181 – … I waited. For as long as a week.

Do people with only strengths exist?

Of course it might be there somewhere, but most of the time it isn’t. Humans develop their strengths to hide their weaknesses. This is natural so as not to expose the private parts.

Aurora, who lived her life thinking of herself as a human, was no exception.

Aurora has been through hellish days since she was young. It was because of her future that she could see whether she wanted it or not.

People’s futures were ultimately similar when viewed from a distance, even if there were detailed differences. She had seen all kinds of scenes since she was toddling around, so it was natural for her to become mentally exhausted.

I was very afraid of the future of being hated by others.

The girl was too young to harbor a grudge that would be repaid, and she naturally began to worry and study the question, ‘How can I be liked?’

However, her adults took full advantage of her efforts. Didn’t her parents step forward and use her Aurora as a tool?

Even in the end, she was completely abandoned, so it was natural for the girl to distrust humans.

─Is there anything missing from us?

─That’s right. I don’t have any sense. I’m noticing….

There was always a back story about the future that was visible. Each and every scene was a scene that strengthened Aurora’s distrust of humans.

For those interested in her success, her Aurora bloodline was the target. Those interested in beauty were jealous, and many men did not spare any s*xual harassment.

It’s the same.

Everyone was the same.

Aurora stopped liking the word ‘exception’. She even stopped believing. This is because she observed numerous scenes beyond others that others could not see.

After eight years in her basement, Aurora has changed, but her humanity has remained the same. She had felt lonely before, but as soon as she saw them again, her contempt filled her again.

Yes, it was something that did not change over time.

Those who brought her Aurora to the ground each had their own purpose. There were no exceptions even for those who were infinitely loyal. They become so loyal because they have other goals.

So Aurora decided to set her own ‘her goal’.

─Sir, please just save me!

─The princess! Please!

That was ‘survival’. Aurora instilled fear for their lives in them. Anyone must be loyal in order to survive.

While I was living like that, I ran into a man.

Flan was a wizard.

At first, I thought it was interesting and strange. Because he couldn’t see his future at all. No matter what kind of person he faced, he has never been unable to see the future.

Of course, she didn’t think it was necessary to look.

As always, there were no ‘exceptions’ for humans. Even if you look calm on the outside, you are probably shaking on the inside. They must have been gossiping about Aurora behind her back.

He did not doubt his decision and the basis was sufficient.

But the more her interest in Flan grew, the more he wanted to defeat her. It was a kind of defense mechanism. When I see a person who doesn’t kneel, memories of the past come to mind.

We will never return to the cold and dark times.

I don’t want to crouch in the basement. I don’t want to be treated like a tool by others. Every time I reflected on that thought, I strengthened my resolve to control even the future of others.

So she had to break Flan even more.

Isn’t there a saying that you should keep the enemy close to you? Like a flower in a vase, he was going to display the unyielding man next to him.

─You are nothing more than a made-up doll.

But the moment she heard Dusk’s words in Leheln, all of Aurora’s thoughts were completely erased.

She was born a blood demon.

She couldn’t believe it. She has imperial blood, which is said to be the most noble among human bloodlines, so how could Aurora be a noble blood?

I didn’t believe it. She thought it was just a ruse to distract Aurora from her confusion.

But Aurora was not stupid. She told Aurora the circumstances one by one even if she did not want to accept it.

Ban the guard knight was never seen again, and his fangs seemed to have become unusually sharp since then.

She didn’t want to accept it, but it was reality. Every little clue proved that she was a blood demon. However, she just couldn’t understand Aurora.

She has already come too far.

If she was born a blood demon, how on earth should she be compensated for her hardships? How should she live from now on? .

She cannot belong to either humans or blood demons. No matter how much I think about it, there has never been a person born as cursed as this.

“… “Flan.”

At that time, it was Flan who saved her Aurora.

