Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 78 The former kingdom

With mixed feelings, Ron continued to look down.

"Long before the Hailan Empire got involved here, there was a race in the Delusion Land that created their civilization for the Nth time. The lifespan of this race is similar to that of humans, so even in just over a hundred years, its regime has changed many leaders."

"When the last queen was in charge of the kingdom, all kinds of strange things began to happen in their territory."

"As a civilization with mining and metallurgy as its main industries, they opened up a large number of mines in the Delusion Land, but from a certain year, toxic gases seemed to appear in the mines, and more and more miners began to contract plague-like strange diseases, and quickly began to spread throughout the kingdom."

"For her people, the queen tried every possible way, even risking her own life, to go deep into the mines to find a solution. She did find a solution. "

"When she returned, she called on the entire kingdom to launch a bloody and iron-fisted suppression and arrest campaign, gathering all the infected people together to kill, burn and bury them. The plague was quickly stopped, but the survivors were extremely terrified and uneasy about it. "

"They thought the queen was crazy, and they united all the powerful spellcasters and priests in the kingdom to kill and seal the queen to prevent her resurrection. After the two disasters of plague and coup d'état, the short-lived revival of this race was hastily declared a failure, and the survivors scattered all over the world until today. "

Ron: "..."

Putting aside the means, just from the perspective of prevention and control, the queen did nothing wrong. But whether it is the means or the purpose, what does this have to do with the darkness underground?

Underground, mines, plague? Is this the specific means of the so-called "terror"? If that's all, then he is professionally matched!

I thought it was something else!

However, the scales left by the golden dragon to convey information are obviously dead objects. Therefore, at the end of this story, the golden dragon advised Ron in a very serious tone not to repeat the mistakes of this race and the Hailan Empire. The poisonous fog underground will not only cause plague, but also cause people's temperament to change drastically, and even lead to corruption, which may lead to the collapse of civilization.

At that point, the forces hidden in the dark will use this as food and their strength will be further increased.

At the end of the message, the golden dragon also gave the address of an ancient mine, saying that the poisonous fog and plague there had long dissipated. If Ron didn't believe him, he could go to see the ruins and find out.

"Don't repeat the same mistakes..." Ron lay on the bed, his knuckles unconsciously knocking on the cover of the weaving preface. He was thinking about the meaning of the golden dragon's words.

That race was plagued by mining. Could it be that the Green Swamp Town of the Hailan Empire was also plagued? They didn't see any traces of mines there. Instead, Aixuri dug all the way to the underground river, and there was no problem.

The elves' final conclusions before their death were also related to the degree of civilization development - does the degree of civilization development depend on how deep you dig? If a person knows nothing and just keeps digging down, digging to the deepest point, will he suffer misfortune or be spared?

Ron thought that this should be just the result of the golden dragon's one-sided observation. If you want to sort out the cause and effect of the whole thing, and the causal relationship between their actions and the results, you must have more data and references.

In his thoughts, Ron took a light sleep and didn't wake up until dinner.

When he came to the hall of the trading post, almost everyone else was waiting here.

Among the people who came, there were not only members of Ron's team and the newly rescued slaves, but also Bunny and Lavinia, Andre, and Karad. Almost all the managers were already there.

"The village should not be haunted anymore, right?" Ron looked at Andre.

"Yes! Thank you very much!" Andre stood up and bowed to Ron, "Now we can finally live in peace!"

"That's good," Ron nodded, his eyes fell on the others, "This time I asked you to come here mainly to study the expansion of the expedition team."

"Aren't my goblin hunters enough?" Kalade said.

"Honestly speaking, not enough," Ron nodded, "Although the hunters are highly concealed and mobile, their range of activities is still limited after all, and they lack the ability to deal with various situations, which leads to many places being unable to complete the exploration normally. This is also reflected in the recently drawn map."

"Let me make it clear first, don't drag me in," Lavinia jumped off the chair, "I won't participate in this kind of activity, it's too dangerous."

"You have your responsibilities, I'm not going to bother you," Ron smiled, "but I expect that the team I will form will indeed need some talents with knowledge of alchemy, herbal medicine and magic."

"We can," several of the liberated slaves immediately raised their hands, "We have received relevant training and should be able to take on this responsibility."

"I want to participate too," Karad said in a deep voice, "The territory has basically stabilized now, and I can't always sit here and in my base."

"And me!" Andre stood up, "It's my honor to serve you and share your worries!"

"You can't, Andre," Ron motioned him to sit down, "You don't have enough experience yet. I can't let a young man who lacks practical experience get involved in dangerous areas. This is murder!"

"But..." Andre said dissatisfiedly, "Are you experienced, sir? Didn't you allow yourself to go on adventures?"

Ron looked less than 30 years old. In fact, in the eyes of people in this world, Ron was at most in his early twenties.

Ron wanted to say "It's none of your business if I commit suicide", but Andre's next words stopped him.

"Sir, everything has to have a first time. You said I lack practical experience, but if I don't fight in actual combat, when can I have practical experience?"

Ron tried to refuse, but the stubborn Andre finally convinced him. Ron had to agree to let him join the team, but asked Kalade and others to take good care of this young man.

"I can join, too," Sylvia said, "I'm a spellcaster."

"You can't, it's my selfish desire," Ron firmly rejected Sylvia's self-recommendation, "You'd better act with my team."

"You see, I'm just a half-baked wizard now. If I want to solve the problems on this land, I must really get started, and this must be done with your help. I can't do it by myself."

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