Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 650 Enlightenment

Ronin flew across the street and returned to the empty alley, meeting Peter. However, he unexpectedly grew larger and scared Peter.

After seeing that it was Ronin, Peter breathed a sigh of relief, "Mr. Huronin, you finally got out."

"How is he? Where is he?"

Ronin made a throat-splitting gesture.

"Shouldn't he be handed over to the police station if he's dead?" Peter asked.

"Well, under normal procedures, he should be handed over to the police station and let the law judge him."

Since Peter is still a student, Ronin wants to instill correct values ​​in him, and then explain himself, "You know, he is a killer, not a pig or sheep that can be slaughtered at will. It is inevitable to fight with him. The battle is fierce, and he was accidentally killed."

"I accidentally killed him, okay, it's already like this, when the waiter finds out, he will definitely call the police, and the police will investigate you through clues. Have you thought about what to say?"

Seeing that Peter was worried about him, Ronin felt that this child was still naive and had not gotten rid of his student mentality. It seems that Tony made the right choice not to let him join the Avengers too early. When he realizes the cruelty of this world, he will change his mind appropriately.

Besides, it is impossible for him to be investigated. The hotel has no record of his visit, and no personal information such as fingerprints was left at the scene. Only a pair of shoe prints was left. Roning did not believe that the police could compare the soles of the people one by one.

Roning took off his yellow shirt, used the shrinking dart to shrink it, put it in a pocket glass tube, and hung it on the keychain.

"It's so convenient. When you don't use it, hang it on the key ring, and when you use it, it becomes a battle suit. This technology is so cool." Peter said.

"Pym particles, Dr. Pym's hard work, if I don't have a few of these darts that can enlarge and shrink, I will give you some." Roning said.

Scientific and technological productivity is very important. Mastering a science and technology that no one else has can really make you a father. Even if he is as prominent as he is, if he wants more of this kind of dart, he must go to Dr. Pym in person, say something good or make a deal, and Pym may give it to him.

"Can I invite you to my house for a meal?" Peter suddenly said.

"Of course."

Not to mention that he had a mental and physical game with the killer in the hotel, which consumed a lot of energy. Even if it was not for a meal, it would be good to know where Spider-Man lives.

After listening, Peter immediately called May Parker, "Aunt, we will be back soon. Prepare some delicious food. A distinguished guest is coming."

"Is the distinguished guest Mr. Stark?"

The first person May thought of was Stark, because he was the only distinguished guest who visited her family, and the others were ordinary people like her.

"No, no, no, you will know when you come. Just cook some of your specialties. We will be there soon."

After the call, Peter shot out spider silk and flew upstairs. When he got to the roof, he realized that Ronin could not float on spider silk like him, nor could he fly around like Iron Man, so he had to go back to where he was.

"Call a taxi."

Ronin really didn't want to waste another dart to make the yellow shirt bigger.

"You didn't drive?"


"Okay, I just wear it like this." Peter lowered his head and pulled at his battle suit.

"What's the big deal? You've been famous on YouTube for a long time. Many people in Queens should know you. If you want to be an Avenger, you have to have a strong mind and don't care what others think of you. If you care too much, you will only feel bad for yourself and it won't have any impact on others."

"How do you know I want to be an Avenger? Do you have some ability to see through other people's minds?"

Ronin didn't know how to respond, so he just followed his words, "It has a very serious name, called psychology."

"Oh, right, psychology. Psychologists can always use a complete set of theories to figure out the other person's psychology through the subtle changes in the other person's expression or different tones, and they are always very accurate."

Peter suddenly realized that the man in front of him was becoming more and more attractive. He even studied psychology, and it seemed that his level was not low.

"Okay, let's go."

Ronin persuaded him to overcome his psychological barriers, and then stopped a taxi and went to his home. Another reason for interrupting him was that if he continued to chat with Peter, the meal prepared by Peter's aunt might get cold.

Ronin was right. Even the taxi driver recognized Peter. "You are the little spider who is very popular on YouTube recently, the one that spins silk."

Peter was very happy at first. He had been punishing evil and promoting good for so long, and finally he had some fame. But what the hell is a little spider? Why do people remember Spider-Man as Little Spider?

"It's Spider-Man, not Little Spider." Peter emphasized.

Nicknames can't be sloppy. Spider-Man sounds so domineering, and Little Spider sounds like a child who has not yet grown out of his childishness. Just think about it, what kind of style is it to call Iron Man Little Iron? Mr. Stark might vomit blood after hearing this.

"Little Spider is cuter. Hey, isn't this Mr. Ronin?"

The driver was so happy that he turned around and chatted with them, which made Ronin and Peter scared. Just chat, why turn around? You are not the only car on the road, don't drive on the curb.

When they arrived at Peter's house, Ronin went in with Peter and also scared his Aunt May. With Stark in front and Ronin behind, who was blessing their family recently?

They were so enthusiastic that Ronin felt embarrassed. He enjoyed a sumptuous dinner. Although they were all home-cooked meals, Mei's cooking skills were very good. The simple hot dogs were made into different flavors.

After dinner, Ronin chatted with Peter for a while. Peter's desire to join the Avengers was very strong, and Ronin felt it through those few words.

The reason why he worked so hard, helped his neighbors, and punished evil and promoted good everywhere was to prove to Mr. Stark that he was not just a student, but also a warrior who could maintain peace in a region like the Avengers.

"Slow down, don't rush, one day you will get what you want. Tony actually thinks more than you do. He doesn't let you join the league too early for your future. During the period when the league split, you have proved your strength to the Avengers. But now, you are still young and should focus on completing your studies. Don't forget that Stark is an IT top student, and he will not accept a child who can't graduate from high school."

Ronin did his best to enlighten him.

"Thank you, I understand."

After hearing this, Peter suddenly realized something and stopped being so obsessed with this matter.

After a few more words, Roning said goodbye. On the surface, he said that he had important things to deal with tomorrow, but in fact, he couldn't wait to become the cool and beautiful Black Lily girl.

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