"Then what?" Ivy listened in rapt attention and asked Sera about the story behind her.

"Then? Then of course I chopped them all into frozen meat dregs! Girl!" Sera laughed loudly, "I'm still standing here, and I came to the south!"

"But I didn't win that bet, because when I took them to see the mammoth carcass at dawn, those bastards insisted that I found a mammoth carcass and killed the ghouls around to use it as my own. Achievements, bah!”

Sera depressedly picked up the water bag on her waist, took a big gulp of ale, then opened her animal skin coat and showed her companions a large old scar on her waist.

"Look, this is the place where the ghouls scratched you. Their claws have paralyzing poison. If you encounter them later, be careful!"

"Ivy shouldn't be affected, right?" Victoria looked at the half-elf, "I heard that the first ghoul was once an elf. After his fall, his despicable master was at war with the gnoll lord. He gave up on him. In desperation, he asked the elves for help and received a kind and tolerant rescue. From then on, the poisonous claws of the ghouls will no longer be effective against the elves. "

"Then I'll probably be paralyzed half the time," Ivy said with a self-deprecating smile, "After all, I'm not a 'whole' elf!"

Elves are elves, and half-elves are half-elves. Even normal races cannot tell the difference between the two, let alone ghouls.

"Are you going in now?" Sylvia looked at the darkening sky with some worry, "Will they be strengthened at night?"

"Won't you get strengthened at night?" You float next to Sylvia. Although she thinks Ron is the best person in the team and Ivy is the best talker, she still prefers to talk to Sylvia. Stay with Sylvia - her temperature is lower.

"But I am a spell caster..." Sylvia sighed and pulled out a pair of daggers from her waist, "Okay, okay, this is my first 'adventure', and I don't want to appear too cowardly. "

"Don't worry, if you can't beat me, stand behind me and Victoria." Ivy smiled, set up the tower shield and walked towards the entrance of the mine on the hillside first.

"The wooden boards blocking here have been torn. It's most likely done by the ghouls." Ivy used the scabbard as a crowbar and widened the entire entrance to accommodate the heavy tower shield. "Come in, there are no food nearby." Ghoul!"

Ron clicked on the light spell, and the dim mine tunnel inside was indeed as empty as Ivy said. The track on the ground had long been decayed and abandoned, the sleepers were rotten and incomplete, the rails were rusty and twisted, and the mine car was overturned on the side, covered with It was the marks of tearing by teeth and claws.

You's figure became illusory, and he flew lightly to the inside of the mine. After a while, he turned back and said, "There are no ghouls in the nearby forks. These guys should be hiding deeper."

"However, this layer of the surface seems to be used as a nest by spiders and centipedes, and there are quite a few of them. It's better to be careful."

The spiders and centipedes you mentioned are not the little guys, but giant spiders and centipedes. They are large beasts that are several times larger than humans. They are highly poisonous, and the giant spiders are insidious characters who are good at using spider webs to hunt. .

Since they didn't want to alert other monsters that might exist, Ron and the others could only slowly move forward and deal with the beasts as soon as possible, trying not to make too much noise. But even so, it seems that their aura of living people has alerted the predators here, and all kinds of beasts and monsters are still gathering towards their location.

"I feel like we are like tomb robbers..." Ron shot a flaming arrow and lit the down on a giant spider. "These guys are the guardian beasts that protect the owner of the tomb."

"Interesting metaphor," Sylvia responded in a low voice, "If I can have a castle like a vampire in the future, I will also raise a group of little guys like this."

She put her mouth to the head of a giant centipede at her feet, as if she wanted to taste the insect's blood, but for whatever reason, the vampire was unable to swallow it.

"Then Dreyfus and I will go hunting in your castle every day!" Sera said with a smile, "You said it would be great if there was such a thing in our snowfield! We wouldn't have to risk our lives to hunt wild beasts!"

In fact, for ordinary people, creatures such as giant spiders and centipedes are still dangerous and deadly, but they are nothing compared to the creatures Sera dealt with before.

"It would be really annoying if you were really being so mean." Ron muttered. He remembered the big cockroach he had met in the south in his previous life. That thing's relatives didn't grow that big in the north!

"Hey! Look what I found?" Dreyfudou followed You and appeared from a corner in front, "A guard room!"

After Ron and others passed by, it turned out that as Dreyfudeau said, it was a guard room set up at the intersection of the mine tunnels, but there were no living or undead creatures in it. There were only fragments of broken bones scattered on the decayed chairs, beds, and floor.

"There used to be at least three people here." Ron gathered the bones on the ground together. "It seems they were ghouls..."

"How do you know?" Ivy pointed at the fragments that Ron swept out, "I didn't even see the skull."

"Here, look at this," Ron picked up a few bones from the ground, "Does it look a bit like it?"

"These are the cervical vertebrae. Of course they look the same." Ivy glanced at them.

"Then take a look at this one?" Ron picked up another one. "Is the shape the same as the previous one?"

"No," Ivy shook her head. "But it should also be a cervical vertebra or a spine, right?"

Ivy may not have studied systematic anatomy, but as a senior adventurer, she can still answer such simple questions.

"This is the first cervical vertebra, also known as the atlas. It is located at the top of the spine and connected to the occipital bone. Its shape is ring-shaped and has no vertebral body." Ron picked up the other two. "A person has seven cervical vertebrae, but there is only one first cervical vertebra."

"And there are three atlases here. Doesn't this mean there are three people?"

"Then why did they die here? Didn't the ancient queen seal the mine?"

"Don't be so superstitious about the so-called 'orders' and 'queen'," Sylvia smiled disdainfully. "It is likely that the outside received the order, but did not notify the people inside at all."

"In the darkness, monsters grow and wild beasts run rampant. They have no way to go up to the sky and no way to go down to the earth. They can only stay here until the end of their lives."

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