Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2035: Last scene

"You, what are you looking at!"

Finally, Chu Yan saw her heart beating wildly, and Uslanma couldn't help but glared at the other party.

Chu Yan smiled, holding a pill of medicine with aura, and sent it to Uslanma: "I think you just had a little disorder in your breath. It should be that the guy secretly attacked and hurt you.

Don't brave yourself if you are injured, take this medicine. "

"Who is hurt, you suffer..." Uslanma retorted immediately.

But before she finished, she understood what Chu Yan meant.

Chu Yan knew she was not injured.

He just saw the little unhappiness in his heart.

So now I am coaxing myself in this way.

Suddenly, Uslanma felt somewhere soft in her heart, as if she had been hit.

But she was reluctant to admit that she was moved, glared at Chu Yan and snorted, she opened her mouth to wrap Nadan medicine with her tongue and contained it in her mouth.

Well, it's sweet! In the past group conventions, the first round of competition usually lasted for ten days, or even twenty days.

But this time, the number of people participating in the contest is the first. The history of the disciples who participated in the contest is the strongest. The royal families and monks who came to observe the ceremony are also the most historical.

But the time for the first round was the shortest ever.

The brilliance of Bidou is also incredibly bad.

Whenever the disciples of Ziweimen met, the scene ended directly.

This kind of competition alone saves a lot of time.

No one knows the reaction and mood of the patriarchs, elders, and royal monks among the many ancestors in the blue clouds above the Xianbang.

But at least many monks on Xiandao, except the disciples of Ziweimen, could not help but mumble.

Obviously it was a group fairy meeting that was enough to go down in history, but now it was completely destroyed by Ziweimen.

They don't know it yet, not only that, they are still complacent about the "active confession and saving aura" approach that they have come up with.

This is the most annoying.

However, the disciples of Ziweimen are certainly angry.

Their angry target is Chu Yan.

In their view, their plan is flawless.

In accordance with their ideas, this group of fairy conferences will be called the grand ceremony of the return of the emperor of Taiqing, and will also be called the grand ceremony of Ziweimen stepping on the upper position of Tianya Sect.

But now, it was destroyed by Chu Yan to the public.

Ziweimen even lost a general.

The reputation that has never been damaged is also humiliated by Chu Yan.

It can be said that if Ziweimen were not afraid of the true fairyland of Tianya Sect now, they would desperately wipe out Chu Yan and his friends.

The eyes of hatred shot unscrupulously from the direction of Ziweimen disciples.

However, these eyes did not hurt Chu Yan in the least.

It didn't even make his mood wavy.

At this time Chu Yan's eyes fell on the fairy list.

So far, there are only two people left on the Xianbang list.

One of them is a disciple who has a double mind in heaven.

This disciple Chu Yan did not know and care.

He is concerned about the opponent of this disciple-Mo Mo! I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, Mo Moyu was put on the last game of the first round of fighting.

At this moment, there are actually many monks who pay attention to Mo Buyu.

After all, in order to create momentum for Mo Wuyu, Ziweimen directly opened dozens of secret realms.

And Mo Buyu also showed his amazing strength during that time.

In the first half of the beginning of the Qunxian Conference, he was active for a while, and after playing a series of amazing records, he was calm again.

The explanation given by Tianyazong is that Mo Buyu concentrates on retreating and prepares for the group of immortals.

At this moment, it is his first battle after leaving the customs.

The other monks on Xiandao are all concerned about how much their strength has improved after they closed their doors.

Those disciples who are not Ziweimen, but are determined to impact the higher rankings of the group of immortals, are more concerned about Mo Bu's strength.

But what Chu Yan cared about at this time was just the indifference in front of him, whether he was the same person he met twice before.

Before Chu Yan had doubts, Mo Buyu was just an identity, not a fixed person.

What he has seen in the past, whether it is the strange room of the Xi family, or the change of temperament, the dispersion of the spirit, shows that he may be a more complicated "puppet".

"The Mobuyan encountered when I was going to save my dad, and the Mobuyu encountered in the mysterious environment, already made me feel like two people.

Now this is silent..." Chu Yan murmured.

At this moment, he looked at Mo Moyu flying towards the center of Xiandao, and he only felt that Mo Moyu gave a feeling like a bottomless crack.

Just a glance makes the back spine chill, the scalp numb, and the body becomes weak.

Chu Yan's way of running wisdom looked deeper into Mo Buyu.

Suddenly, the line of sight seemed to have passed through time and space and entered the terrible crack.

Inside the crack, a desperate black.

But in this black color, there seemed to be a wave of anger to destroy the world.

This is Mo's original intention.

Extremely angry! It's completely different from Mo Yan's first encounter with Chu Yan.

Chu Yan withdrew the wisdom, thinking in his heart.

"It seems that my previous speculation is correct. It is true that it is not a person, but an identity.

This silently, it should be the strongest one at present.

In other words, it is the most suitable for this group of fairy fairs.

It's just a pity that the way of wisdom is good at calculation and strategy.

If I can grasp the insight, I can see this more clearly.

Even seeing some of his essence is not bad. "

Chu Yan shook his head, stopped thinking about these things, and turned his attention back to the final fight that was about to begin.

As long as this scene is over, the original 1,200 disciples of the Heavens and Mind State will have 599 remaining.

Why is it five hundred ninety-nine, not half six hundred.

That is because the Yindou battle will be slashed by Chu Yan, so a quota is vacated.

At this time, Mo Buyu and his opponent were ready in the middle of Xiandao.

As Mo Moyu's opponent, this disciple was about to speak, Mo Moyu suddenly shouted: "Let me lose!"

His five fingers splayed open, colorful lights, gathered from all directions, in an instant, like a big net, bound the other day's double-hearted monks into a big cocoon.

Creak! The cocoon shrunk sharply, and suddenly a loud noise of prying the steel plate came.

A screaming cry came from inside the cocoon. A stream of blood immediately penetrated out, wow la la la, and a big river formed on the ground.

But the scream just sounded, and soon there was no more movement.

On the fairy island, there is no sound.


Mo Buyu sneered, withdrew the five-color divine light, and flew back to Yutai.

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