Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 64: The former Green Swamp Town

"The 258th year of the Hyland Empire - this is the time when the Hyland Empire began to decline. Under the leadership of Baron Saran Lane, we came to this place, preparing to open up new territories and leave a fire for the empire to continue to exist. ”


"It seems that they knew that the Hyland Empire could not last long - the first large-scale resistance and slave uprising against the Hyland Empire was after 281 years."

"It is said that elves are not sensitive to time. This is probably the reason." Ron rubbed his chin. "Perhaps their higher-ups had noticed the problem earlier, but delayed taking action until then. And the rebels They are even more obtuse."

"Who knows, I have to ask my mother about this. She must know better than me."

"Then the following paragraph - we arrived here in early autumn. In order to hide from others, we did not choose the safer periphery, but chose the depths of the delusion. Although life here is more difficult, there will not be any other races and The opposition parties found this."

"At the beginning of 260, we established Green Marsh Town as a new territory of the empire. In order to avoid being discovered, we did not choose to use spellcasters on a large scale to build the town, but adopted the old method, which cost us twice as much effort as expected. , and some human sacrifices were made, but it was all considered worthwhile.”

"This land is too far away from home, but it hides many secrets. If we can dig it out and find out the reason why all the forces involved here cannot escape the end of destruction, maybe we can A way to continue the empire for generations! Baron Sarah is one of the main advocates of this idea and the only one who practices it! May his name last forever!"

"This one is definitely out of the question," Ivy looked at the text above mockingly. "You want to deceive others, and you want to last forever. He wants to take all the good things in this world by himself, right?"

"Do you have any impression of Baron Sarah Lane?" Ron asked.

"A little, but not much," Ivy thought for a while, "Lian is the royal family of the Highland Empire, and their coat of arms is the double lion crown. There once was a genius prodigy among them, named Sara."

"But that Sarah was very short-lived and died when she was about eighty or ninety years old. Although elves mature physiologically at about the same speed as humans, adult elves must have mature life experience in addition to physical maturity. Therefore, elves generally It will be declared adulthood when it is about one hundred years old.”

"So don't look at me like that. Elf, that's how it is. Sarah is indeed considered to have died young in the official records, but now it seems that it was deliberately concealed."

Ivy continued to decipher the text on the slate line by line. This was very simple for her, and she could do it faster and better than even those anthropologists who studied Elvish language, or Elf scholars who studied Human language.

Because she has had three native languages ​​since birth: Elvish, Human and Common, these languages ​​have no resistance for her. She can easily switch back and forth between these languages ​​at any time to find the most accurate and most suitable language. Easy-to-understand translation.

These stone slabs roughly tell the story: a group of elves from the Hyland Empire foresaw the fact that the empire might be overthrown, and tried to fight against the torrent of history with the help of powerful, mysterious and unknown forces. So they came to the delusion. land, and successively brought some of the empire's treasures, hoping to use this to suppress the power here and tame and reverse it.

These treasures were divided into three batches: a batch was brought in 258, a batch was sent at an unknown time in the middle, and when the empire was about to collapse, the supporters of the empire sent the last batch - the stone slabs. and the keys, and the magic items among them, including the Preface to the Weaving.

"So, those things are not the trump cards of the Hylan Empire, but the 'truck cards' they hope to use to activate their trump cards." Ivy said in such a convoluted manner.

"Look at the back. The words engraved on it are obviously more hasty than the ones on the front: We shouldn't use that slate. The baron was so clever that he was mistaken for his cleverness!"

"All forces on this land will usher in a stage of rapid development, no matter what the reason. But there is only one result: turning into nourishment for the underground darkness! When civilization is judged to be enough to become food, those existences will They will wake up, turn the whole earth upside down, and start their feast, leaving only scraps in the end!”

"We have failed the Empire and the High King, Baron..."

Ivy's words stopped suddenly, and she raised her head to look at Ron with regret: "The back is gone."

"I was wondering, when we first came here, could that ancient tomb be the tomb of this talented child prodigy, Sarah Lane?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. In just a hundred years, the two barons before and after him should be the same person."

"But if it is really like what is said on the stone tablet, then why is there still time to build a mausoleum?" came the voice of Exuri.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't know Elvish. I've been relying on guesswork when looking at these stone slabs over the years. Today is the first time I know the specific content." The young black dragon looked at the crowd and muttered.

So what did you learn in the studies you boasted about before?

Yes, you are a dragon. You are amazing. You can live to be two thousand two hundred years old, okay?

Brief mistakes and deviations are nothing to Exure, and even a young dragon can laugh it off.

However, a few years of learning errors are enough to cause lifelong consequences for short-lived races - such as a wrong cognition such as a typo or a polyphonetic word.

"Generally speaking, elves don't even build very luxurious mausoleums, let alone build mausoleums in a very dangerous location at a very dangerous time. And a touted "genius" like Sarah Lane should not make such a mistake. So I am more inclined to believe that he has a reason to do so."

"For example, protecting the stone slab."

"But as is always the tradition in Delusion, various forces here rise and fall, and his mausoleum cannot withstand the test of time and various predators, not to mention that there are fellow tribesmen like Mindatis in it."

"So when we go there a hundred years later, there will be nothing left, and only the stone slab escaped because of its hiding place and coincidental landing point."

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