Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2024: I do n’t know about Ziweimen

Yindouzhan saved this temptation, and it also meant to kill Chu Yan.

It was not only Chu Yan who was tempted, but also Tianyazong senior officials.

He looked cold and looked at Chu Yan, waiting for the other party's reaction.

Anyway, he didn't want Chu Yan to be better at the moment.

Jian Feng fell, with the extremely murderous intention of Ling Yun, sucked all the light around, and split it in half.

The monks on Xiandao barely responded.

Few people realized what was happening, and there was an incredible look in their eyes.

This is the fight between the crowds of the cents, and Yindouzhan intervenes at this moment.

Now it is even more of a surprise attack on Chu Yan under the eyes of everyone.

As a result, where is Tian Yazong's face! In the middle of Xiandao, Chu Yan, who was flying, gazed at the moment.

He stretched out his hand suddenly and grabbed it in the air.

Bang! The chopped sword light suddenly stood still.

He immediately turned around, grabbed the sword, and the meteor sprinted, throwing away towards the silver battle.

The aura burst, and in a flash, the sword's awn expanded ten times, just like a rampant mountain, directly appeared in front of the silver fighting generals.

Yin Douzhan immediately frozen the look on his face, only to feel that the air around him was torn apart, and his body was imprisoned in nothingness.

Since embarking on the fairy road, he has never encountered such a desperate moment.


At this time, it was another loud shout.

But it will be different from the silver fight.

This sound is like the morning bell of twilight drum, melodious, giving people a taste of educating the world.

All of a sudden, everyone in the scene who was originally surprised, shocked, or puzzled couldn't help but feel calm.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light like the morning glow fell in front of General Yindou, blocking Chu Yan's counterattack.

The huge sharp edge instantly melted like ice and snow and disappeared.

A figure, walking like a wave, appeared as Xingguang gradually dissipated and appeared in front of the generals.

"Southern King!"

Among the monks around, some people saw his face clearly, and immediately exclaimed.

At the next moment, the sound was raging.

Suddenly, without knowing how many monks there were, he stood up in surprise and looked towards the center of Xiandao.

The first match was tasteless, and it ended without even fighting.

And this second game, although also different from everyone's expectations.

But what I didn't expect was that there would be such twists and turns.

It was only a short while that the matter was hidden by Du Yishen, Chu Yan stepped up the challenge, followed by the Ziwei goalkeeper, Chu Yan counterattacked, and at this time the Southern Heavenly King came forward! The four kings of Ziweimen, each of which is a real man in Zifujing.

Not only is he famous in Tianya Zonghe, but he is also a powerful person that can not be ignored in the whole treasure phase! It can be said that the four of them, with regard to their status of strength, now have no problem with the establishment of the Zongli School.

If in the past, the Southern King was absolutely comparable to the legendary existence, ordinary monks were not qualified to see it.

But at this time, he not only appeared, but also did not comply with the rules, aiming at a heavenly state of mind of Tianya Sect.

If you look at this second contest as a big show.

At this moment this drama has exceeded the expectations of everyone on the scene.

The Southern Heavenly King hovered halfway in the air, his eyes swept back, and saw the blood from the corner of Yindouzhan's mouth, apparently being just scratched by the sharp edge, and suddenly a anger appeared in his eyes.

He looked at Chu Yan, raised his chin, and said sharply, "Chu Yan, you can be guilty!"

"Do you know that you haven't killed the crime of sneak attack and despicable behind-the-scenes!"

Chu Yan sneered, a guide to the silver fighting general behind the king.

Suddenly, Nan Tianwang's expression was stunned, and Yindouzhan would be ashamed and dying, and the scene was in an uproar.

The Southern Heavenly King had seen Chu Yan once before.

At that time, in his mind, Chu Yan had already given a lesson, so Chu Yan would be afraid of himself.

But unexpectedly, Chu Yan dared to provoke him openly.

Yindouzhan would have lost his own money, and now he was directly mocked by Chu Yan. In addition, he was just wounded by Chu Yan. Under the grief and anger, he spurted blood out.

The monks on the scene are because of Chu Yan's attitude at this time.

Everyone with a discerning eye can see that the famous battle of Yindou will make a sneak attack on Chu Yan, and even if the Southern Heavenly King takes timely action, he is still injured.

In other words, if it wasn't for the South Heavenly King's timely action, Yindouzhan will now be a dead man! Nan Tianwang wanted to impose sin on Chu Yan's head, but unexpectedly, Chu Yan was not afraid.

Looking at Chu Yan's unscrupulous eyes, the anger and murderous intention in Nan Tianwang's heart suddenly disappeared for the most part.

Chu Yan's words and deeds at this time are clearly four characters: there is no fear.

"Who gave him confidence?"

Nan Tianwang guessed.

The Southern King was pondering, and as time passed, Chu Yan became more convinced that he had just made the right bet.

He bet on the attitude of Sect Master Tianya! Before the patriarch gave Bao, Chu Yan suspected that this was a hint from the patriarch to himself: he did not want the Ziweimen to grow bigger, nor did he hope that this group of immortals meeting would become the superior meeting of Ziweimen.

And now, the Yindou battle will be shot, and even the Southern Heavenly King has come forward, and the Sect Master and even the Tianya Sect senior officials have not expressed their position.

If there is no statement, that is the biggest statement.

If the patriarch supports Ziweimen, then Chu Yan will be punished himself at this time.

But at this moment the Sect Master did not make any statement.

Southern Heaven King must have thought of this, so he calmed down.

But when he saw Chu Yan's expression as if he was smiling, he couldn't help but frown, and his heart became innocent: "Chu Yan, as a disciple of Tianya Sect, is fighting against the contest. deny?"

Chu Yan was not fooled, sneered, and said: "If I admit it, then the silver battle will intervene to occupy, attacking me behind him, what punishment should he receive?"

The Southern Heavenly King was suddenly speech-stricken, swearing at the position of Yindoutian's throne as one of the eight kings of Ziweimen.

At this time, he had forgotten. Before Chu Yan, even the Purple Mansion was still beheaded.

"Yindouzhan will take action, also for the same purpose, to behave badly for you.

There is a lack of consideration, and I will naturally punish him after going back. "

The Southern Heavenly King said lightly, "It's you, who commits the following crimes and makes a violent attack. You must put Ziweimen in your eyes!"

Immediately, the Southern Heavenly King pushed Chu Yan to the position of disrespecting the entire Ziweimen.

Chu Yan sneered, without fear: "I don't know what Ziweimen."

Wow-As soon as this remark came out, an amazing roar came from the scene.

Chu Yan even said such a thing.

Nan Tianwang was overjoyed and was about to make trouble, but at this time, he saw a light smile on Chu Yan's face.

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