Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 104 Red Three-Headed Snake

"Hey, you woke up now?"

Wu De was slightly surprised, and hurriedly stopped. He loosened his hand and threw Lu Li down.

Lu Li didn't have time to react, and fell to the ground with a plop. He stood up and glared at Wu De, "You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

"What do you mean on purpose? You are so heavy that my hands are numb."

Wu De sat down on the ground with a frown, "It's strange to say, how could the Soul-Capture Bell be in the hands of a little girl who is practicing Qi level 6."

"What Soul-Capture Bell?" Lu Li sat down next to Wu De.

"The bell that the little girl just shook, I tell you, it's a treasure, even the Yuanying Great Power had to retreat when seeing it..."

"So powerful?" Lu Li was shocked, and then stared at Wu De suspiciously, "How do you know?"

"It's none of your business." Wu De glanced at Lu Li lightly and didn't give him any explanation.

Lu Li immediately felt that this old man was not simple. Apart from other things, this knowledge was not something that ordinary people could have. However, seeing that the other party did not want to explain, he was too lazy to ask about the reason.

The two rested for a while, Wu De stood up and patted his butt and said, "Let's go, it's time to set off. That girl is not simple, don't run into her again."

Lu Li thought about it and quickly followed.

The two walked eastward. At the beginning, there were still many mountains and jungles, but the further east they went, the more desolate it became. Gradually, the jungle began to disappear, and there were only some small hills occasionally.

After walking for several days.

Even the small hills could not be seen. At a glance, it was all gray. In the dozens of miles, there were only a few towering ancient trees standing alone in the middle.

Lu Li asked, "Is this the Great Marsh?"

Wu De stared ahead and nodded in answer, "This is the edge of the Great Marsh. Go in and you will find the real Great Marsh."

"Where is the Tranquility Flower?"

"We should be there in another five or six days, but I haven't been to the Great Marsh for a long time, so I'm not sure if there are any Tranquility Flowers there."

As he spoke, he stepped lightly and landed on a piece of green grass ten feet away. He turned around and shouted to Lu Li, "Follow me. Don't think it's peaceful here. There might be a big guy under your feet."

Lu Li knew that the big guy he was talking about was the monster hidden under the soft soil. Hearing this, he didn't dare to be careless. He moved slightly and landed behind Wu De as if nothing was there.

Wu De looked at Lu Li with appreciation and continued to move forward.

At the same time, he became more and more eager for Lu Li's body skills. He thought that this kid was soft and not hard. It seemed that I couldn't cheat him too much, otherwise it would be difficult for him to willingly hand over his body skills.

Lu Li naturally didn't know that Wu De was still thinking about his body movement. If he knew what Wu De was thinking, he would definitely praise the old man for being smart. Indeed, although Lu Li was merciless to his enemies, he was really merciful to his own people.

Just like with Chen Zhong, he gave him everything he didn't need without hesitation.

Two days later.

The two came to a lavender mist that was difficult to see the edge. Wu De said with a slightly solemn expression, "This is what I call miasma. It's okay to inhale one or two of this thing, but if you inhale too much, it will cause indelible effects on the body."

He took out a jade bottle, poured out a green pill from it and ate it, "Let's go, some monsters like to stay under this mist, you have to cheer up for a while."

Lu Li nodded, ate a poison-proof pill, and then followed carefully.

After entering the mist, Wu De's speed slowed down a lot. Every time he fell, he would release his spiritual sense to sense it, and he would continue to move forward after confirming that it was safe.

In this way, it was fine at the beginning, but as time went by, it became a bit too much, so Lu Li was allowed to walk in front.

Lu Li also learned a lot along the way, and understood that he could land on any place with green grass. Although the ground was still soft, he would not sink in anyway.

And those places without life could not be stepped on at all, as one step would definitely sink deep into them.

In this way, he walked safely for another half a day. What made Lu Li frown was that he had not walked out of the fog after walking for so long. He turned around and asked, "Is this all foggy behind?"

Wu De shook his head, "According to my experience, it should take another half a day to get out of the foggy area, and the ground outside is no longer soft, but the road will be more dangerous from now on, so you have to be very careful."

More dangerous?

Lu Li thought that he had heard you talk about danger all the way, and his ears were calloused, but he didn't see where the danger was. He shook his head and jumped and landed twenty feet away again.

At the moment of landing, Lu Li's hair stood on end and he exclaimed, "So many strange snakes!"

He used his spiritual sense to explore and saw a group of strange snakes crawling on the grass thirty feet away. Although these strange snakes were only as thick as an adult's arm, they were more than two feet long. The red skin was covered with black spots, and they were extremely poisonous.

What was even more shocking was that all these snakes had three heads, which was extremely strange.

"Red Snake Three Heads!" Wu De also landed. After exploring with his spiritual sense, his face suddenly became ugly. "This is troublesome. This thing is very difficult to deal with, and it carries a strong poison. Even if you are a twelfth-level Qi training, you can't last for an hour if you are bitten."

"The anti-poison pill is useless?" Lu Li asked with a frown.

"It's useless. The anti-poison pill can only prevent miasma, not venom."

After Wu De finished speaking, both of them fell into a dilemma.

There is only one patch of grass in front of us where we can stand, and the rest is muddy. There may be more powerful guys hiding under the mud. If we step in hastily, it will be even more troublesome.

In other words, the place where the group of red snakes stay is the only way for them to move forward.

"Go ahead, we have come this far, it would be a pity to give up like this!" After a moment of silence, Lu Li spoke first.

"Well, let's fight." Wu De squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, and said solemnly, "Boy, let me tell you first, this swamp is full of dangers, it is not a place to joke, you kid, don't do things that betray your teammates, otherwise... I will never forgive you in my life."

Lu Li's eyes flashed with surprise, nodded and said, "Don't worry, although I don't like you very much, but at least you saved me once before, I promise not to betray you this time."

"You have a conscience." Hearing Lu Li mention the previous things, Wu De nodded secretly, thinking that this kid's heart is not bad at all.

The two discussed again and decided to use the method of fighting and retreating to cross the grassland. After making the decision, Lu Li stopped talking nonsense. With a sway of his body, he landed on the grassland with a whoosh, accompanied by a gust of wind.


The moment he landed, the surrounding three-headed red snakes suddenly seemed to have seen delicacies from the mountains and the sea, and excitedly raised their heads to rush towards Lu Li.

The three-headed snakes in the distance also moved one after another, with three heads raised five feet high, spitting out their tongues and attacking Lu Li.

At this time, Wu De had also landed. Seeing this, his face suddenly changed, and he stretched out his hand and threw several fire bombs around, urging with the sound of explosions, "Don't fight, go!"

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