He had the right to be angry with Aurora. Even when I scolded the ugly princess for her mistakes and examined them in detail, it was absolutely nothing strange.

But she didn’t act like a man.

─As long as there is an appointment.

A word to keep your promise. That was the end.

Flan’s words and eyes did not contain a single lie. Aurora was able to bypass her common sense and understand with her instincts. That this is the truth.

“That…” . Today….”

Even if you don’t necessarily check the future, there is a present you can be sure of. It was only then that Aurora realized.

“Also this…. Dawn….”

The dawn light is not just on the wings of a butterfly, nor does it illuminate the entire world, but warmly surrounds only the aurora. Dawn.

She said she didn’t know if this could be the light she had been looking for so long. Aurora thought that without even realizing it.

Because that warmth was still vivid.


From noble mtl dot com


The carriage shook violently once. This is because Aurora hastened the path to her destination.

“Faster…. “Can’t it be faster?”

The princess urged her coachman.

After meeting Dusk, her ability to see the future disappeared. But even if she had, she would have asked countless times. Currently she wanted to shorten her time by even a second.

Remorse as sharp as shards of glass tore through her heart.

If I had been a little less arrogant, if I had been a little more ordinary, if I had known a little more, it wouldn’t have ended up like this.

“Try increasing the speed. Please.”

Aurora’s voice was no longer a command tone. She was pleading with a coachman.

“It can’t be too late any longer. Never….”

“I’m sorry, Princess. It is impossible to speed up any more than this.”

“Well, then there is another way. “Is there a faster way?”

“But it’s so narrow that a carriage can’t fit…” .”

The moment the coachman answered that question, Aurora blindly opened the door and jumped out of it. The aftermath was great. It was as if she had been hit by a typhoon, as she had to roll on the dirt floor several times.

“Princess! Princess—!”

The coachman’s shouts were heard from behind, but Aurora didn’t care. She said that she was suffering unbearably at the moment, and that it was never her physical suffering.

“I have to go…” .”

Aurora staggered to her feet. With a blank expression on her face, she started running down the rough road.

The week Aurora was down was a huge gap. Of course, the fall of the princess was a big deal among the people of the empire, so the damage Plan is currently suffering is likely to be enormous.

Everything was Aurora’s fault.

The members of the imperial family lost their lives, Flan suffered damage, and the blood demon appeared. It was all Aurora’s fault.

“I have to go…” . Must go….”

So Aurora had no choice but to mutter the same words. In order to blame herself for her own shortcomings, she makes sure to not forget what she has to do.

The place where Aurora arrived was Fritz’s territory.

It was the location where the construction of the Magic Tower was scheduled.

Aurora was busy wandering around Fritz’s estate.

Those who recognized her Aurora sometimes gave her a stunned look when they saw her bare feet covered in scars, and others stared at her with a calm expressionless expression.

But she could feel it even now, even when her future prediction was not activated. That everyone in this room feels sorry for Aurora.


But she had no right to blame Aurora for her rudeness.

“It’s not the princess… ?”

“Leave it alone. Princess or whatever….”

“It must be nice to be the princess. “She’s ruined everything here.”

Even though she could see something, she pretended not to see it, and even though she could hear something, she pretended not to hear it. A great hostility clung to her like a shadow, whether Aurora reflected or not.


Aurora walked as if running away.

Even if she wanted to cry, sit down and hold her head, she couldn’t. Since she had many responsibilities, the first priority was to meet the manager of Fritz’s estate.

The princess barely managed to enter Fritz’s mansion.

Someone was waiting, as if she knew she would come.

Although she was a woman with a backstory, it was clear that she was the head of the family. Jasmine, Fritz’s symbol, was proudly wearing an epaulet engraved with it.

Trixie von Fritz.

“You’ve finally come to visit.”

Trixie slowly turned her body towards Aurora.

She is the owner of the blue flame.

“… I waited. “For as long as a week.”

It was cold enough to be believed even if it was the master of ice.

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