Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 81 From Will-O-Ghost to Banshee

"I'm not sure this will work..." Victoria still didn't agree, but Ivy was definitely more knowledgeable than she was, and if she thought it was okay, then she had no objection.

"Hi! Ron, Ron!"

When the team walked into the newly established village in the afternoon, a series of calls attracted their attention. At the same time, a hazy and luminous figure whizzed past the nearby villagers like a whirlwind and rushed directly in front of Ron.

This incorporeal body, emitting a faint blue light, is surrounded by fluttering slender rags. Amidst the messy hair, her soft elf face can still be vaguely recognized on her face.

"Look at me! I'm finally no longer a skull!" She didn't have any hostility towards Ron and others. She just kept floating around Ron and others, showing her current form.

"Are you...you?" Ron looked at the ghost that appeared in the sun in surprise, "Can undead creatures also change forms? Are you a banshee now?"

"Uh, maybe?" Youxuan hovered about one and a half meters in front of Ron, with a confused expression. "Honestly, I don't know. Ever since the master's magic unlocked the limitations of my memory, I have been digesting my life. of those episodes until a few days ago.”

"The canary that once defeated the master came back, and appeared with the master's teacher. They talked a lot, and before leaving, a radiance of magic enveloped me."

"In short - I am now a banshee! A banshee who has memories of her life, can communicate, can move in the sun, and does not need to be bound by the place where she died!"

You's tone was joyful and joyful. As a long-dead creature, nothing could make her more happy than walking in this world again.

"It sounds like that 'canary' has quite a lot of power and knowledge," Sylvia thought, "but why doesn't he come to solve the troubles in this land?"

"He can't, he may be afraid," You suddenly said, "Aren't you looking for the reason for the destruction of Green Swamp Town? I do know something."

"I was from Green Marsh Town when I was alive."

"Uh, should we say, long live the Hyland Empire?" Ivy tentatively said, putting a hand on the hilt of the sword.

"You don't have to be so wary of me. I was only twenty years old when I came to Green Swamp Town," You smiled slightly sadly, "But now, even I myself have turned into a ghost, remembering the person who has long since passed away. What’s the point of a destroyed empire?”

"Some people are not as open-minded as you, or you don't look like a banshee at all." Ivy relaxed slightly and put down her hand.

"Probably because they have experienced the glory of the former empire. Unlike me, I have spent my whole life in this enclave far away from the empire - but so what? This is their problem. If you want to eliminate them, I I won’t plead for my ‘fellows’, because I’m a ruthless banshee now, ha!”

"Let's talk about the delusional land. I guess that 'Lord Canary' may have asked me to tell it for this purpose - those terrifying beings will be wary of a powerful creature. , but who cares what a little succubus says?"

"Very well," Ron smiled and nodded, "I've had enough of their riddles, tell me what happened!"

"To put it simply, the reason for our destruction is that we found a powerful force in the final period," You said with a thoughtful expression. "This force is hidden underground and moves quickly, but it will be attracted by the remains of intelligent life."

"Baron Saran Lane determined that this power was the key to saving the empire and continuing the Hyland Empire, so he formulated a plan to use his body as bait: build a mausoleum, carry treasures, and fake death to attract that power to take the bait, and then Use the magic items in the tablets to capture and tame this power."

"But he didn't expect one thing: the elves who built the tomb for him were corrupted by power during the construction process. When that power was attracted to the tomb, because of the obstruction of his corrupt compatriots, the baron didn't even Those corrupted elves were devoured before they could wake up from their suspended animation, and returned to the ground after renovating the fake mausoleums."

"My other compatriots and I didn't know what was happening at the time, but soon people became stranger and stranger one after another, and they didn't feel there was anything abnormal about themselves. Instead, they thought we were the ones who were corrupted. part……"

"In order to capture us, they obtained forbidden knowledge from nowhere, opened the portal to the elemental plane, and allowed all kinds of giant spirits to wreak havoc in Green Swamp Town."

You's spirit body was still flickering, which showed that her mental state was quite unstable: "In order not to be caught and corrupted, I and the other survivors kept running away, and in the end we had no way out. Sometimes I chose to commit suicide to avoid becoming that kind of walking zombie. But, I am not willing to do it——"

"I came here with my parents since I was a child. They said this place would bring us a new life, but I watched them go into the abyss step by step! Baron Saran Lane is a very good person, but a little neurotic, but I just I can know his final outcome from talking to the dead of my compatriots! And my compatriots, they all came together with different ideals but ended up fighting each other!"

"Power? Power! Those are all traps and lies!"

You screamed at the top of her lungs, and dots of gray-black light flashed ominously, gradually spreading from below her.

Her previous state of freedom seemed to be just an illusion. Once her emotions fluctuated, she would tend to transform into a real banshee.

"Hush, hush..." Victoria also saw that You was not in the right state. Her words were full of reassuring power. When she stretched out her hand, a halo of peaceful and peaceful breath emerged from her palm and enveloped You, "Everything is over..."

The priest's divine arts always have this or that magical ability, which is difficult for the mage to master.

Under Victoria's comfort, You gradually calmed down. She did not notice that the light spots under her body faded quickly, and everything seemed as if nothing had happened.

"I'm sorry, I lost my composure," You sighed, "So you should know why that was written on the stone tablet?"

"We touched the ground, discovered the power and tried to capture it. The last few scholars who survived believed that this was the reason for determining whether we were qualified to be 'food'."

"Actually, I would say it's more like fishing: the untouchable power is the bait, and the fisherman will catch the fish that bite the hook on their table."

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