Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 66 The Dark River Under the Dragon's Nest

The young black dragon, Exuri, finally chose the second option. Although it seemed quite unfair in the long run, it could show off in front of his "teacher" in a short period of time.

After it and Ron drafted a magical agreement, Exuri happily left marks on it with his claws: "Great, you are really very generous, human!"

The existence that appeared inexplicably, beat him up (actually several times) and forced him to become a disciple, really gave Exuri a lot of mental and psychological pressure. He hoped too much to turn the tables and win a "victory".

Couldn't he see that this agreement was not good for him in the long run? Even if the black dragon is not the smartest race among the dragons, or even the color dragons, their wisdom and brains are still reliable.

But compared to letting that existence laugh at him silently, Exuri would rather let Ron take advantage of him.

After all, the longest lifespan of humans is only a hundred years, and in his opinion, this human who tried to gain a foothold in this unowned land will undoubtedly live shorter.

What else is there to worry about?

"No, no, no, I should say this: Thank you very much for your generosity," Ron handed the amethyst slab to Axuri for safekeeping, "Please be careful, I'm sure you can see that we still need it."

"Of course, I will help you find the remaining gems," Axuri laughed, "The reputation of the dragon clan is worthy of your trust."

"In fact," Axuri led several people away from his treasure house and walked into the depths of the nest through a spiral tunnel, "I have some places waiting to be explored now, maybe you will have some gains?"

As he went down gradually, Ron found that the surrounding soil and rocks became more and more moist, and if he listened carefully, there seemed to be a slight sound of flowing water below.

"Underground river?"

"Yes," Axuri raised his face proudly, "I found the secret room myself, and the underground river can lead directly to the well of your village."

"It's just that I haven't been there in person, it was all told to me by You."

"That's true." You has been following Axuri. A black dragon baby obviously has no ability to control more powerful servants. A will-o'-the-wisp and a group of dog-headed people are almost its limit.

"If you can take the trouble to dig here, you don't need to go through the jungle and swamps anymore, right? And it should save a lot of time."

"A whole day," You further gave detailed data, "I mean, sleepless and floating."

"We will consider it." Ron nodded. Even if it takes the same amount of time, this underground passage still has its value: it is not afraid of wind and rain, the environment is stable, and it is easy to grasp the changes in nearby water bodies at the first time.

Ron's vision is not limited to the paths on the ground. From viaducts to subways, in his opinion, if possible, they are all worth realizing.

These modes of transportation can connect scattered settlements, making them closer and closer until they become a whole.

However, these are still only in the stage of conception and blueprint, and there is no possibility of realization for the time being.

"You just said that we might find it from here?"

Ron and Aixuri stood by the underground river flowing quietly. The black dragon dug out a platform here, which was enough for all of them to stand here together.

The excavation of this platform obviously took a lot of effort from the young dragon, because Ron could easily see that there were many collapsed plots in the underground river under his feet. These places were obviously not the original river channel of this underground river, but the product of a black dragon with little experience digging the wrong location.


Aixuri stretched out his snout, saw the right time and dived into the water, quickly bit and left. After this series of actions, he had a fat and pale live fish in his mouth.

This fish is obviously the product of a long period of reproduction in the underground river. Its scales are pale or even transparent, and the internal organs and bones can be vaguely seen inside. Its eyes are also specialized and extremely small.

Its sense organs are transferred to the mouth. When Ikesuri caught it, the six thin and active whiskers or tentacles kept swinging in the air, which made people's scalps numb.

"Delicious and juicy - don't look at me, I won't share with you," Ikesuri glanced at Ron, "You should also restrain your men. The creatures in the dark river are not as abundant as those on the surface. If you fish recklessly, I will have nothing to eat."

Ron: How can a five-meter-long big guy who is still in the growth period say such a thing with confidence!

"As for what I said, what you might find," Axuri pointed to the river under his feet, "You have to dive down from here to see it."

"Dive down?" Ron had a "are you kidding me" expression, "Can I think you are going to trap us to death here so that you can monopolize the treasure?"

"How is that possible!" The black dragonling immediately changed his expression to serious, "What I said is true, swear by Bahamut!"

"I saw a pair of eyes with orange-yellow light emerging from the water here before. After staring at the creature whose appearance I couldn't see for a long time, I retreated with it tacitly, and I never saw it again after that."

Exure explained: "I once asked my 'teacher', but after he came here to investigate, he told me not to pay attention to it, it would not pose a threat to me."

"But after the half-elf interpreted the contents of the stone tablet for me just now, I was thinking: If those elves said that they found a terrifying darkness underground, then under the dark river underground, will there be something similar?"

"Are you serious?" Ivy couldn't help but complain, "You are trying to get us to find something that destroyed a town in the Hailan Empire and one of their geniuses? What's the benefit to you?"

"It should be okay to just take a look?" Exure stiffened his neck, "If it will bring disaster as long as it exists, so many fish and other creatures swimming in the river, wouldn't it have caused various consequences long ago?"

"That 'thing' will only show its fangs when the surface develops to a certain extent," Ron began to unbutton his shirt, "In order to prevent that day from coming, we should indeed do more investigations."

"The chief is right, Ivy," Sera patted the half-elf's shoulder in a friendly manner, "Come on, let's go down and take a look together."

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