Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1977: Last thing

Bang! The shock of the collapse of the sky dome was produced.

A whole piece of sky, completely fell.

The eight golden lights that fled, instantly felt countless mountains smashing on themselves.

All the lights fell together towards the ground.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! Boom! Each roar will shatter the galaxy, destroying the power of luck and the destruction.

Eight golden lights swayed constantly, and at the same time came the cry of the real man from Zifu.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The eight golden rays of light became dim at a rate visible to the naked eye.

But there is one light, the speed of darkening is obviously slower than the other seven.

Chu Yan narrowed her eyes, stepped out, and moved her finger directly: "Emperor Demon Soul Rune!"

Uh! Wrapped with a magical magic weapon, he screamed out and pulled out a long line in mid-air. In the blink of an eye, he penetrated all seven golden lights.

Because the speed is too fast, the arc drawn out makes people look at a glance, just like the ancient golden demon charm run these seven golden lights together.

Crackling! Immediately, the Big Bang occurred.

The seven golden lights were all shattered.

In the only ray of light remaining, the real scream of Zifu came, and his figure also appeared.

At this time, his remaining arm, holding his forehead tightly, uttered an extremely wailing wailing.


Chu Yan spit out a word, and his **** wings fluttered before him.

The real man of Zifu who was hurt by the soul, was frightened and frightened at this moment, and shouted again and again: "You can't kill me! When Zifu thinks, there are so many ways, even if you chop me up, I can regenerate blood ..." Yan looked at him, his eyes were calm, and he raised his hand and pointed.

An indescribable atmosphere of terror instantly condensed between him.

Unlike magical power, it is like magical power.

Just like great magic power and great power, this moment opened the door to the world of demons.

The tragic, desperate taste, spontaneously emerged, deep in the void, the wolf smoke swept, and endless blood and fire rose into the sky.

The real man of Zifu was frightened by this momentum, and suddenly, no more voices could be made in his throat.

"Burn the Flame Soul!"

Bang! A heavenly sword is completely made of blood and flesh, and the surface of the flames is rolling. Among the sharp edges, the black road of destruction flows like a river.

The real man in Zifu was dumbfounded, and all thoughts were gray.

At this time he understood that what he said before had no effect at all in front of the other party.

The power of the Purple House is only a digest in front of the other party.

The supreme supernatural powers, together with the Avenue of Destruction, crushed him to death.

With a loud noise, the real man of the Purple House was immediately engulfed by the breath of blood and fire, and in a blink of an eye, the soul and spirit were extinguished.

A real man in the Purple House, after Chu Yan was promoted to the triple state of mind, was easily killed by him.

This scene, this kind of strength, if other monks see it at this time, it will definitely be shocked by the shock of the soul, or even scared to death on the spot.

However, at this time, Chu Yan's face did not look too joyful, but seemed very calm.

On the one hand, his current Dao heart is already very firm. He will not be a little good, but he will be very happy and unsteady.

On the other hand, it was because he had expected this situation.

All the previous accumulations, all adventures, and the thousand and tens of preparations made are all on the Xian Road, which can become more and more powerful and achieve the goal of being invincible at the same level and leaping across the steps.

With the improvement of the realm, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, which is also a matter of course.

If he is all excited about such things, then his future achievements will be limited.

At this time, the world was almost broken by him, surrounded by chaos.

But don't worry about this, because the mainland has sufficient aura, and soon after, this broken world will start repairing itself.

It's just that after the restoration, the terrain is almost impossible to be the same as the original.

That's a normal thing.

After reaching out and retrieving the Tianyin Seal, Chu Yan groaned slightly and released the Zijin Storm Thunder Ape from the echo ring.

At this moment, the Zijin Thunder Ape looks extremely weak, and it's not far from Qi Ruo hairspring.

After all, before it was hit by a real person in the Purple House, the kind of shock was just like being hit by the ancestor. It was a very good situation.

"Look at the things you did well before."

Chu Yan raised his hand and a ray of blood hit the body of Zijin Storm Thunder Ape.

Immediately, the breath of Zijin Thunder Ape became soothing.

The gloomy eyes were regained at this moment.

It can clearly feel the pain all over its body, as it breathes and continues to relieve, just a few moments, it can't feel a trace of pain.

I couldn't even move my arm, but now, my body seems to be full of strength.

"stand up."

Chu Yan's faint voice came into his ears, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape immediately turned and jumped.

It looked at the whole body in surprise.

It was completely wounded, and it was all recovered in the time just now! And not only that, at this moment, it feels like it is being injected with a brand-new force.

This force must be more powerful and more courageous! Among the monsters, the Zijin Storm Thunder Ape belongs to the kind of wisdom closest to the human race.

At this time, I discovered the change of the Chuyan realm, and then contacted the change of the surrounding void, and the purple palace realm that disappeared, plus the strong smell of aura and blood gas in the void, it immediately happened. what! It is precisely because of such a thing that it is too horrifying, and it is even more obvious that Chu Yan's beheading of the Purple Mansion was amazing.

Zijin Storm Thunder Ape did not hesitate immediately, thumped and knelt on the ground.

"Congratulations to the host Xianlu Baichigantou one step further, congratulations to the host for beating the real man of Zifu, thank the host for saving my life again! The subordinates will definitely smear the master's liver and brain!

These words sounded loudly.

However, Chu Yan sneered: "You mean, in the past, you didn't plan to go to the ground?"

The body of Zijin Storm Thunder suddenly shuddered and froze in place, not knowing how to explain it.

However, this sentence, in fact, Chu Yan beat the other party, but did not really mean to pursue the other party.

So Chu Yan said: "Your own position, think about it yourself, feel at ease to do your part."

"Yes, subordinates obey!"

Zijin Storm Thunder Ape was relieved, and at the same time he was alert in his heart. Be careful in the future.

"Next, we are going to another place."

Chu Yan looked and looked into the distance, "Go and get something, and then you can go back and practice with peace of mind for a while."

Chu Yan didn't say where to go, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape didn't dare to ask, at this moment he just bowed and said yes.

At the next moment, Chu Yan stood on the back of Zijin Thunder Ape, and spit out three words: "Go to Silver Butterfly Canyon."

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