Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 750 The Well-Known Spider-Man

Peter carefully came to the southwest window and kicked it a few times but couldn't open it.

"Why doesn't it break?"

"This is a 10-centimeter-thick bulletproof glass. You have to create more kinetic energy." Karen said.

"Hey! Can I try the shotgun of the Grim Reaper? It looks cool, but it's not very comfortable to hold."


Peter shot with the shotgun, and the bulletproof glass actually had several large cracks.

"Wow! This gun deserves to be called Hellfire."

Peter fired again, and the coarse cracks gradually differentiated into fine cracks. Then he fired again, and the glass showed signs of shattering. At this time, he shot a spider silk upwards, kicked his feet on the wall, and with this swinging force, kicked his feet hard at the glass.

The moment he rushed in, the elevator fell, and Peter hurriedly shot out spider silk to stick to the elevator falling at high speed, and his feet pressed against the baffles on both sides.

But not long after, the baffles could not hold up, and Peter fell with it. Fortunately, the elevator was stuck, but when Peter's body fell into the elevator, the sudden increase in weight caused the elevator to break through the stuck iron rod and continue to fall.

Peter shot a spider silk upwards, stuck it, and then leaned back with his feet against the ceiling of the elevator, and managed to stabilize the elevator.

"How are you? Don't worry, I'm here." At this time, Peter didn't forget to tease everyone.

"Great! Great!"

Ned waved his fist excitedly, making the elevator shake.

"Hey, don't move the big guy!"

"Sorry, sir, I'm so sorry." Ned knew he was Peter, but pretended not to know him.

Peter tried to pull up and raise the elevator to the same floor so that the rescuers outside could help the people in the elevator leave.

The elevator against his feet could not support it, and Peter shouted: "Go, get out! Hurry up!"

But just as Liz was walking out, the elevator suddenly fell. Peter quickly shot out a spider web to catch Liz and pulled her up.

This incident was soon shown on TV, and Peter immediately went from being a good neighbor to a well-known hero. He also became an idol for students at Midtown High School, and even the teachers admired him.

That day, Peter came to school as usual, and Ned stopped him, "Man, how does it feel to be so famous but no one knows it's you?"

"That's crazy, man."

"It's really crazy."

"Should we tell everyone?"

Peter waved his hand quickly, "No, man, that's not good."

"Okay, let's go, we'll be late for class."

"I'm not going to class."

Ned advised: "You left us during the competition and you've already caused a big disaster."

"Man, listen, I have something else to do. I'll find clues about the birdman who threw me into the river soon, and I'll be able to bring him to justice soon. I'm here to tell you that Death is still waiting for me outside."

"But we still have a Spanish test."

"Ned, I may never come back, and it will be a great achievement when I catch him, and Mr. Stark can recruit me into the Avengers. Think about it, how cool it is!"

After experiencing this thrilling and exciting rescue incident at the Washington Monument, Peter became inflated, so inflated that he thought he could stand on his own.

"Do you want to drop out of high school?" Ned couldn't believe that his bold idea was true.

"High school can't protect me now."

"Parker, go to my office." At this time, their class teacher appeared, and Peter immediately became timid, and then was detained.

After it was finally over, Peter hurried out of the school. Seeing that the Grim Reaper was still waiting for him, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Why are you willing to wait for me this time?"

"I don't want to deal with children." The Grim Reaper really didn't want to get angry with a child, which made him look too petty.

"I'm not a child. Have you seen those news? I'm Spider-Man! Spider-Man!" Peter was really arrogant, "But I really have to thank you for lending me your shotgun. It's very powerful, but it's not very comfortable to hold."

"Grown up? So you are a child." The Grim Reaper mocked.

Peter pouted, "Let's go, we're only one step away from becoming an Avenger."

They set off immediately, and when they saw the target walking out of his house, Spider-Man let the detective spider on his chest fly out and followed the target closely, while he followed far behind. This kind of thing must be done in a place where no one is around, it's not good to be too conspicuous.

"Do you want my help?" Death asked.

"No, just wait for news here, you're scary when you show up."

"How do you know I'm scary when I show up?"

"No, I mean you're scary when you're standing on the street."


"Do you need to turn on the super interrogation mode?" Karen asked.

"Okay." It felt cool, and Peter didn't even think about it.

Peter followed the flying detective spider to the underground parking lot. As soon as the target Davis opened the trunk, a spider web flew over and stuck his hand to the trunk lid.

"Remember me? I need information, you have to give it to me right away." Peter walked towards him.

He may not realize that his voice is very strange at this moment, and he always feels like the wild voice of the villain in the movie.

"Okay, calm down." Davis was a little panicked.

"Hurry up and tell me!"

"What's wrong with your voice?"

"What's wrong?"

"I heard you talking under the bridge, and I could tell it was a girl's voice."

"I'm not a woman, I'm a boy. Oh no...man, I'm a man!" Peter acted like a child at this time.

Davis breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it, and actually loaded things into the trunk, "I don't care if you are a man or a woman."

"I'm not a woman, I'm a man. Get out of here, who is selling weapons? I need to know, tell me your name, otherwise I'm not welcome." Peter learned to threaten others.

After Davis finished loading his things, he suddenly closed the trunk lid, and there was a "bang" sound, which scared Peter and took a few steps back.

"You've never done this, have you?" He smiled.

"Turn off interrogation mode." Peter said to Karen, and his voice returned to normal. "Listen, man, these people are selling very dangerous weapons. We can't let them flow into the streets. If there is someone who can cut open Dalmore's shop, Weapons..."

"Do you still know Dalmo's store?"

“Best sandwich in Queens, for sure.”

“Sandwich Harbor is pretty good too.”

"The bread is too thick."

"I just love bread."

"Please, man."

"That night, you told them, 'Come on me if you want to shoot me,' which was pretty cool. I don't want that kind of weapon coming into this area. I have a nephew who lives here," Davis said.

"Can you tell me about the birdman?"

"All I know is that he is a lunatic who turned into a demon. I don't know who he is or where he is. But I know where he will go."


"Yes, there was a madman I worked with before, and he wanted to make a deal with that person."

"Great, thanks!" Peter turned around and ran away excitedly.

"I haven't told you where it is yet, you don't even know the location." Davis really felt that calling him Spider Boy was more appropriate, it was too immature.

"Yeah, sorry, my bad, so stupid." Peter turned back, "Where is it?"

"Staten Island Ferry, 11 o'clock."

"That's quick, that one will dissolve in two hours." Peter pointed to the spider web clinging to his hand.

"No, come here and untie me."

"Two hours, you deserved it. Goodbye, Mr. Criminal!"

"Actually, the address I just told you is wrong. Unlock it and I'll tell you again," Davis said.

"Stop playing tricks on me!"

Peter didn't believe it. He would never fall into the trap again.

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