Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 644: One shot, one kill!

The search for Emily lasted for two months, but there was no news at all. The agents involved in the search mission all assumed that Emily was dead.

Commander Morrison could not accept this statement, but the recent Talon operations have become more rampant, and he had to use his manpower on a series of operations against Talon.

In response to Talon, he divided the agents into three departments, one of which was mainly responsible for secret investigations. He appointed Tracer, who performed well in Operation King, as the vanguard agent to lead a team of agents to investigate Talon's recent action plans and goals.

Tracer conscientiously completed the tasks assigned to her by her superiors, relying on the existing intelligence and clues of Talon's operations to obtain useful clues, step by step, carefully and cautiously.

When she figured out Talon's next move, she would report the intelligence to Commander Morrison. However, several times, their actions were discovered by Talon agents, so that Talon temporarily changed its plan, and all the clues that had been found with great difficulty before became useless information.

After going back and forth several times, Tracer discovered that there was a killer with particularly keen perception in the Black Claw, so she could find their traces again and again.

She fought with him several times and found that the killer was actually a woman. Her skin color was very strange, which was the kind of light purple blue. Apart from this, her appearance and figure were both top-notch. The most noteworthy thing is her amazing shooting skills and rich assassination experience. Even she, who has a time accelerator, was almost hit by a bullet. You can imagine how terrifying this killer's strength is.

Later, it was learned that this Black Claw agent was called "Black Lily" and was often assigned by Black Claw to complete some assassination missions. Any task that seems difficult to ordinary people is easy to complete in the eyes of Black Lily.

Black Lily acts with principles. After killing the target of the mission, she will evacuate quickly. She will not easily kill other people who hinder her, but will only knock them out or knock them out. Of course, those who don't know how to find death are another matter.

The audience is looking forward to the direct confrontation between Black Lily and Tracer. Although there have been several previous confrontations, they were all mutual tests. Looking at the development of the plot, Black Lily and Tracer will definitely have a battle, and both hope that Tracer can bring Black Lily back.

Tracer does not know Emily who has become "Black Lily", but someone in Overwatch knows her. As long as she is brought back, Angel will definitely do her best to treat her and help her recover her previous memories.

Black Widow can always see her own shadow in Black Lily. Once upon a time, she was the same, obeying the orders of her superiors to do some assassination missions.

The only difference is that her shooting skills are not as good as Black Lily. She often uses the beauty trick to disintegrate the target's defenses before launching a fatal attack. Black Lily always has a clean shot, and her bullets never miss. As long as she shoots, she will definitely shoot and kill the target.

One shot, one

That day, Tracer went out alone and found some clues. When she was walking back, she found that people were shouting something loudly, and she also came over.

"Lead us to the light, Mondatta"

"We love you"


The crowd was shouting a name, Mondatta.

Tracer had heard of this name. Mondatta was the spiritual leader of the intelligent machines. It was he who helped humans eliminate their prejudice against intelligent machines, allowing humans and intelligent machines to live in peace and create a harmonious and beautiful society.

Seeing this, the audience remembered Zenyatta's easter egg. It was in this scene that Mondatta gave a speech, and Black Lily would definitely appear. This time, her assassination target must be Mondatta.

With the appearance of Mondatta, the emotions of the crowd were also mobilized. It is self-evident what kind of plot would happen when Tracer and Black Lily appeared in the same place.

Mengdatta, wearing a gray cassock, stood in front of the microphone and began to speak, "Humans and machines are all one in front of the intelligent pupil."

The audience burst into warm cheers.

"In you, I see the future. Because of common kindness, hope and dreams, humans and intelligent machines are united."

Tracer suddenly realized that something was wrong and squeezed out of the crowd.

At the same time, a person appeared on the roof.

She wore a lavender tight combat suit, mechanical leggings and hand guards, and an infrared detection helmet with a funnel-shaped red pattern like a black widow spider. Her long hair was tied together and naturally fell down to her willow-like waist. Her blue-purple skin added a bit of mystery in the night.

After observing the terrain, she launched a grappling hook and locked the stone pillar next to the security guard, which immediately scared the security guard.

Black Lily rushed over quickly, punched him in the face, then wrapped a steel cable around his neck, threw him to the ground with an over-the-shoulder throw, and finally knocked him out with the butt of the gun. The whole process was completed in two or three seconds, without a trace of dragging. The security guard didn't even have half a second to react, and fainted before he could raise his gun.

If this set of operations shocked the audience, then the next scene would let the audience know what a top killer is. If there are people in the audience who are engaged in the industry of assassins, they will definitely feel deeply how incompetent they are, and their self-confidence will be completely destroyed. They may even quit and dare not call themselves professional assassins.

Black Lily walked to the edge of the building, lifted her slender left calf, wrapped it around the steel cable several times, and walked directly down.

After falling at high speed and reaching the sniper point, she controlled the steel cable to stop extending.

At this time, Black Lily was suspended in the air with her head down, holding a sniper rifle in her hand, and the grappling hook at the other end of the steel cable was tightly clasped on the stone pillar.

It is said that Black Lily's perfect figure is like a devil, and in the eyes of some people she is just a vase, but at this time, the advantages of good figure and thin body are reflected. Imagine if she was a fat woman weighing more than 200 pounds, I am afraid that from the moment she fell from the building, it would be a different ending.

"Wow, so handsome"

"Now I have decided that Black Lily is my husband."

Not to mention female audiences, even male audiences think that Black Lily's move is so cool, it is even more exciting than playing games.

Next, the screen shows the picture of Black Lily's sniper rifle scope, which is very immersive, as if you are Black Lily at this moment, carrying out an assassination mission.

This position is very cleverly chosen, just through the glass of another building, directly to Mondatta standing on the podium.

It can be seen that Black Lily had conducted field investigations before. If she judged by intuition, it would be too terrifying.

Just as she held her breath and aimed, she suddenly heard a movement from the side. She tilted her head and looked. A flash suddenly appeared. When she looked closely, it was Tracer.

After the two exchanged a few shots, Black Lily kicked the wall, pulled up the steel cable and swung inside, breaking the glass into the room, and then retracted the grappling hook.

Tracer followed closely and smiled, "Are you here to make trouble again, dear?"

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