Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 632 Magic Floating Cloak 2-in-1 (1/2)


Ronin, who was meditating in the room, suddenly opened his eyes and judged that the noise came from the library. After a little thought, he made a judgment.

Kamar-Taj's defense measures were very sufficient, and it was impossible for outsiders to sneak in. At this time, there was only one possibility for the explosion in the library. That is, Casillas and other fanatics attacked the London Temple. The wizard guarding the London Temple opened the door to the Kamar-Taj library in order to escape. Casillas detonated the dark dimension energy at this time. The explosion destroyed the London Temple, and the shock wave hit the library through the door connecting the two places.

And Casillas' next target is the New York Temple.

Ronin hurriedly put on the ring and opened the portal to the library.

When he arrived, the library was in a mess, and he opened the portal again without thinking.

He had never been to the New York Temple and didn't know what the New York Temple looked like. There was no matching scene in his mind, only the images of iconic buildings such as the Watchtower and Stark Tower.

He had to go to the Watchtower first, and after passing through the portal, Ronin appeared downstairs of the Watchtower. He immediately stopped a taxi on the roadside and asked the driver to drive to the New York Temple.

At the same time, Strange, who was hit by the aftermath of the explosion and went to the New York Temple, faced an unfamiliar environment and walked downstairs. He walked out of the temple and found himself in New York through passers-by and buildings. Combined with what Lao Wang had just told him, he thought carefully about what had just happened and knew that he had knocked open the door and came to the New York Temple.

Realizing this, Strange returned to the temple and walked alone on the second floor, but he didn't meet anyone, which puzzled him.

He saw many magical things on the second floor, such as the three doors next to each other in front of him. The door is transparent, and through the door you can see the turbulent sea, the dark and humid dense forest, and the endless mountains.

Curiously, he opened the door of "sea". As soon as he opened it, a sea breeze blew in his face, mixed with a fishy smell. After closing the door, he turned the knob next to it, and the sea scene turned into a vast desert.

At this moment, he knew that this should be a more novel thing similar to a portal constructed by magic, which can lead to several fixed scenes.

Walking to other places, there were many display cabinets, and a red cloak floating in the air caught his attention. It was protected by a glass cabinet. It was just taught a lesson by Lao Wang and Mordo. Strange just stood in front of the cabinet and looked at it curiously for a few times, then walked away.

After walking around the second floor and walking to the stairs, he suddenly saw a person standing below. He shrank his body and looked carefully.

The door was blurred for a while, and then two doors opened, and Casillas came with two fanatics.

The wizard guarding this temple held a war stick and couldn't help but take two steps back.

"Daniel, they named you the wizard of this temple." Casillas said.

"Then you should understand."

"You will die defending it."

Casillas said without much ado, and directly used his magic power to cast a colorless and transparent blade. This is because he absorbed the energy of the dark space, and the weapon condensed from this is stronger than traditional magic.

The magic weapon in Daniel's hand is stronger than their weapons. The three attacked him at the same time. Daniel smashed a blade with a stick and repelled another one with his backhand. He is worthy of being the guardian of the temple. But in the end, he was outnumbered and stabbed in the abdomen by Casillas, and he immediately lost the ability to resist.


Strange rushed out when he saw this scene. He is a doctor, and the most unbearable thing is that a living life died in front of him.

However, Daniel still did not survive. Casillas stabbed him in the heart, and then the three attacked Strange together.

Even if Strange was unwilling to participate in this war, he was involved at this time. It was either you die or I die. This was very cruel for a doctor who only saved people and never killed people.

After a fierce fight, Strange used his wisdom to send the two men into two of the three doors. One was trapped in the desert under the scorching sun, and the other was trapped in the dense forest with continuous rain.

Casillas chased him relentlessly. Because he was connected to the dark space, his control over the mirror space was more powerful. He could fold and change the real world without affecting reality. Only those who were dragged into the mirror world would be affected by it.

Strange could only control the simple mirror space, which had a limited range. For people like Casillas who controlled the area within the reach of the naked eye, his spells were stronger than his. He had no way to control the mirror space, so he was like meat on the chopping board, at the mercy of others.

Strange had no power to resist and could not escape. He was kicked away by Casillas, smashing the glass cabinet protecting the magic floating cloak, and fell to the ground without strength.

Casillas did not give him a chance to breathe at all, and immediately rushed to take his life, but the cloak stopped him, preventing his sharp blade from getting close to Strange.

