Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1814: Unexpected


Jin Tenglong felt something was wrong.

The altitude he is flying at is lower than that of a normal monk. In theory, it should not be discovered.

And even if he is found, even if he is injured at this moment, he is also the master of the triple state of mind and the superior of the master.

Which one is not open-minded, dare to count yourself?

Jin Tenglong wants to teach each other a lesson.

But he was about to shoot, and suddenly he felt light.

The next moment he saw a body that looked very familiar, thinking of falling down.

It's just that body, no head.

"This ..." He blinked, as if thinking of something.

But the next moment, a strong, violent attack came.

boom! In the middle of the air, a skull exploded into a ball of mud, like a firework blooming.

The shot body, expressionless, stiff as if with a sting, turned quickly, chasing the body that fell to the ground, five fingers extended forward, grabbed and sucked.

Suddenly, the void suddenly condensed.

The body also quickly contracted, crackling into a blood cell after a crackling sound.

The man who shot it spit out another flame, burning fiercely.

After a few moments, the blood cells burned clean and there were no traces.

After all this was done, the man immediately walked towards the distance, and there was no trace for a moment.

The whole process does not add up to the effort of a tea.

If it wasn't for the scene after the flame was burned, I am afraid that there is no trace indicating that just now a triple-minded state of mind, the leader of the master, has completely turned into fly ash, and there are some sticky blood and brain.

At this time, Xiao Qin began to continue the previous narration, and Chu Yan also collected his mind from Ji Shi's side.

Order Ji Shi to slay Jin Tenglong and kill him. In this way, he can save his worries.

In addition, he could not doubt his Chu Yan.

After all, at this time, he was with Xiao Qin and others.

As for several others, at this moment, he was still wary of Jin Tenglong's inevitable revenge in the future, but he did not know that the elder had died and became dregs.

Chu Yan withdrew his mind, and heard Xiao Qin continue to say, "The King of the North, generally speaking, is good at strategy, a little like the Ziweimen army division.

In addition, some hidden things of Emperor Taiqing also need him to do.

However, I received a message before.

The sudden disappearance of the King of Heaven was most likely caused by a fall.

However, this matter has not yet been verified. "

"Northern King fell?

This is unlikely. "

Cao Jing immediately said, "The monks in the Purple House, and those who can become the North King of Ziweimen, can't be killed so easily."

"It's hard to say."

Xiao Qin shook his head. "After all, the emperor Taiqing is returning soon. There are more people who do not want him to return than those who want him to return."

After Xiao Qin said this, everyone in the audience was quiet.

Chu Yan thought so, too.

Although he has not been in contact with Emperor Taiqing, but after his years of understanding, he now knows that the founder of Ziweimen is definitely not like today's Nichinan Tianwang. Just a few words will let everyone leave.

Compared with Nantian Wang, Ziweimen's other disciples, who are arrogant and arrogant on weekdays, have truly inherited the mantle of Emperor Taiqing.

If it is said that such a person is a destroyer of the rules, then Taiqing Emperor is a ruler.

He not only ignores the rules, but also tramples them under his feet. No matter what he does, he will do whatever he wants. Whoever dares to stop them will kill them all.

The emperor Taiqing will return at the Qunxian conference a few years later. Although this news has not been fully disclosed, many people have already been so acquiescent in their hearts.

After all, that was the perfect time to return.

In other words, there are only a few years left for everyone.

And the thought of this mysterious trip to Xianfu, did not get the huge immortal fate expected, and everyone felt uneasy for a while, and became uneasy.

Although Chu Yan has gained something, in his mind, he is considering more things at the moment.

For a moment, everyone was quiet, and each had his own heart.

Just when Chu Yan and others returned to Tianyazong, they just projected and rescued the King Nan Tingfei who was standing barefoot on the sea of ​​clouds.

The sea of ​​clouds is immaculate, the mighty, the waves are rolling, the distant sky is glowing, the flowers are colorful, and there is a huge, mysterious atmosphere.

Nan Tianwang before Chu Yan and others were just a projection, and his face was blocked.

Standing here at this moment, all over his body, there was no cover of any breath.

He looks like a young man in his twenties.

At first glance, it looks plain, and there is nothing to remember.

But if you look closely, you will find that this young man and the surrounding world, the sea of ​​clouds, are very harmonious.

He appeared here as if he was born with no surprise at all.

Even on the body, the linen robe, which was slightly old, but washed relatively clean, seemed very natural.

At this moment he squinted and looked at the distant sea of ​​clouds. He smiled and raised his hands together.

Immediately, a clear lotus flower appeared at his fingertips.

Pleasant strings of music also sang along with the lotus.

The lotus slowly grows large, and the distant clouds and clouds in the distance. At this moment, as the lotus slowly rotates, it suddenly seems to be stirred and starts to rotate. After a moment, a cohesive vortex is formed.


Gently spit out the words, the vortex suddenly spread out and became a space channel.

If other monks in the purple house tear the void, they rely on their supreme supernatural powers, scratching and tearing, or scratching and tearing, seemingly extremely fierce.

But when Nan Tianwang made this series of movements, it was fresh and elegant, as if dancing with the string music.

He didn't move, but the next moment, just before this space passage, he disappeared instantly.

The next moment, he appeared in a cloud and mist, and the rainbow at his feet was the fairyland of the bridge.

"Should be right ahead."

He swept around and nodded with a smile.

Nine petals Cailian rose at his feet, holding him to speed forward.

Soon after, a towering fairy mountain appeared in front of him.

"The emperor speculates that it is true."

Standing at the foot of Xianshan Mountain, Nantian Wang looked up and nodded slightly.

"Unfortunately, the King of Heaven has fallen now. Otherwise, he should have done it."

Shaking his head and throwing away these thoughts, Nantian raised his hand and moved forward.

Ding——like a bell ringing, every halo, like ripples, spreading from his fingertips to the surroundings, without hindrance, smooth as silk.

This was supposed to be a good thing, but seeing this scene, Nantian Wang had his eyes fixed on his face, his expression suddenly cold, his frown slightly raised, and he immediately stood up to the top of the mountain.

Looking towards the dark pit in front, like a meteorite impacting the deep pit, the eyes of Nan Tianwang were darkened at this moment, and his breathing stopped.

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