197 – Because it lacks dignity.


In front of the throne of power, all the executives knelt down.

While the heavy silence continued, at some point, shadows gathered over the throne and formed into the shape of a princess.


He was the current owner of the Void.

The princess looked at the Four Heavenly Kings with a sleepy face.

“Why did I bother placing executives in the void? I’m not asking you to play house. “To carry out my orders efficiently and convey my intentions effectively.”

The eight executives answered loudly.

“Yes, princess.”

“Defeated at Lecheln Hill, the traitor missed…. “I never thought I would end up in a situation like this.”

The girl blood demon Lillie and the masked blood demon Dust pressed their foreheads to the floor at the same time.

“I will not make excuses. Please punish me.”

The princess placed her hand on her armrest and opened her mouth.


“Yes. Princess, I am listening.”

The secretary knelt down on one knee and showed respect.

“As a secretary, I have something to say to executives. Sun.”

It was not difficult for the secretary to figure out what the princess meant.

In this way, the princess can observe how the secretary scolds the executives. In other words, while punishing executives, the qualifications of secretaries can also be tested.

The secretary’s gaze turned to the executives.

“For everyone to listen.”


Her story continues in a stiff tone.

“You took your opponents too lightly, and at the same time, you evaluated your own abilities generously. “Is there an executive who can refute this?”

“No objection.”

“Even if it means giving up all of your pride, you should have prioritized completing your mission. I will give you time to make excuses.”

Lillie, the girl blood demon, pursed her lips.

“If you put aside your pride and become servile, wouldn’t the authority of the Void seem low? So….”

“The princess already mentioned not to be obsessed with appearances. You are defeated. “Don’t you know that I was humiliated because of my arrogance and bravado?”

Lillie lowered her head.

“If you want to maintain your arrogant attitude, keep improving your skills. You are weak to begin with. Know that it is a miracle that it was not disposed of.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Would you have been defeated even if you had tried your best?”

At that time, the masked blood demon Dust, who was quietly listening to her, spoke.

“I dare say something about that. “Even if we had given our best, we would have ended up losing.”

“… The reason is?”

“We admit we were arrogant, and we admit we let our guard down, but Plan was so outstanding in the first place.”

The secretary had nothing to say for a moment so she shut her mouth.

She expected something like asking him to punish her or giving her one more chance to get revenge. But I never thought I would hear such an indifferent confession from her.

At that time, the princess rested her chin on his and burst into laughter.


But no one could laugh along.

“Regardless of success or failure.”

The princess stopped laughing and continued her words.

“Of all the executives I have ever created, you are the most pathetic. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic….”

Everyone, including everyone, had their foreheads pressed to the floor.

“All of you, stay out of my sight for a month. “There will be no restrictions on means and methods, so practice on your own.”

“Yes, princess.”

“The key is not to be noticed. “We will forget about inferior failures like you for a while, and when we gather together in a month, you should be useful.”

Every time the princess blinked, her eyes sparkled.

“If you are still pathetic when we meet again, you should be summarily disposed of. “If you understand, disappear from my sight immediately.”

The executives hit their foreheads on the floor with a loud thud.

“Thank you! Princess!”

After the executives disappeared like dust, the princess sighed.

“What about Maiev?”

“I turned to Flan’s side.”

“Good. Everything is going according to plan….”

The princess fingered her own purple dagger.

What was given to Maiev was a fake from the beginning, a device to monitor her actions and words.

“… “There is a slight discrepancy.”

“It’s because of Plan’s personality. “The plan to grow him up and take him is good, but I’m starting to worry.”

“In some ways.”

“Some of the executives are already saying nonsense that they can’t win, so what if they become stronger later?”

The princess nodded her head calmly.

“You should be happy. Because something interesting happened.”

He continues speaking to the secretary who is full of concern.

“In the first place, there is still a long way to go for Plan to reach the level you fear. “Because it takes so many things to reach the state of ‘heaven’ that does not distinguish between births.”

“What if one day it becomes heaven? “Wizard’s Cloth.”

Even after hearing those words, Princess Diana remained calm.

“To watch such a scene, I choose to sleep rather than commit suicide. Even if you are bored every day, you don’t have to live, and the Lord of the Void will want there to be many strong people when he is resurrected.”