Seeing this, Strange took the opportunity to slip away. Kaecilius caught him and stabbed him again, but the cloak stopped his downward blade. If it weren't for this cloak, the doctor would have died twice.

Kaecilius had no choice but to beat him with his fists and feet, and then kicked him downstairs. The magic levitation cloak seemed to have a spirit and followed him, bringing him up before he touched the ground on the first floor.

When he reappeared, the doctor was floating in the air, wearing a red magic floating cloak, which was really eye-catching. He is handsome, but he cannot change the outcome of being kicked away by Casillas again.

Casillas pressed forward step by step, with deadly moves. The magic floating cloak pulled the clumsy doctor, allowing him to avoid fatal attacks again and again. The doctor saw the two axes hanging on the wall and wanted to use them against Casillas, but the cloak was more inclined to the crimson magic belt on the other side.

The doctor goes to the right and the cloak goes to the right.

After struggling several times, the doctor had no choice but to comply with the cloak's wishes, took off the crimson magic belt and threw it towards Casillas.

In just an instant, Casillas was restrained by the crimson magic belt, as if he was trapped in a skeleton frame. He could not move and his mouth was sealed. However, he could not stop talking, which made the doctor upset. .

Strange helped him remove his muzzle. After talking nonsense, Casillas deliberately discredited Ancient One and said some words that shook the doctor's heart.

The reason why the Ancient One has been able to live for so long is because she draws energy from the dark space to sustain her life. The missing pages of the Book of Cagliostro are the rituals to contact the dark space and summon Dormammu. As long as Dormammu comes to the earth, he will generously grant eternal life to mankind, but the ancient one lives a long life for himself and never considers his disciples or even all living beings.

"Forget it, look at yourself, Dormammu turned you into a killer."

Strange only cared about the Ancient One absorbing dark energy. He never thought that the arrival of the evil Dormammu on Earth would bring any good results.

Casillas suddenly laughed.

"You think this is funny" Strange asked.

"No, it's not. What I'm laughing at is that your hanging ring is missing."

Strange lowered his head to look for the hanging ring, and sure enough it was gone. Thinking of the fight just now, it might have been taken away by one of those two people.

Just as he was thinking about it, a flying sharp blade stabbed him in the chest. There, a portal opened, and the fanatic he sent into the dense forest came back.

Strange covered the bleeding wound, held on to the wall, and walked forward with messy steps. The fanatic pursued him as if he were a dying man.

In the end, he couldn't even stand firmly. He fell to the ground and had to rely on his legs and arms to crawl on the ground.

The fanatic came over and used mana to forge a sharp blade, preparing to kill Strange. What was unexpected was that the magic floating cloak sensed the danger and left him, wrapping the fanatic's head and pulling it to the ground, hitting the ground up and down.

The hanging ring was thrown out of the fanatic's hand. Strange picked up the hanging ring and put it on, barely holding himself up. While his consciousness was still clear, the scene in the hospital appeared in his mind.

The spell was cast successfully, and he dove in headlong, rushing to find Dr. Palmer. Kristen Palmer was surprised when Strange suddenly appeared after disappearing. Seeing his hands covered in blood and his body swaying, she hurried to help him.

"Send me to the operating room immediately, don't call anyone else. Hurry, I don't have time." Strange said quickly.

"What happened?" Christine helped him into the operating room.

"I was stabbed."

Kristen didn't say much and immediately started first aid on him.

Strange went out of his body to guide Christine, but it frightened her so much that she didn't know what to do. It took her a while to accept this bizarre reality.

On the other side, the magic floating cloak restrains the fanatics.

The fanatic had no choice but to use an out-of-body experience to escape, and came to the hospital through the portal established by Strange, where he found Strange who also had an out-of-body experience.

The two souls started a battle in the hospital. The doctor was defeated, his body became weaker and weaker, and his heart stopped. Christine had to use electric defibrillation as a rescue measure.

Affected by the electric shock, the soul of the zealot fighting the doctor's soul was instantly repulsed. Strange returned to the operating room and asked Christine to increase the voltage and try again.

"But you already have a heartbeat," Christine said.

"Listen to me."

After Strange finished speaking, he returned to the battlefield and once again fought with the souls of the zealots. Waiting for the next stronger electric shock, the fanatic's soul exploded instantly. Without his soul, his physical heart also stopped beating.

