Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1528: Make your own offer

With a bang, when the horsepower hit the ground fiercely, the monks were scared to jump in place.

I've heard of the challenge of the higher order, but no one has ever seen it. There is a land in the Yuan Dynasty that presses the mind of the sky to the ground and rubs it.

When did Tianxinjing become so worthless?

The feeling of these bystanders was so shocking. The horsepower that was being blown up by Chu Yan deeply felt how terrible the power that Chu Yan burst out at that moment.

A spell, directly broke his magical power, and threw him as if he were a dead dog.

This guy, where is the monster! "We're dead--" Horsepower bit his lip, tears rolling in his eyes.

If time can return to a few days ago, even if he is killed, he will not take the initiative to bring this group of teachers, brothers and sisters to the evil rain forest to experience.

Who would have thought that before the evil brutal rainforest could step in, a group of people on their own side was stopped by the other person alone.

For a moment, the monks of Zongmen were cold-hearted, trembling physically and mentally, and looked at Chu Yan with fear.

When Chu Yan came in front of them, everyone was almost shrunk, and the atmosphere did not dare to sip.

"Which gate are you from?"

Chu Yan glanced coldly and asked.

At this moment, Chu Yan was standing in front of these monks. Even if he was only one person, even if his realm was not the highest, at the moment, his momentum was crushing the crowd on the scene.

Each of these monks at the scene felt as if a big mountain was pressed against their chests, leaving them out of breath, and the blood on their limbs seemed to have solidified.

"We, we are the limit gates, you are treating us like this, our teacher ..." A disciple yelled at Chu Yan, speaking loudly, as if brave himself.

Chu Yan's eyes swept away, and with only one glance, the disciple couldn't move, as if stared at by an ancient beast, his face was as white as paper.

"My uncle is ..." Alas! With an arm sweep, the disciple's head flew out.

Before he died, he had an incredible look on his face.

I have to say my identity, how dare you kill me?

A stream of blood spurted out of the disciple's cavity without his head, and after shaking his body a few times, he fell to the ground.

There was a strong **** smell at the scene.

This group of people interrupted their thoughts, and also accused themselves of being a bad practice. At this moment, they still want to use their identity to oppress others.

His Royal Highness Chu's eyes were murderous.

With this lesson learned, no one dared to speak at the scene anymore, one by one trembling, even carefully breathing.

Tears twitched in his eyes, but he tried desperately to keep them from falling.

The original drunkenness, at this moment, with the fear, all turned into cold sweat and emerged through the body.

Look at Chu Yan, look at the corpses on the ground, and fall to the ground. The whole body is full of blood horsepower. Everyone understands what terrible person they are.

Defeating the state of mind in the shot, and dare to kill the disciples in the face of Zongmen disciples, such a monk must have an amazing background! This is indeed the case.

Chu Yan is a disciple of Baoxiang Shangya, the largest sect of the kingdom.

The limit gate, Chu Yan has not even heard of it, I am afraid it is only the gate of a nearby Xinjiang country.

Although there is a state of mind to sit in the town, but compared to Tianyazong, that is the difference between a small boat and a giant ship, which is not worth mentioning at all.

"Limit gate."

Looking at these quail-like monks, Chu Yan sneered, "Your elders, didn't teach you not to disturb others in the wild?"

As soon as this word came out, the monks of the limit gates were even colder.

As far as monks are concerned, interrupting other people's cultivation is serious enough to endure death.

Look at the other person, this is to give a statement on their own side.

In the end, the horsepower of the state of mind opened its mouth.

He took a few steps forward weakly, and said weakly: "This matter is a trouble we have not thought about carefully, and I ask your Lord to have a large amount, if we can, we are willing to compensate your loss."

When he said that, his horsepower was like a knife.

It was originally thought that after being promoted to the heavenly state of mind, he would get rid of his identity as a cricket ant and become a noble master of the heavenly beings.

As a result, after going out for the first time after being promoted, he was taught to be a man by the "maggots" in his eyes.

Now it is even more whispering for mercy.

This humiliation made the horsepower so good that he spit out a lot of blood on the spot.


Chu Yan glanced at the horsepower obliquely, and smiled sensibly, "Then you can ask for a price, what price can replace your life."

Ma Li and a number of monks: "..." If it was Chu Yan's prerequisites, then they promised.

But letting them bid now is tantamount to saying that their lives are worth trading for.

If you say it is cheap, you can't even talk.

But if it is very valuable-it can't be said.

In other words, Chu Yan now not only presses this group of people, but also gives them problems.

"We ... we ..." Horsepower's face became extremely ugly.

But in terms of strength, he did not dare to turn his face.

I used my magical powers before, and I also used the magical tools, but I was rubbed on the ground by the opponent.

Now that the artifact is destroyed and the storage bag is taken away by the other party, what else do you have to fight with the other party?

Tianxin blows up?

Ma Li suspects that if he really gets up, Tianxin blows his mind, there are only two possibilities.

One is that before he had time to blew himself up, he was chopped by the opponent, just like the guy who just died.

The second possibility is that the other party is unscathed, and he blew himself up, killing only those fellow players around him.

What's more, it was difficult to be promoted to the state of heaven, what hasn't been enjoyed, and the horsepower didn't want to die.

After pondering for a while, the horsepower shivered and said, "The elders of our ancestors are working in Tongzhou City not far from the evil rain forest. If you like, you can talk to our elders in detail ..." Press me? "

His Royal Highness narrowed his eyes.

The horsepowered sphincter suddenly jerked, and as soon as he was about to deny that there was absolutely no meaning, he suddenly felt a sudden pain in the brain.

This feeling of being severely pricked by thousands of red-hot steel needles gave horsepower a thought that might as well die.

At this moment, a picture flashed in his mind.

When the disciples who came before questioned Chu Yan, the first person finished his sentence and fell to the ground holding his head.

I thought it was the man who drank too much spirit wine.

Now think about it ... Ma Liqiang resisted the severe pain, opened his tearful eyes and looked at the disciple, and saw that disciple rolled his eyes at this moment, his eyes looked at the sky, smirking, and drooling long silver Silk, hanging on the ground, never noticed.

Seeing this scene, Mali immediately took a breath, and a gall was scared to slide out of the body along the large intestine.

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