Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 640 Black Lily Trailer

The final stage of the new film was handled perfectly under Roning's personal supervision, and the easter eggs were well integrated. When he saw the first version of the trailer, his heart beat faster, just because the protagonist of this movie is very different from the protagonist of the previous movie, and the Overwatch universe is finally going to usher in a wonderful plot after the Omnic Crisis.

The first version of the trailer seems to have no major problems overall, but Roning, who strives for perfection, still picked out some shortcomings. From the audience's perspective, the rhythm of the first 30 seconds is a bit slow, giving people a feeling of deliberately creating scenes and atmosphere, which is not very eye-catching.

Roning spent a week polishing the trailer until he was satisfied. It happened that on the seventh day, the last flaw of the trailer was corrected, and Roning decided to put this version on the official website as the final version.

It's rare to be serious once, and you have to do your best once you are serious. The movie "Black Lily" vows to break the box office champion it has set again and bring another national carnival to the world.

After finishing these things, Luo Ning returned home and had a good rest for the night. He got up the next day, full of energy, and just waited for eight o'clock in the evening.

I was bored, so I watched a popular movie recently, a heartfelt art film, which is rare. It is precisely because it is not a superhero movie that Luo Ning is interested in watching it. Overwatch Films pioneered superhero movies and beat many imitators. Instead of watching superhero movies made by other film companies, he might as well watch the previously released Overwatch movies again.

The box office of this art film is not bad, but it cannot be compared with superhero movies. Art films are niche after all, but superhero movies are suitable for all ages. Young people watch the cool technology and magic in them, and the older people watch the plot. In short, people of all ages can find something to watch in them. This is the main reason why superhero movies are more popular than art films.

It's just that in recent years, there have been too many superhero movies, and the audience is a little visually fatigued.

Even for Overwatch movies, the motivation that drives people to go to the cinema is not the original enthusiasm. Enthusiasm fades with time. The audience who have been following the Overwatch movie just want to finish the complete story without regrets, and sentiment also accounts for a part.

Yes, up to now, the audience who watch movies based on enthusiasm are only those newbies who have never been exposed to the Overwatch movie. The "old people" have completely taken it for granted. In the past, they could stay up late to grab the premiere tickets and take leave to watch the movie. Now, they will watch it whenever they have time, and they don't pursue the premiere.

It's not that the quality of Overwatch movies has declined, it can only be said that they have watched too many and the audience's eyes have been spoiled. However, it is difficult to innovate the visual effects. The only thing that can make the audience excited again is the plot. As long as the plot is exciting, it can still make the "old people" excited again.

Although now, every movie is different and innovative, but the essence remains the same. Only "Zenyatta" has slightly changed its thinking, but the strength is still not enough, and the plot is relatively bland, especially this movie about the nature of robots and their relationship with humans. It seems to lean towards art films, but it weakens the combat features that it is best at, which is a bit of a loss.

Fierce battles, exciting scenes, and exciting plot explosions are still an indispensable part... Roning sighed.

Among similar films, "Winston" does a better job, telling the threat that scientific development may pose to mankind, and also has exciting and passionate battle scenes.

Despite this, the box office can still be maintained in a normal range, but it does not have the high box office of "Soldier: 76" that was a big hit, and the excellent reputation passed down by word of mouth by the whole people.

It's time to make a comeback. Through "Black Lily", Roning has this confidence, but I don't know if the fans will buy it.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the poster of the trailer of "Black Lily" appeared on time and on time in the most conspicuous place on the homepage of the official website of Overwatch Films.

With a pure black background, a black widow spider hangs in the upper left corner, a bullet shoots out of the screen, covered with cracks, and the eye-catching word "widowmaker" occupies the center of the barrier.

Widowmaker! Black Lily!

At this time, tens of thousands of mouse arrows clicked in, thus opening the Overwatch movie trailer with a style different from the previous series.

Even though he had watched it more than once, Roning was still a little excited. Because now, there are countless fans watching with him, and he can personally experience the feelings of the fans while watching.

The trailer is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is that Overwatch set up a combat team to fight against "Black Claw", thereby introducing the international terrorist organization "Black Claw"; the second part introduces Black Lily's life experience, of course not in detail. Through dozens of seconds of pictures, we can only see that she has a relationship with an Overwatch agent, like a couple or a husband and wife; the third part is only a few seconds long, that is, Black Claw kidnapped her, and the last shot is that she was forcibly tied to a bed by several big men, with her hands and feet tied...

The 2-minute and 26-second trailer is only enough to tell these things. Roning himself is very interested in the subsequent plot. Even he, who knows the plot, is like this, so you can imagine other viewers.

As he was thinking, Luo Ning opened Douban.

"Fuck, is this movie so exciting, bondage py?"

"I'm sorry! It ends just when it gets to the exciting part, what about the remaining hour? Please follow up!"

"I'm still a kid, why do you want me to watch this? Oh my!"

Those who didn't know thought they had entered a certain forum. Fortunately, Roning opened his eyes and confirmed that this was Douban. Besides, he didn't have that kind of app on his phone.

Some of the posts were teasing, and some were serious about expressing their personal opinions on the trailer.

"It's interesting. From the trailer, we can see that Talon is an organization that is evenly matched with Overwatch, not a terrorist organization that was wiped out by Overwatch in a minute. In this movie, there will definitely be a plot of the two major organizations competing. The last scene is very imaginative, but I guess it's definitely not what you old dirty turtles think. If that's the case, I will definitely chop off Roning's head and say hello to him: Are you shooting AV? Bye!"


While drinking tea, Roning couldn't help but sprayed all over the floor.

"Talon, just by hearing the name, we know that it is not the kind of organization that can be destroyed in a minute. I hope there are characters that can fight against Overwatch head-on."

"I will definitely guess the sequel! Since the movie is about this kidnapped woman, I have every reason to speculate that after being bullied by everyone, her uncontrollable anger ignited her little universe, awakened some incredible ability, and then killed everyone and joined Overwatch to fight Talon. Perfect!"


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