Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2021: What a pity

I didn't think about this before, so Sister Li didn't care too much.

Because in her view, her fellow siblings, because of the natural body of Muhua and the harmony with the Luoxia Valley practice, are very normal to practice a thousand miles a day.

In just ten years, it has gone from an ordinary mortal to an infinite state of mind.

As long as there are no surprises, in two years, it will be natural to break through the state of mind.

Such a speed, not to mention in Luoxia Valley, placed in Tianyazong, it is also the proper pride of heaven.

It is precisely because of this idea that when Sister Li came to Tianya Sect this time, she also had the mind to compare with the disciples of Tianya Sect.

This kind of mentality is a bit similar to the fact that although you can't do it, your siblings are very powerful, and it's also something worth showing off.

Before, Sister Li wanted to check Chu Yan in advance, and in a certain way, this psychology was also causing trouble.

But at the moment, when she saw Chu Yan, Sister Li understood.

As the saying goes, it is true.

There are mountains outside, and there are people outside.

Sister Xiao Ju is so excellent, so how can the brother whom she admires and prepares to be worse, only better than her! "Heaven's state of mind is double ... ten years ..." Sister Li muttered to herself, and after a moment, she couldn't help shaking her head with a wry smile.

I also planned to remind Sister Xiao not to be too emotional.

Fortunately, I didn't say anything, or I would be ashamed.

Turn around to look at the tearful tears at this moment, and then look at Chu Yan in the middle of the fairy island. Sister Li's heart can't help feeling regretful.

"This Chu Yan, I don't know if Sister Xiao is here yet.

Alas, it is clearly a touching scene that brothers and sisters recognize, but why should Chu Yan meet such an opponent? "

Sister Li's face was full of regret.

Chu Yan's ten-year Tianxin really made her admire.

But this time the group fairy meeting is more about strength than speed of practice.

If it is faster than the practice, Sister Li is not a disciple of Tianya Sect, but dare to say that Chu Yan ’s promotion speed is absolutely outstanding among Tianya Sect. The level of the person.

But it is a pity that it is time to fight.

Competing against each other is strength.

"The duality of the heavenly state of mind cannot be the opponent of the threefold state of mind at any rate."

Sister Li sighed silently in her heart, with a gloom in her eyes.

Several other disciples in Luoxia Valley obviously thought of this together with Sister Li.

They crowded beside Xiao Jue, comforting her softly, and implicitly stated that if Chu Yan was defeated later, she would not have to be too sad.

Xiao Ju shook his head stubbornly, constantly wiping tears from the corners of his eyes.

There is a word she has not spoken at this time.

That is, no matter what happens, I believe that your Highness will win.

At this time, monks who shared the same ideas with the disciples like Sister Li and Luoxiagu occupied the vast majority.

A few people who have confidence in Chu Yan, except Lin Miaoran and others, are Xiao Qin from the Leiyun Party.

Xiao Qin once explored the secret realm with Chu Yan and had a relatively intuitive understanding of Chu Yan's strength.

At this time, Xiao Qin even relaxedly said to the fellow at the side: "Du Yishen provokes anyone who is not good, but he must provoke Chu Yan. This time he will definitely become a laughing stock and lose to the first person who is lower than a big realm. ! "

On the side where Ziweimen disciples gathered, Mo Mo sat alone in a corner, his eyes cold and full of sharpness, looking at Chu Yan in the middle of Xiandao.

He couldn't tell the exact reason.

But he just felt that he hated the disciple named Chu Yan very much.

In the midst of it, it seems that the other party has done something that makes them feel very ashamed.

"Well, even if I can't meet you now, there will definitely be a chance.

Chu Yan, just wait.

I don't care about what you have done in the past.

I just want to let you know that the present me is not the former waste.

I'm the only one who can't speak. "

In the sneer, Mo's unspoken body seemed to have a force of imprisonment, madly shocked and roared, trying to break free.

At the same time, in the center of Xiandao, Chu Yan's eyes were faint, looking at Du Yishen ahead.

As the leader of the Nine Lebanese Party, Du Yishen, who has made three major achievements in the state of mind, does possess proud capital.

First of all, the state is enough.

Second, after years of accumulation, there is no shortage of strength and magic weapon.

Among the more than 1,200 disciples of Tianyazong, the strength seems to be ranked in the top 100, but the disciples who have truly reached the triple state of mind all understand that the strength of Mo Wu said in the top 50, there is absolutely no problem.

He has a natural physique, and his magical power is unique.

The main reason why the strength ranking is not as conspicuous as the top ten is actually because of his low shots.

But it is also because of the small number of shots that Du Yishen gives people a more mysterious feeling.

"Chu Yan, you hurt a disciple of our Jiuli Party before and ruined a magic weapon for him."

Du Yishen said, "You have to pay for this."

Chu Yan glanced at him lightly, too lazy to speak.

The opponent's indifferent attitude made Du Yishen's eyes irritated.

"Since that's the case, don't blame me!"

Du Yishen's tone suddenly became harsher.

The surrounding air was instantly filled with a taste of autumn wind sorrow, killing fullness.

Many monks on Xiandao can feel a breath of breath at this time and pounce on themselves.

Suddenly, the noisy fairy island calmed down.

Everyone has serious eyes and understands in their hearts that this will be the first official fighting method of the group fairy meeting.

Although the difference between the two is a bit more.

Although this fight is bound to win and lose in an instant.


Glancing at Du Yishen, Chu spoke out two words.

This guy is so much nonsense.

This sentence suddenly seemed to be a rolling oil poured with flames. In a flash, Du Yishen had brewed this volcano for a long time and erupted completely.

"court death!"

Du Yishen's eyes were raging, his fingers spread wide, and he snapped at Chu Yan.

Immediately, he appeared round mirrors shimmering around him.

These round mirrors are stacked on top of each other, and I don't know how many of them. The concentrated light, molten gold and iron, are dazzling and dazzling.

In an instant, it seemed that hundreds of small rounds of sun appeared on the spot.

At this time, the voids around them all showed a tendency to be burned.

The space seems to melt and twist like snow.

Deafening roars sounded from all directions.

"Chu Yan, you just blame yourself!"

Du Yishen screamed, five fingers, slammed into fists.

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