"This is also an undead?!"

Drayford was startled by the sudden appearance of the elf, and almost raised his bow to shoot. However, after taking a closer look at the opponent's appearance, the goblin hunter lowered his short bow.

"Wait a minute...skin like this seems to have been seen somewhere -"


Yelena coughed slightly from behind, and the goblin immediately thought: "Yelena! Is this guy your kind?!"

"I observe carefully and have a good memory," Shadow Dancer complained feebly. She raised her head and waved the thorn chain vigilantly, pointing the tip at the shadow spirit followed by the snow-white crow-like creature, "What about you? I You should have seen clearly that these souls already have their own owners."

"How about we go our separate ways?"

The snow-white raven called a few times with a hoarse voice. Except for Drayford and the two shadow spirits, no one could understand what it was saying, but Ron could see that Yelena's face immediately changed. It became ugly.

"Do you understand?" The male shadow spirit looked at everyone except his own compatriots with dark circles under his eyes, "Yelena von Richthofen, former shadow dancer, traitor, and escapee, served as It’s so hard for me to pursue the life of the Crow Queen.”

Shadows darker than darkness spread in all directions with the male shadow spirit as the center, wrapping Ron's entire team in it. Even with dark vision, they could not see through this thick darkness.

What's worse is that here, the passage of time seems to have turned into reality and oppressed everyone. As humans and goblins with short lifespans, Ron, Victoria and Dreyfus are almost as old as seconds, and their power is actually Time is passing rapidly, and Ron even suspects that he will die due to aging before long!

Even Ivy, who is a half-elf, can't last long here. The gauntlets covering her hands burn with fiery red flames, trying to break the illusion around her, but she can't resist the irresolvable darkness at all!

"Tsk, you are so fragile." The voice of the male shadow spirit was everywhere in the darkness, with disdain and contempt, "Especially that half-man, your existence is a blasphemy to the elves - go away, except for the traitors. , everyone get out!”

"My mission is to capture Yelena, who rebelled against Purgatory, and return her to the Shadowfell Underworld. As for your souls, let's store them in that weak body for now."

"What stupid things are you talking about?!" Although she couldn't find the specific location of the other party, this did not stop Ivy from protesting loudly, "You are just a group of gloomy and boring people who are worse than dead people. How dare you judge me?"

"Look at your haggard look! Dry skin! Old face! How long has it been since you looked in the mirror! Do you not want to? Or do you dare not!"

"Elves only age rapidly when they are on the verge of death. What about you? How many years have you lived? Do you dare to count on your fingers?!"

"shut up!"

A short spear like a deep shadow protruded from the darkness, pierced the tower shield raised by the half-elf, and then quickly retracted into the darkness. Behind the short spear is the shadow spirit that was poked in a painful spot.

Shadow spirits were once elves, but after being under the influence of the Shadowfell Underworld for a long time, they looked extremely haggard and almost lost their emotions of happiness and sadness. Their pale hair, wrinkled gray skin, and swollen joints gave them the appearance of corpses. Although they appear younger on other planes, their skin is always as pale as a corpse. Shadow spirits wear dark cloaks and heavy veils, hate looking in mirrors, and will never keep anything that reminds them of their own age.

Because of this, Yelena almost always covers her body with a cloak.

After blocking the sneak attack of the male shadow spirit, Ivy sneered and stared at the darkness in front of her; "Oh, I almost forgot, you might be younger here - you look more like you are young." Die? Or a drug addict who empties himself?"

A piece of snow-white feather blinded Ivy's eyes, and a heavy impact came from the shield. Before she could think of more aggressive words, the shadow spirit had already bypassed the cover of the shield, and the shadow spear was like a poisonous snake spitting a message. , actually penetrated Ivy's heavy armor and stabbed her shoulder!

The wound was not deep, and the thick full-body armor blocked most of the damage for the half-elf. However, the other party didn't seem to care about it. He handed the short spear to one hand, and the shadows in the other hand intertwined, gathering together again. Got a shadow spear.

"I changed my mind," Shadow Spirit, whose defense was broken by Ivy's ridicule, said in a serious voice, "I originally planned to spare your lives, but if you insist on seeking death on your own, I will grant it to you——"


Before Shadow Spirit could finish his words, the surrounding space seemed to be shattered by something. The entire darkness began to shake and collapse. The Shadow Spirit figure affected by the explosion instantly disappeared into the shadows, dozens of meters away. Just reappeared.

The burden of time temporarily left everyone. They had also been affected to varying degrees just now, but they were already used to it. Yelena and Quest even smelled something unusual in the air before the real explosion came. smell and avoided it.

The only ones truly enveloped within the scope of the explosion were the male shadow spirit and Ivy.

"It's you?!" Shadow Spirit glared at Ron, who was holding a bow and arrow. The darkness he had constructed had faded away, but instead of thanking him, this human being even raised his bow to aim at him again!

Another explosion just now?

"It's just a human being. How many times can you show the power like just now?" The power of shadow magic surged in Shadow Spirit's body. He smiled ferociously, and the raven in the air encouraged him, "You guys Ungrateful thing!”

"Come on! I will turn you all into new tombs here! Although I can't let you slowly feel the pain of death, I can also turn you directly into corpses - Lord Crow Queen will be happy for this of!"

"Be careful! He is a Weaver of Darkness! Don't let him use magic!" Yelena's thorn chain drew a trail of flames in the air. In the dark night, Shadow Dancer was like "living darkness", and her figure moved from where she was. He suddenly disappeared and appeared behind his compatriots in the next second. The spike chain let out a series of ghostly whistlings and rushed towards the vital parts of the Dark Weaver's body!

"Come on, my 'dear' fellow racer, let me see how many more times you can use your Mist Release!"

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