Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2027: Cut the war again

Lin Miaoran and the others were in a position. They all stood up in a flash, disregarding the surprise eyes of everyone around them, and turned into a stream of light, flying directly in the direction of Chu Yan.

Li Xiu turned into Shura directly in mid-air, with a gritty figure and terror, completely poured out, and far away fingered Yindou battle will: "find death!"

Although Lin Miaoran didn't say a word, but in the eyes, the snow and ice were all over the sky.

Shen Qing was even more direct, the giant sword in her hand suddenly came out of the sheath, split the Daomang, and cut the Dao torn and burst, and directly killed in the direction of the disciples of Ziweimen.

On the other side, Yun Nisang was also covered with frost, standing up, bursts of Longwei-like oppression, spreading towards the surroundings.

Although Kong Xian is a king with a different surname, he also has his own status and power among the Baoxiang Shangguo royal family.

At this time he stood up coldly, and immediately, the masters of the royal family also stood up for the most part.

There were even people who had a good relationship with Chu Yan before, and owed Chu Yan's humanity, such as Ren Zhou Shangguo Sun and Moon Shenzong Wei Changge and others. At this time, his face was cold and he stood up.

Wei Changge got up, and the disciples of Sun and Moon Shenzong who came to observe the ceremony also rose behind him.

The monks who had friendship with Chu Yan, at this time, all were intent on killing Yindouzhan.

The other monks who saw that the silver battle was so despicable were also indignant.

Ziweimen often bullied ordinary disciples because of his arrogance and arrogance, which has long drawn dissatisfaction.

At this moment, the Yindou battle will be on this occasion, and even if the top officials of Tianya Zong have intervened, they will even revenge Chu Yan on the spot.

This kind of arrogance, this kind of intoxication, makes people think, not chilling.

No monk was a fool.

They naturally understand that Yindouzhan will dare to do so today, so that other disciples of Ziweimen will follow suit in the future.

By that time, such things are likely to fall on their own heads.

Suddenly, it seemed as if the pot had exploded on Xiandao.

Many monks were angry and dissatisfied with Ziweimen. At this moment, they seemed to be ignited and exploded at once.

If glaring eyes can be turned into tangible swords, at this moment those disciples of Ziweimen on the jade platform will surely have a considerable part, and they will die in an instant! From Lin Miaoran and Li Xiu flying out, to the scene where the monk's anger was ignited, the whole process was completed in the electric light flint.

At this time, Yindouzhan's grin and resentment on his face had not even disappeared.

He doesn't care how angry others are.

He only knew that what he had to do was to cut his tongue.

Otherwise, where does Ziweimen's face go?

Even if Tianyazong wants to punish him now, there is Ziweimen behind him as a support. The so-called punishment is just a thunderstorm.

And when the Emperor Taiqing returns soon, he will become the hero of Ziweimen.

How much criticism is being suffered now, by that time, you will get a hundred times reward! As soon as I thought about it, looking at Chu Yan who was involved in Jianlang Storm, Yin Douzhan made the smile on his face even bigger.

"What kind of thing do you deserve to compete with Ziweimen?

go to hell! "

But at this moment, the mutation is steep! The turbulent sword wave burst into the sea and burst open.

A **** spear, with a smell of vicissitudes, dilapidation, and wildness, stabbed out at once.

All the swords around him melted away in an instant, completely gone.

Uh! boom! Immediately, the spear pierced through everything and destroyed nothingness, and appeared directly in front of the silver fighting general, punching his chest at once, like a candied gourd, worn in midair.

Lin Miaoran, who was flying towards here in the distance, and others suddenly stopped.

Numerous monks and disciples on the jade platform surrounded by anger were also stunned.

Everyone saw at this moment that Chu Yan was unscathed in the huge wave of sword sea on that side.

The aura on the body, forming a breeze like air flow, appeared in front of him.

Those swords and awns were so violent that they couldn't even touch his body.

The spear was shot from the palm of Chu Yan.

The expression of General Yindou was now frozen in his face.

He lowered his head and looked at his body in disbelief.

The **** spear penetrated through his chest and broke through his back.

A wave of convulsive force is constantly impacting his body and soul.

The pride in his eyes gradually dissipated, and after a while, it turned into a complex expression mixed with dignity, doubt, shock, etc., looking towards Chu Yan.

Yindouzhan thought originally that he would see Chu Yan proud of himself.

But as a result, he found that Chu Yan's face was light and windy.

Killing him is like killing an ant, not worth mentioning at all.

In Chu Yan's eyes, there is no such warrior at all! Understand Chu Yan's eyes, Yindouzhan will breathe stagnation.

As one of the eight generals of Ziweimen, Yindou will naturally have a card.

And if you want to kill the monk of the heavenly state of mind, you are just piercing your chest. This level of damage is far from enough.

But the Silver Fighter will ignore one thing.

Since Chu Yan could break his magical power to hit him instantly, then naturally he would not be given the opportunity to fight back again.

Especially he still attacked behind him first.


Chu Yan snorted, and his palm moved slightly.

Bang! The **** spear suddenly violently oscillated.

There was a loud noise, as if a large hole appeared in the sky, and the sky was pouring down.

"No—" Yindouzhan only had time to make a roar of terror in his throat, and his body suddenly shattered into a thick cloud of blood.

Even the souls of the gods were directly crushed.

Everyone on the scene was stunned at this moment.

No one could think of, Chu Yan was not only unscathed, but also a strong counterattack, under the eyes of everyone, beheaded the Yindou generals.

Almost everyone's breath stopped at this moment.

The whole Xiandao, from the boiling of the last moment, was instantly quiet and audible.


Seeing the situation, the Southern Heavenly King was furious, and his whole body was aura of light. Soaring up into the sky, he instantly turned into a giant palm covering the sky and took a picture towards Chu Yan.

Countless lights, shadows, and air are all taken in by this palm at this moment, condensed into thousands and tens of thousands of towering peaks, and mighty, to suppress Chu Yan completely! The Southern Heavenly King is completely furious at the moment.

Chu Yan actually killed Yindou generals in public.

In his eyes, there is no Ziweimen! As the real man of Zifu, Nan Tianwang's strength is not at Ziweimen. Looking at Tianyazong and Baoxiang Shangguo, they are the top level.

At this moment, his shot means Chu Yan must die! The formation and prohibition in the center of Xiandao were once again inspired and turned into twisted tens of tens of feet, resisting this surging power, trying to prevent these impacts from affecting everyone around the jade platform.

But under the wrath of the Southern Heavenly King, all these symbols were suddenly broken, disintegrated, and exploded.

The rolling shock poured out continuously.

The jade platform on the fairy island rises and falls like a boat in a raging wave.

The monk above, staggering for a while, exclaimed repeatedly, the station was not stable.

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