Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1843: Serial magic

It was related to the safety of his father, and the handsome man was also open at this moment. He just opened his mouth and tore off the right half of the middle-aged man.

With a quick spit, the black sledgehammer was spit out. The handsome man clicked and chewed a few mouthfuls, and then looked at the middle-aged man, and the monk had only a broken left half of his body.

Flesh and bones were covered with canine-tooth crisscross wounds, and his eyes were frozen in the last moment of fear before death.

The only thing that can be said to be lucky is that he died relatively quickly without suffering.

The handsome man pounced again at this time, took a sip of the rest of the body, and swallowed it directly.

Blood stained his big white teeth scarletly.

And he did not forget to gnash his teeth and mutter: "I want you to attack my father sneakily, tell you to attack my father sneakily, bite you, bite you!"

Old man: "..." My heart is so painful and my heart is so bitter.

There was a sense of despair in the air.

The old man now wants to break this chain.

But no matter how he worked Reiki, the chain remained motionless.

Not only that, he also found in horror that the several puppets originally controlled by himself, after being entangled by the chain at this moment, even lost contact with himself and could not sense it.

At this time, Chu Yan stepped forward from the surging smoke.

Reiki formed a true form of protection on the surface of his body, so he was still spotless at this moment.

Seeing that Chu Yan was unharmed, the old man's face became increasingly ugly.

At this time, as long as it is not a fool's name, this time it is the existence that I cannot afford to mess with.

"This, this is a misunderstanding ..." the old man said with a hard tongue.

Chu Yan looked at the blood stains on the other person, felt the surging blood contained in it, and said lightly, "It's not a misunderstanding."

After that, the five fingers spread out, and they pressed down on the opponent's Tianling cover.

boom! The old man suddenly exploded into plasma from his head to his body.

The puppets that he had previously controlled, at this moment, seemed to have lost their support, and they all collapsed.

"Chu Yan, how is it? Know where my dad is?"

The handsome just glanced at the flesh and looked at Chu Yan nervously.

Obviously, it is more important to be comforted by the father than the blood food in the state of mind.

Chu Yan nodded: "I had only three-point guesses before, but these two people appeared, and I now have eight points."

After speaking, Chu Yan slammed into a brace, erupting a majesty that supported the world.

The rolling billowing smoke and dust were all scattered away.

Clusters of dark chains, densely packed, burst through the air, radiating from the depths of the void, like bamboo shoots.

Suddenly, the chains were intertwined within hundreds of miles around, giving people a sense of airtightness and a sloppy net.

Chu Yan's consciousness shrouded around him, and in an instant, he noticed something strange.

In this big net, there is a clear blank area.

The mesh formed there is significantly larger than elsewhere.

Chu Yan immediately put all his attention there.

The powerful sense, like a big brush, came back and forth and brushed a few times.

Soon, some abnormal space distortions and fine lines appeared before Chu Yan's eyes.

In Chu Yan's eyes, Jingman flashed: "Sure enough, as expected, it is a magical array!"

You ca n’t find it the first time, and you ca n’t completely blame it.

Because the people in the battle array not only have extremely clever techniques, but also use the magic array to hide the existence of the magic array.

It is equivalent to using a series of magical arrays to hide these magical arrays deeper from each other.

Before Chu Yan, I just felt a little weird, and if he changed to another monk, he would definitely fly by.

The old man and the middle-aged monk also felt that Chu Yan stayed here for a long time, but exposed his feet, so they used tricks to kill Chu Yan.

As a result, not only was he killed himself, but also the serial fantasy here was exposed to Chu Yan.

"found it!"

Chu Yan took a big breath and put away all the chains. As soon as he was in shape, he came to the edge of the magic array.

He hovered in midair, raised his foot and slammed down.

Suddenly, the wind was rising, and thunderclouds rolled.

A purple lightning, like an angry dragon, lingered on Chu Yan's legs and crashed.

boom! The void seemed to set off waves, undulating and spreading to the surroundings, and the crackling sound was broken like glazed glass.

This scene, handsome eyes widened.

With this layer of void shattering, several collapsed peaks appeared in front of Chu Yan and handsome.

At the same time, a strong **** gas rose into the sky, letting people breathe, it felt like they were being dragged into the sea of ​​blood.

This blood, whether it is Chu Yan or handsome, is extremely familiar.


The handsome shouted aloud.

But in response, it was a thick white mist that suddenly rose flat.

This thick mist, waves and clouds spread, spreading and surging silently. In a moment, it rose to the mountainside and blocked everything below.

Handsome immediately clenched Chu Yan's shoulder.

Chu Yan looked at the white mist and hummed coldly: "It's all exposed, and you want to hide again?

Purple Thunder Thunder Dragon! "

Click! Purple lightning fell from the sky.

Chu Yanyi held it in his hands.

Lightning spread instantly, like a sharp knife, and immediately cut the thick white mist away.

The white mist was cut into pieces, and it shattered toward the surroundings.

Suddenly, the peaks covered by clouds and mists appeared again slowly.

The handsome probed his head and eagerly looked down.

It knows that there must be kills in that cloud, otherwise, Chu Yan would have led it to kill them together.

So at this time, the handsome man can only forcibly endure his patience and wait hard.

Lei Guang was getting denser, and the heavy white mist was almost torn into pieces at this time, and when the wind blew, a large piece of it disappeared.

Seeing to collapse completely.

Just then, a loud drink came from the depths of the white mist.

"Sister, help me stop him!"

"There are others."

Chu Yan had his eyes fixed.

The next moment, a flute sounded, and soon a melody was played.

If you did n’t hear it with your own ears, it would be hard to imagine. The crisp whistle sounds can even give out the melody of the golden horse and the flames of fire.

Suddenly, the sound of humming sounded from all sides.

Among the wind, there were crying, mourning, roaring, the sound of Jin Ge's impact, and the tearing of flesh and blood.

At the same time, a smell of stench and rust also sprang up.

As if it were a battlefield in a **** battle, this time is coming.

In Chu Yan's heart, such an idea had just emerged, and suddenly there was a light spot in each of the four directions around him.

These four light spots expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into four dozen-storey portals.

Each portal seemed to communicate a tragic battlefield, and the smell of iron and blood immediately surrounded Chu Yan.

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