Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 177 What's going on, little brother?

Ronin underestimated the ability of Hydra.

It's okay to steal things from Overwatch base!

In the end, it was still carelessness. Overwatch base does not have a strong security system like SHIELD, which can easily give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

At first, Ronin thought that the classification of permissions would hinder the relationship between each other, but now it seems that the classification of permissions is necessary to prevent problems before they happen.

The reason why SHIELD is so solid is because it has a strict security system. Of course, this still cannot change the fact that it is a branch of Hydra.

The security system can prevent the outside but not the inside.

As for the inside of Overwatch, Ronin thought that he did not need to take any precautions, and he had the highest permission. For example, only he could enter the place where the mind scepter and the two water guns were stored.

To do these things, he naturally obtained the consent of the watchers to avoid disagreements.

In fact, the watchers did not care about these at all. The watchers' requirements for him were very simple: command properly and provide accurate information about the criminal gangs.

The next thing was left to them.

The mission assigned by Ronin at the moment aroused great interest among the Watchers.

Enough of the small fights, is it finally time for some interesting actions?

"Sir, do we need to make such a big move against the Hydra you mentioned?" Soldier 76 couldn't help asking. From what Ronin had just said, it seemed that he was going to conduct a large-scale cleanup of the Hydra organization.

Although the Hydra committed the unforgivable crime of stealing the Mind Scepter, the entire Overwatch team went out to cast a net to hunt it down. I'm afraid they think too highly of the so-called Hydra.

The only thing is that the name sounds scary. Hydra is a nine-headed snake in Greek mythology. Legend has it that it has nine heads. If one of its heads is cut off, two more will grow immediately.

"You don't know how powerful it is."

When HYDRA was mentioned, Steve recalled the past, and then shook his head with a little regret, and said slowly: "HYDRA originated from the mustache seventy years ago. At that time, its leader was a guy called Red Skull..."

As a World War II veteran who had personally experienced the fight against HYDRA, it was necessary to popularize the knowledge about HYDRA to them.

"In other words, HYDRA is not strong in individuals, but in the collective. Even after seventy years, its members are still all over the world." Reinhardt summarized.

"Brother Hammer is right."

Steve nodded, "HYDRA is an organization with deep obsession. The ideas of HYDRA have been deeply rooted in the hearts of its members. They are like possessed. In order to achieve the goal of conquering the world, they are willing to sacrifice their lives."

"Brother Hammer?" Ronin blinked.

Steve laughed dryly and explained: "Reinhardt's hammer is very eye-catching, and he is the oldest among us, so I call him Brother Hammer."

Ronin looked at him dumbfounded, Comrade Aimin, are you serious?

Reinhardt is only 61 years old. You have been frozen for 70 years. With your own age, you must be at least 90 years old, right?

Reinhardt has no problem calling you uncle.

It seems that... Steve has accepted himself now and feels that he is still a young man who is loved by everyone and flowers bloom when he sees him.

Roning couldn't bear to expose him and let him continue to live in himself.

Bah! Old man!

"What's the matter, little brother?"

Reinhardt stared at Steve, "What do you mean I am the oldest? Do I look old?"

Steve laughed awkwardly: "Not old, not old, still so strong!"

The atmosphere was weird, and Roning got goose bumps. Aren't we talking about the mission? It's off track!

He tried to get the topic back on track and finally started discussing the plot again.

Several people expressed their opinions, but McCree was the only one who kept talking beside him. He was not good at making plans. He was only responsible for killing people cleanly.

"Then what else is there to say? Let's get started!"

McCree was getting impatient. A bunch of grown men, how could they ever stop being so nagging?

McCree was still as wild as ever despite the sudden words that made everyone laugh to death.

Laughing aside, McCree was indeed quite strong.

In the years he spent in Shadowwatch, McCree had independently carried out thousands of assassination missions, and quickly grew into a terrifying hunter.

All the prey he targeted would not survive!

Even though they were both Watchers, they did not want to be targeted by such a guy. Fortunately, they were still teammates now.

McCree was a reliable teammate, but also a terrible opponent.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't worry. I need to collect some intelligence before that. I can't just look for it aimlessly." Roning said.

There are traces of Hydra all over the world, in groups of three or five or hundreds of thousands. Overwatch has so few people, so we have to pick some large strongholds to clear them out.

The Hydra in the small base couldn't make any waves.

"Mr. Ronin, what can you do?" Steve asked.

In his eyes, Ronin was just a commander, and he was nothing without Overwatch. To put it bluntly, his personal strength was not good enough.

"There is always a way. Give me two days. I will come here the day after tomorrow to tell you the action plan." Ronin pretended to be deep.

To be honest, we really have to thank Hydra for stealing the Mind Staff, otherwise, the Mind Water could not be successfully refined.

He would not have gotten the two water guns.

Using the Mind Staff at will may cause dissatisfaction with S.H.I.E.L.D., not only S.H.I.E.L.D., but also the government and other so-called righteous forces, who would think that he was using the Mind Staff to do bad things.

Originally, the government was dissatisfied with the existence of Overwatch, an organization independent of the country, but Overwatch saved New York and the world, and people all over the country knew that Overwatch was a peacekeeping organization.

Under pressure from the public and a slight fear of Overwatch, the government did not dare to put pressure on Overwatch for the time being.

But Ronin knew that once the government seized the opportunity, Overwatch would be discredited by the government, and the government could suppress Overwatch openly.

However, using a water gun filled with spiritual water would not give the outside world the opportunity to cause trouble for Overwatch.

Water gun... No matter how much you think about it, you can't think of the spiritual staff.

Let's listen to Dr. Hodge's story. As long as the spiritual water touches the other party's heart, it can invade the other party's mind, achieving the same effect as the spiritual staff lightly hitting the heart.

More flexible!

So, Ronin came to the warehouse where the spiritual staff and water gun were stored. After scanning his iris, the iron door opened.

The moment the water gun was in his hand, he hesitated slightly. Did Dr. Hodge test whether it was successful?

It would be funny if it failed!

The combination of potion science and modern science... Dr. Hodge's words that day lingered in his ears, sounding like the nonsense of a madman.


This is the only way to do it today. If it doesn't work, try other methods.

Ronin put away the water gun, walked out of the warehouse, and immediately went to S.H.I.E.L.D.

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