Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3496: The power of the mysterious world?

Chapter 3496 The power of the realm of God?

"Hey! You think, can you still have good luck yesterday?!"

Joe Yu sees the night and wants to fight back against her. The anger is once again on the head, and the black mysterious hair that bursts into the body is like a girl in the sky. It spreads everywhere and flies out!

Suddenly, it is enough.

It is necessary to win the life of the night!

Standing outside the door, Qiao Yuyan saw such a rainy face and his face was full of shocked expression.

When did his sister have such powerful power?

This... This is obviously a breakthrough in the realm of the gods, promoted to God!

Rao is him, and he is not confident that he can take over the offensive released by Joe Yu.

No... not right!

The power of Joe Yuxi, before today, absolutely did not break through the realm of God!

In terms of Joe Yu's temper.

If Joe Yu has crossed the realm of sage, it will become a god.

She must have shown off to let the entire innocent city know about it.

For Joe Yu, this compatriot sister.

Even if I didn't get along with it.

Qiao Yuyan can also be sure that Joe Yu has always been embarrassed about him.

He is the eldest son.

He was called a genius boy since he was a child.

Because of his existence, she is so intelligent and talented, but it is hard to cover up all the light.

and so……

If Joe Yu has anything to go beyond him.

Absolutely it will be publicized.


What is the power that Joe Yuxi is releasing now?

Seeing the violent offensive of Joe Yu, approaching the night.

The speed is lightning-fast and only captures a trace of afterimage.

And the night clearing seems to have never been noticed, standing in the same place, holding on to the fan fan, full of vigilance.

"A fall!"

Qiao Yuyan also refused to take care of himself at present, not Joe Yu's opponent, immediately rushed forward!

The grade after the sage of Xian Xuan, it is a qualitative leap!

Especially in the realm of the gods, become the mysterious god,

All the mysterious powers released have a dazzling look!

Moreover, in the face of the mysterious realm of the mysterious, the most difficult to deal with!

Because of the mysterious realm of the mysterious world, the body will be covered with a layer of protective spirit, similar to... shield!

Play against the mysterious man in the realm of God.

Unless you first break the shield that comes from the mysterious realm of God.

Otherwise, it is impossible to hurt the mysterious person!

It is equivalent to one more life than other mysterious people!

This is why everyone is looking forward to becoming God.

Although Qiao Yanyan can't see the mysterious steps of the night.

But it is also clear that the strength of the night clearing, I am afraid it is in the context of Yin Xuan.

In the face of Joe Yu, who has broken through the realm of gods.

All counterattacks, it is all with an egg!


Just before Qiao Yuyan wants to rush to the night, it will be blocked for the night.

Qiao Yuyan only felt a flash of white shadow in front of him.

Tightly, he was thrown out of the door by a behemoth.

"啪", the door was closed under the hurricane.

Qiao Yuyan was shocked and backhanded to push the huge monster that fell on his body.

The tentacle is a soft fluff.

In front of him, the thick claws pressed on him, but it was a whole body white, without a trace of hair... Tiger beast? !

This... What is going on? !


In the room.

Let the seven seven blocks after Chaucer.

The night fell and the wrists slammed.

The fan of the fan in his hand instantly came out.

She has a physical shape, footwork, and quick display.

Like a flame fan, the flame fan, straight to the door of Joe Yuyu, squatted down -


(Complement the last chapter of yesterday~)

Today’s update, I’m going to get it in the afternoon~

(End of this chapter)

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