Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 350: Stop when you have enough

Ron took a step back warily, seeing eagerness to try in the other person's eyes.

They are really ready to take action and see the truth under their hands!

"Ron!" Victoria retreated to Ron's side and whispered, "Don't agree to them, we can't win!"

"Have you forgotten how we won several times before? This is a head-on confrontation! Head-to-head!"

"Miss Victoria, you don't have to be so unsure. It's not easy to survive in a delusional land. I think you have a chance." Priest Pelgland relaxed the staff in his hand, "That's good. Well, since Judge Alon is not going to draw his sword, we certainly won’t use our full strength - Pointy Ears, don’t use the sword; Bearded, you are not allowed to use 'that thing' - is that okay?"

Ron and his companions watched in shock as the three people behind Aaron each took a step forward and formed a small formation with Aaron. The half-elf had both hands free and wrapped circles of bandages on his hands; the bearded dwarf took off the shield on his back but did not hold a weapon; Pelgren only took out her holy symbol - engraved on it was Scales on the Warhammer, she is a follower of Tyr.

"I said, you are looking down on people a bit!" Before Ron could say anything, Sera behind him was unhappy. She took off the Grip of the Canglan and stared at these people who were not even prepared to use weapons with an unkind expression. Priests of Molten Iron Barrier, "Do you think this is just a den of bandits and bandits? We have secured such a territory, but -"

"Weapons produced by orcs," Aaron exchanged glances with his colleagues. He and the half-elf were fine, but the other two had disdain written directly on their faces, "I thought it was something..."

"Judging from the current situation, this is probably a bandit den, right?" Pelgrain chuckled, "You won't let us go deeper inside, but there is no way for us to come to any other conclusion."

"Pelgran!" Since the main task this time has been completed, Aaron no longer insists on wearing his professional title. "How many times have I told you, don't let assumptions interfere with you!"

"Old Lei, our mission has been..."

"The official duties are over, but practice is indeed lifelong!" Aaron said seriously, "Mr. Ron, look -"

"Even if you want to fight, you can't." Ivy raised her hand and held down Sera's shoulder. Of course she could see that the others didn't really want to conflict with these priests from the order camp. "My shield was damaged in the last mission." It's been destroyed, and a new one hasn't been forged yet."

"This is easy!" Pelgland winked at the bearded dwarf, who immediately took out another leather buckler, "Although I don't know what type of shield you are using, this one should be able to be used with barely any effort! "

"Since you are so enthusiastic..." Ron sighed, and the preface of the weaving method was moved behind him with his gesture, and an oak short bow fell into Ron's hand, "Then please show mercy. "

The other party can no longer despise them, and their tolerance has reached its limit. If they continue like this, they will be taken advantage of!

"Long live Ron!" Sera cheered, wielding the Tranquil Grasp and charging forward, "Here I am!"

"Acceleration!" Ron did not show the gem directly, but raised his hand and shot a cold arrow at Pelgren, the only female among the four, to test the truth, "Acid arrow!"

"Shape the stone!" Pelgren waved her hand and lifted up a piece of ground. The huge stone was shaped into a barrier according to her will, easily blocking Ron's attack. "I didn't expect that the lord could do both magic and spells at the same time." And martial arts?”

"After all, it is Toshiyan the young man who took down the dreamland." Aaron waved his scabbard and fought Sera for three or four rounds in a few seconds. "What a force!"

"Where are you going!" Sera roared, and the Canglan Grip also let out a wild roar, setting off waves of storms on the plain with violent red light.

"Haha, barbarians, they only have brute strength." The half-elf shook his head. He had already spotted the flaw in Sera's body and was about to end the battle as soon as possible. However, a fiery red figure with two horns on his head came to the rescue. She ducked in front of him and punched him straight in the face.

"Brother, where are you going?" Shadows appeared under Quest's feet. If it hadn't been noon at this time, his strength should have improved even more.

"Waiting for you!" The half-elf laughed, dodged behind Quest's fist and used his palm like a sword, and slashed back with his backhand. The two monks were fighting in one place, with sand and rocks flying everywhere they passed, and shouts. Continuously, for a while it was indistinguishable.

On the other side, Victoria and Ivy blocked all the dwarf's escape routes, one on the left and one on the right. Andre was waiting for the opportunity with a short spear. As long as the other party showed some flaws, he could attack his companions. Under the cover of the enemy, he launched a fatal blow. It seems that Ron's side should be sure to win this competition.

However, after the four people on Aaron's side exchanged glances, Pergran suddenly raised the Holy Emblem in his hand high: "Order of Order—Put down your weapons!"

In Ron's field of vision, the figure of the female priest suddenly became taller and more formidable. Her words seemed to have irresistible power, making him subconsciously want to obey - as if that was what he wanted. order!

The short bow in Ron's hand trembled slightly, and then he held it tightly again. If he hadn't fought against vampires who were better at charming him before, he would have almost been disarmed by this priest!

But not everyone here can resist the power of the priest. With the sound of two iron tools falling to the ground, Andre let go of his short spear and shield with empty eyes. It was this moment of hesitation that gave The dwarf's chance to fight back.

"Waves of Annihilation!" The dwarf's shield hit the ground hard, and sacred energy burst out from his body, like a thunder in the plains! Victoria and Ivy were immediately shaken back, while Andre, who was already in a trance and had not yet recovered, was directly lifted up and fell to the ground at Ron's feet. superior.


Ron quickly tried to help him up, but the dwarf who had forced Ivy and Victoria back did not give him this chance. He grabbed Andre's short spear with a shield and rushed towards Ron.

"Sir, leave me alone, I didn't...cough!" The young man who came out of the village gave a bitter smile and collapsed on the ground after coughing violently. "I'm sorry, I, I can't compete with them... "

"Asshole!" Pergran was not happy and got angry when he saw this. Instead, he yelled loudly, "Aren't you the paladin of Tyr? How can you be so coward! Bearded man, give him his weapon - give it to me Get up and keep fighting!”

"Lord, are you leading a team like this to open up the fantasy land?" The dwarf had no intention of stopping the charge, but Ron's confusion spell made him stagger, deflecting the momentum of the charge to the other side. "It seems that the so-called delusional land is not as dangerous as the legend says!"

"Whether it's dangerous or not, you'll know soon!" Ivy, who regained her balance after being knocked back by the annihilation wave, threw away the round shield in her hand. The awkward equipment was worse than not having it at all, and the flame-wrapped gauntlet in her hand rose. A sword-shaped flame arose, driven by its master, and slashed towards the back of the dwarf's head!

"Andre! Stand up and continue fighting!" Victoria raised her war hammer, bringing vitality and hope to every companion. "Don't let her spells influence your thinking! Let your oath guide your path!"

"That's cool!" Pelgren saw with satisfaction that the boy who was more like a farmer than a paladin jumped up, pulled out the long sword on his waist that was more decorative than practical, and rejoined the battle, " Lao Lei! Start the second round!”

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