Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 539 Moving Light Source

Tracer had no idea how long she had been in the chaotic space-time. She only knew that it was definitely longer than any other time she had ever been in. Although she had no concept of time here, she could feel it. Her intuition about how much time had passed was more accurate than anyone else's, thanks to her long-term struggle with time.

But now it seemed that her accurate intuition would only bring her endless fear and the confusion that welled up from the bottom of her heart.

She should have been sent out long ago, but there had been no change until now. She suspected that it was because of the time accelerator. Although it had failed, she still removed it, and the result was still the same.

It did fail. Not long after entering the chaotic space-time, it was affected by a stronger time flow. The internal components tried their best to escape the constraints of the chaotic space-time. If they couldn't do it, they would fail due to excessive power consumption, or the components would be damaged due to overload.

Tracer was now like a lone bird, not knowing where to fly.

The occasional shining light did not bring her hope. On the contrary, this extremely regular light flickering brought her deeper despair, and she had no doubt that she might stay here forever.

Here, time will not flow, energy is always conserved, and everything is still. She can only float here like a ghost, with no color in her eyes, only endless black and instant white, no sound, and even because this place is absolutely still and there are no impurities, so her body has no feeling.

In addition, she will not grow old or die, and it seems to her that living alone until old age is a luxury.

There is only loneliness, no end to old age. It is said that loneliness will lead to death, but she does not even have the right to die alone.

Tracer wandered aimlessly, loneliness occupied her entire heart, and she became more and more like a lonely ghost without a spiritual lamp to guide her, floating around.

She hoped that she could find an exit. In fact, she knew that there was no exit in the chaotic time and space, and she just regarded this as a spiritual pillar to support her forward. If even this pillar collapsed, she would have nothing.

Even the delusion of escaping was gone, and she couldn't believe how she would persist here.

Now, Tracer was in no mood to consider whether her decision was right or wrong, and she didn't blame anyone. Maybe no one had considered this beforehand - the time accelerator and the advent ritual would produce two opposing forces.

After that, she was like a ghost wandering in this endless dark space, not knowing that another ghost was also wandering, but the latter had a strong purpose, which was to find another ghost.


Ronin's eyes were dark, and he could not see the surrounding scenery except the darkness, nor could he receive any sound feedback.

Thinking of using the super transformation form, after filtering one by one, he found that Tracer did not have a super transformation form that could be used in this situation. If he rashly turned into other watchers, he might be sent out of the chaotic time and space.

So he could only maintain his current form now, and he could neither turn into other people nor turn back to himself. Tracer's own unstable state was a necessary condition for staying here.

Ronin tried to turn on the flashlight he carried with him. Before he came, he knew that it was pitch black here, and the light of the flashlight might attract Tracer's attention, but he found that he thought too much and was still naive.

In the boundless darkness, his glimmer of light is like a spark of fire, and the range of the light will be completely covered by the deeper darkness around it.

At a certain distance, the other party will only see the darkness and will not find the light hidden in the darkness at all. This ray of light is wrapped up by the boundless darkness. Unless the other party can step into the range of the light, he can naturally see the other party, but the probability is too low.

Before coming, Roning knew that he was a non-African, so he did not hold out hope for the possibility that Tracer happened to float in his direction, which was about the same as the probability of winning a million-dollar lottery jackpot.

What kind of character can be so lucky?

Roning dared to say that even if he was single for his whole life, he would not encounter such a coincidence, because once such a coincidence happened, it meant that he had left the status of a non-African.

What is a non-African? It is a lifelong stigma! How can it be so easily gotten rid of?

Of course, if it really happened, it would be great, even if he was single for his whole life, what could he do? Using my own happiness to exchange for Tracer's safe return is worth it no matter how you look at it. It's worth it!

"Alas, I've been daydreaming all day."

Roning sighed in his heart. How could such a coincidence happen? Even if there was, he, a non-African, would never encounter it.

So he could only look for other ways. He tried almost all the methods provided by everyone, but none of them worked. Some of them were PASSED without even trying. This darkness is thicker than everyone thought. Any method involving vision is useless. The inability to transmit sound will also make most methods ineffective.

This damn place is deliberately targeting him!

And he didn't dare to stay for too long. He didn't know if there was a limit to the length of transformation. Usually, he could only transform for two or three hours at most, so he didn't care too much about this. If there was a limit, he would be in trouble if he changed back.

Without Tracer's special physical condition, he didn't know if he could still stay in the chaotic time and space. He might be sent to other planets. This is still good. If he was sent to outer space, he could just type GG directly.

Tracer didn’t know how long she had been wandering. She felt an inexplicable force pulling her, as if she could touch the tail of hope as long as she walked in that direction.

It seemed to be an invisible connection.

She vaguely felt that the darkness ahead was slightly whitish. She once thought that she had hallucinations because she wanted to see the light so much that she mistakenly transformed part of the darkness into light.

"Is that light?"

Tracer said in a dreamy voice. She could no longer distinguish between fantasy and reality. The heavier the darkness in reality, the stronger the light in her fantasy.

Even when she was very close, she still thought that the whitish light-like scene was caused by the huge contrast in her mind.

"It's fake!"

She had never been sure.

When she got closer, she suddenly widened her eyes and suddenly felt that this was not a fantasy, but real. There was indeed a glimmer of light in the darkness ahead, and it was moving!

What does a moving light source represent? It means that there may be life there. Humans don't know whether it is, but loneliness has long made her desire all life.

She burst out with unprecedented power and rushed forward, faster than the light source.

When she was close at hand, she suddenly rushed in and felt that she was wrapped in a ball of sunlight, indescribably warm and comfortable, a long-lost feeling.

Her eyes couldn't adjust, and after a while she managed to open them a tiny slit. The scene she saw made her scream silently...

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