“I hope the princess’s world will last forever. But if Flan becomes such a being, doesn’t that mean a new threat will arise?”

From noble mtl dot com

The princess laughed and laughed.

It was not a laugh that was laughable, nor was it pretentious. It was a leisurely experience filled with pure joy.

“Just be endlessly happy. It must expand endlessly as we welcome new strong players. “Don’t forget that it’s a void.”

“I understand. “Then, I dare ask you one last question and then I will leave.”


The secretary asked cautiously.

“First of all, what should we do with the plan now?”

“Hmm…. It was about time we met. “You should go first.”

“Do you want to have a conversation? Or should we do it by battle?”

“That is for you to decide. “Take a smart approach.”

The secretary nodded.

“We will do it as wisely as possible. “I will do my best to evaluate whether she is worthy of meeting the princess.”

“I don’t know anything else, but one thing is certain.”





The secretary pricked up her ears and waited for the princess’s next words. However, no matter how long he waited, he could not continue speaking.

“… ?”

I looked up and saw.


The princess was already dozing off.

Academy, classroom of the Faculty of Magic.

Plan increased the number of representatives of the Faculty of Magic.

Becky, Trixie, Eushia, Louise, Maiev. If you include Plan, there were a total of 6 representatives.

Considering Plan’s achievements, adding a representative was not a big deal. But doesn’t the Faculty of Magic have the right to know which representatives have joined? As a result….

“There will be a self-introduction from transfer student Maiev.”

Maiev introduced herself here, a lecture hall filled with the president and professors of the Faculty of Magic.

Applause erupts, followed by a huge amount of attention. Maiev climbed onto the podium with a stiff body.

When I disguised myself or wore a mask, I almost never felt nervous, but communicating with others with my true self was still difficult.

A situation where everyone only looks at themselves.

‘I’m going crazy….’

It was the most mysterious moment since I was born.

I was confident that I could scare someone, but he belonged somewhere and cooperated. It was something I had never even imagined.

Yusiah and Becky were chatting when Trixie stabbed Becky in the side with her elbow.

“The presentation is about to start. A little.”

“Ah, yes. Sorry.”

Maiev swallowed her saliva.


What on earth should I say?

What is oneself? He doesn’t even know himself.

“Maiev…. No see.”

Maiev continued her words with a trembling voice.

“Her family has a younger sister. “She doesn’t have a basic education, but she’s very interested in magic.”

She was saying something stupid even to herself.

The words that were not coherent and organized were gibberish, and the person himself was pathetic and hesitant.


“It’s awkward to spend time with someone. But I plan to work hard. “I will do my best to make her a wizard without shame.”

Maiev couldn’t stop telling her story.

What on earth is this relief?

Although she spits it out to others, it can also be heard clearly in her own ears. In other words, this was actually a confession she made to herself.

It was an honest conversation with oneself face to face.

“I will learn well from Plan. I will use what I have learned for good things, not bad things. I will do my best to blend in well with the group. Thank you.”

By the time she finished talking, the surroundings were very quiet.

Although she felt relieved, she was suddenly overcome with embarrassment.

At that time, Cornette, the president of the Faculty of Magic, smiled and nodded.

“As expected, a good person has come in. All right.”


It wasn’t just the president. Her professors and other delegates also greeted Maiev with welcome words.


Maiev left the classroom feeling both happy and dazed. And at one point, when she passed by a deserted road.

I heard someone’s voice.

“Imitating humans seems quite suitable.”

A voice that should not be heard. But at the same time, it’s a voice that you can’t recognize.

Maiev turned her head awkwardly.

“What do you think, Maiev? Was there paradise where you fled? “I ended up having a human child like this.”

In the void, the secretary who always stayed by the princess’s side was staring at her.

“… !”

Without time to react, the secretary’s hand was about to be placed on Maiev’s shoulder.


The suddenly manifested spirit swats away the hand.

“Get your hands off me.”

This time too, a familiar tone.

The heads of the two blood demons turn to the side at the same time.

“Because the dignity is low.”

And there, there was Flan.

It was the moment when a three-way meeting took place.

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