Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1993: As good as

In front of Lin Miaoran, there were the people who had just come in shortly before.

But at this time, everyone's eyes were attracted by the crystal-like surroundings.

The top and the surroundings of their heads seemed to be caught by a huge crystal bowl.

Pieces of light flickered continuously in the crystal.

Su Yuqing stared for a moment, covered her small mouth, and exclaimed: "Gather together!"

Those light spots are awesome.

And these gatherings form a larger gathering together! So at this moment, everyone on the scene can feel that a powerful aura came from all directions towards them.

At this time take a breath, all mouths and mouths, and between the breaths are sweet.

Even Furui and Su Xinyu's cheeks were slightly reddish, and they looked dizzy, and apparently had slight drunkenness symptoms.

"So rich aura ..." Feeling like this, everyone had already vaguely guessed what Chu Yan wanted to do.

Reiki is strong, under normal circumstances, naturally is for cultivation and promotion.

But one thing, everyone felt very confused.

That is if only this is the case, then Chu Yan does not have to be so mysterious.

In the past, everyone practiced under his arrangement, and they were all very fair and upright.

This time it was a secret room and a teleportation array, obviously what I wanted to hide.

Seeing the suspicious eyes cast by Su Yuqing, Uslanma and others, Chu Yan smiled slightly and waved his arm.

Suddenly, everyone felt like a curtain was opened in front of them.

The sound of the water came and disappeared again.

At the next moment, a crystal skull larger than the house appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone at the scene suddenly took another breath.

Lin Miaoran did not expect that there is such a skull here.

She had just asked Chu Yan what the skull was for.

But his mouth opened, but he didn't know how to speak.

Because of this skull, it completely gives people a natural feeling.

In fact, any skull, whether it is a human race or a monster, or other, will give people a sudden, shocking, or shocking feeling.

But this crystal skull did not give this feeling.

Even if it is so huge, when you look at it, it still makes people feel as natural and normal as the wind that should be between heaven and earth.

Usilanma stared at the crystal skull for a moment, and there was a flash in his eyes, which was shocked so quickly that he could not help blurting out: "Innate treasure!"

She said so, everyone around her showed a surprised look.

Inherent treasures are naturally formed between heaven and earth. There are no refined treasures. Legend has it that only talents who have a big fairy can be obtained.

In the past, they just heard that they even thought that the innate treasures did not exist at all, but they were artificially fabricated.

But who knows, the crystal skull in front of him at this moment is an innate treasure.


Jiang Panmeng took a step closer and looked at Chu Yan.


Chu Yan nodded with a smile, instructing everyone to follow him into it, "This is the training place I prepared for you this time.

In the next year and a half or so, the outside may not be very peaceful.

In order to avoid accidents, and to quickly raise your state, so during this time, you are all practicing here. "

Everyone was dizzy before because of the strong aura around them.

At this time, I knew that this was a congenital treasure, and I was shocked to be blank in my mind.

So that at this time, they didn't hear too much what Chu Yan said, but they followed Chu Yan subconsciously and approached the crystal skull.

However, after stepping forward, the unique silence in the crystal skull instantly calmed everyone's mind.

And for monks, the lower the level, the greater the benefit after entering here.

After the promotion to the state of mind, the effectiveness is not so obvious.

Otherwise, the Ghost Killing Pavilion might not be a killer organization formed by scattered cultivation, but a ghost killing gate, or even a ghost killing sect.

At this time, Chu Yan did not explain more.

He carefully watched the change in everyone's expression, and nodded secretly.

Obviously, at this time, it only takes everyone to feel carefully, and you will find the unusual in this crystal skull.

"Here, it really is a treasure of cultivation ..." Su Yuqing said.

"And you have already set up enough auras around you, so as to directly promote here, there will be no shortage of aura."

Uslanma Road.

When she said this, she could not help but sigh: "This guy Chu Yan, every time he does things, is so detailed that he can't be picky.

But at this time, Jiang Panmeng asked: "But if any of us ... let's say A Qing, she is now the three major achievements of the Earth's Yuan. One year and a half, plus the situation here, the promotion to Tianxin is completely possible.

When you are promoted to the state of mind, there is bound to be an aura of light.

Will it be seen by others? "

Seeing Chu Yan smiling, Jiang Panmeng stunned for a moment, then suddenly said: "We are no longer within the territorial scope of Tianya Sect!"

Chu Yan smiled and nodded.

At this time, it was not only within the scope of Tianya Sect, but also the scope of Baoxiang Shangguo.

At one end of this teleportation array, Chu Yan was laid out in the secret room of Sui Xin Island.

At the other end, Chu Yan was placed in a small universe.

So at this moment, everyone is already in the small world.

However, Chu Yan didn't want to expose the world of Xiao Qiankun for the time being, so he took the opportunity of setting up a gathering of spirits to form a crystal-backed world with heaven and earth, so that everyone could not see the surrounding scene.

However, Lin Miaoran knew of the existence of the world of Xiao Qiankun, and he had a blue heart. After a moment of thinking, he understood where he is now, so he cast a mysterious smile toward Chu Yan.

Under Chu Yan's explanation, the people quickly sat cross-legged at the closed eyes on the ground.

Since they are congenital treasures, they naturally understand that such opportunities for cultivation are unappreciable, and should be cherished.

And the crystal skull itself also has the effect of increasing the speed of everyone's practice.

So it did n’t take long for the eyes of everyone to open their eyes.

A mysterious breath began to haunt.

Everyone conveys a taste of rapid progress.

Lin Miaoran also stayed in the crystal skull to practice.

Although she has stepped into the state of mind today, she is the body of the jadeite, which is a natural physique, enough to help her make up for the shortcomings of this innate treasure to the monks of the state of mind.

Soon, the crystal skull was completely quiet.

Chu Yan also came out of it.

"Next, just wait for them to be promoted one by one."

Chu Yan said.

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