li smiled bitterly, but there was nothing he could do. Isn't cultivation like this? Walking on the edge of a knife, asking for the truth among schemes and intrigues.

However, he didn't worry too much. As long as the old monster didn't take action, the problem wouldn't be too big.

Lu Feiyu had heard the servant's words before, and knew that Lu Li had something else to do. He stood up and said, "See you again if we're lucky!" and followed the large group to leave the venue.

Shu Heng sent the servants back to the underground passage, and then walked towards Lu Li...

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