Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 43 Biological warfare, boy

"Ron, you didn't expect it, did you?" Mindatis suddenly opened his eyes, stood up, and picked up the gem, "You have no idea, why don't I invite you into the urn!"

"Your dancing light technique can help you illuminate the surrounding environment, but in my opinion, it's just a stupid move to reveal your position! I just used a little trick to trick you into getting closer. Now my sword is on your On my neck, life and death depend on my thoughts!”

"When you are about to die, do you have any last words?"

Ron tried to resist, but with a slight movement, the rapier immediately approached his skin, causing a slight sting.

"It was a miscalculation," Ron sighed. "The corpses I saw along the way made me think you were bound to die, but I didn't expect you to survive."

"I should confirm your physical signs first..."

"Your last words are really nothing new," Mindatis sneered, "Is that all? Then go-"

Before Mindatis finished speaking, Ron suddenly tilted his head, then stood up and punched Mindatis' protruding Adam's apple.

Although the elf responded in time, due to Ron's sudden action, the rapier did not pierce Ron's throat. Instead, it deflected a lot and only passed above his left collarbone.

"Uh-" Mindatis was knocked back two steps, and he looked at Ron in disbelief with his eyes wide open.

"You bastard! Aren't you afraid of death?!" Mindatis coughed several times, showed his posture and attacked Ron crazily again.

How dare he resist himself? A mere human being should be like an animal with his eyes closed and waiting to die. How dare he hit him back? !

"It's out of position, and it didn't penetrate the supraclavicular artery or the cervical vascular plexus." Ron grinned, raising his right hand, and an illusory shield protected him in front of him, "Even if it is punctured for a short time, he will not die. , but you have to pay the price - Magic Missile!”

Three flashing darts formed by the magic force field burst out from the shield operation. From three different angles, they drew three bright curves in the dim environment and hit Mindatis's back, lower body and head. department!

It has to be said that there is a reason why Datis was able to survive a hasty fall with almost no injuries. His skills were indeed agile and strong enough. Under the attack of three magic missiles, he forcibly twisted his body and dodged almost all of them. The fatal part was only one missile at a really tricky angle. When Mindatis gritted his teeth and stretched his arms to catch the other two rounds, the third one hit his right eye.

The elf screamed, rolled over and fell to the ground. When he endured the pain and opened his eyes again, through the bloody dark vision, where could he find any trace of Ron?

"Ron! You thief! Ah!"

Mindatis began to manipulate the gems in his hands, and lightning beams fell indiscriminately in all directions, but they could not hurt Ron at all.

In a corner not far away, Ron was sitting on the ground, breathing air with great difficulty.

He was deceiving Datis just now. He is not a good fighter, so how could he avoid the vital points on his body so accurately. The sword pierced his shoulder and neck, and also damaged his lungs and chest.

It might not have any impact at first, but when he cast the spell and exercised strenuously, symptoms such as pneumothorax and dyspnea began to show their fangs.

"We can't go on like this... Even magic missiles that are sure to hit cannot guarantee death in one hit, let alone flaming arrows." Ron dug his fingers into the moss-covered ground, trying not to make a sound.

Although the elf's condition is not good, the opponent has weapons in his hands and his ability to fight at close quarters is far better than his own. How should he deal with it...

Ron raised his hand and looked at the dirt and moss on his hand.

"Ron - where are you! Get out of here!" Mindatis closed one eye and roared helplessly in the cave. His vision was greatly affected, and coupled with the heartbreaking pain in his eye sockets, The scope of his search was greatly restricted.

"I'm here!"

When Mindatis turned a corner, he only heard a roar that changed the pitch behind him. He turned his head, and a fist covered with some kind of moss kept enlarging in his field of vision and hit him hard. on the face.

"You damn-" Mindatis was caught off guard, and when he swung his sword, he missed it. "Do you dare to fight with me for real?!"

Not sure if he was bleeding too much, Mindatis only felt a little numb on the right side of his face. He quickly took out a bottle of healing potion and drank it.

But the strange thing is that the wound seems to have no intention of getting better at all, and what makes Mindatis a little uneasy is that if Ron is lurking nearby at any time ready to attack, why didn't he stop him when he drank the potion?

What Mindatis didn't know was that at this moment, Ron was hiding in another corner, listening to the sound of empty medicine bottles falling to the ground, with a strange smile on his lips.

"Drink, drink more, I'll drink you to death..."

He used all his strength to tear off a section of the vine, scratched the surface with his nails and then wrapped it around his palm.

The moss-covered palm just now has begun to appear red spots and swelling, and even feels numb.

But there were no wounds on Ron's hands, and he had not taken healing potions, so even if these vines were wrapped around him again, they would not cause a violent reaction.

But some people are not so lucky.

Ron rushed out of his hiding place again with all his strength. This time, Mindatis was prepared. Ron's abdomen and arms were cut by the rapier with several wounds of varying depths. But Ron didn't care about these things at this time. He almost took out the desperate fighting style of Sera. His right fist (the left one was almost immobile) rained down on Mindatis's face, punching near his injured eye.

However, Ron's fighting ability was still a little worse. After several rounds of desperate fighting, he was almost unable to move. Mindatis kicked him over and stepped on him.

"You! You crazy paper--" Mindatis's right half of the face was swollen almost as high as their nose bridge. He couldn't speak clearly and just kept crushing Ron's chest with his boots. "You can still laugh!"

Ron did laugh. The smile on his face became even more intense, even though his own vision had begun to darken. But he knew that Mindatis would not lie down later than him.

"Five, four..." Ron spat out a mouthful of blood foam. He was also grateful to Mindatis for helping him breathe, otherwise he would not have been able to hold on until this time.

The elves did not have this treatment. Ron only counted two numbers, and Mindatis felt that his eyes suddenly went black, and he fell to the ground and could not get up again.

"Biological warfare, kid!" Before Ron fainted, he exhaled a breath of turbid air in his chest.

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