The doctor's soul returned to his body and he woke up. Christine sutured his wounds.

Strange apologized to her for what he had done in the past, and after the wound was sutured, he returned to the New York Temple through the portal in the cleaning room.

He saw a corpse, it was the zealot who was chasing him out of body, and the magic floating cloak was floating quietly next to it. Strange moved his hand and the cloak returned to him.

Walking upstairs, the crimson tape was shattered on the floor and Casillas escaped.

"Strange." Modu appeared here, "Are you okay?"

"Relatively speaking, I'm okay."

"That magical floating cloak is willing to follow you."

Mordu felt incredible. As far as he knew, the Magic Floating Cloak had never taken the initiative to get close to anyone. Any mage who wanted to gain its approval was almost given a lesson by it.

"The magic floating cloak is very rare." Gu Yi also walked out.

"He ran away."

Strange looked at the crimson magic belt that was shattered on the ground.

"Casillas" Mordo asked with a frown.

This place was like this when they arrived. Luo Ning was not at Kama Taj and had gone somewhere else.

"Yes, he can fold space and matter at will." Strange replied.

"You mean he folds matter outside the mirror space, in the real world?" Gu Yi asked.


"He brought a few people with him"

"Two, I trapped one of them in the desert."

"Where's the other one?"

"The body is still in the hall, and Master Dram's body is also there."

"He has been brought back to Kama Taj." Modu said unbearably.

"The London Temple has collapsed. Only the New York Temple and the Hong Kong Temple can protect us from the dark space. You go and defend the New York Temple immediately, Master Strange."

Gu Yi specifically emphasizes the word "mage", which is regarded as recognition of him.

"No, I am Dr. Strange, not a mage, not a sir, I am Dr. Strange."

Strange now rejects the identity of a mage, "I killed a person. When I was a doctor, I swore to try not to hurt anyone, but I just killed a person. I became a doctor to Save people, not kill people.”

"You only become a doctor to save one person's life, your own." Gu Yi said.

"You have seen through me, haven't you?" Strange asked unceremoniously, raising the corner of his mouth.

"What I see is the truth. You are arrogant in your heart. You want to return to your delusion and control everything, even death." Gu Yi shook his head, "No one can control death, not even the best Stellan." Not even Doctor Qi."

"Doesn't Dormammu also work?" Strange asked, "He can make people immortal."

"The more humans fear death, the more alive Dormammu is. He lives by this."

"You live by this, I know how you do it, I have seen the ritual in the missing pages of the Book of Cagliostro."

"I would like to remind you of your next words, doctor."

"Because you might not like to hear it, right?"

"Because you probably don't know what the hell you're talking about."

Modu was a little confused, "What is he talking about?"

"I'm talking about the secret of her lifespan and her ability to live forever," Strange looked at Mordo. "She gets energy from the dark world to gain immortality."

Modu just thought it was a joke, "You are kidding."

Strange looked directly at the Ancient One again, and said with certainty, "I have seen the ceremony, and I understand it. I know how you did it."

"When the fanatics gather together, they will come back. You need some manpower." After saying this, Ancient One left.

Mordo felt that he should not doubt his teacher and criticized him casually. Before the two of them could say a few words, they heard noise coming from downstairs. They ran over and saw Casillas and two fanatics gathered together. Dark dimensional energy intends to destroy the New York Temple.

Mordo rushed down to stop them, but Strange did not move. It was not until Casillas waved his hand down and the violent energy fell that Strange raised his hand and cast a spell to turn this place into a Mirror space.

The explosion spread, and there were shattered mirrors all around. Casillas stared around and understood instantly.

"Mirror space, here will not affect the real world."

Strange opened his arms, suspended in the air, and cursed, "Let's see who can have the last laugh, you bastard"

"It's me."

Casillas spread his hands outward, and the space here twisted and folded according to his will.

Strange had no choice but to run out with Mordo. There was absolutely no chance of winning inside.

Casillas followed and turned the world into a mirror space. Strange and Mordo entered the mirror world without knowing it.

“Really blocked”

Luo Ning complained, got out of the car, and entered the temple in three steps at a time.

There was no one inside, and when they went up to the second floor, there were obvious signs of a fight. The damaged crimson magic belt, the missing magic floating cloak, and the blood stains all over the floor showed that he was a step too late.

The doctor and the others may have been dragged into the mirror world by Casillas. In the real world, he has no idea what is happening in the mirror space and cannot enter it.

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