Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3490: True and false Joe Yu?

Chapter 3490 True and False Joe Yu?

"If you don't see your face, can you be sure, that is the mysterious girl?"

"I guess so too..." Qiao Yanyan frowned.

"I think that if the Princess of Rain is really swallowed up on the West Cliff Mountain, the Princess of the Rain must be fake. Even if it has the same face, it may be Yi Rong."

Speaking of this, the voice of Qiao Yanyan paused.

Then he said: "But... at home... I can be sure that she is really a rain princess."

"That is to say... the mysterious woman I met in the Soulbred Array method is fake?" The night was half-scented and charming, with long fingers and caressing the chin.

Qiao Yuyan is also full of incomprehensible doubts and doubts: "Although, in order to become a Xuan female candidate, Yu Yu Princess left the Qiao family and went to the Linglong Hall.

But... She is a brother-in-law who was born with my mother. After all, I still know about her, so I can be sure that she is Princess Yu Yu.

As for the person you saw in Xiyashan... I am not sure whether it is true or not. ”

He paused and said: "And, if the person you see is a fake Yu Yu Princess, then... what is the purpose of the person behind the law?

Difficult to understand just want to provoke the grudge between you and Yu Yu Princess? Let you hate Joe's family? ”

The night cleared the lips, the slender fingers, according to the veil, printed on the lips: "No... Yesterday, the attitude towards me, and the feeling, and the mysterious girl is very similar... impossible to be fake ""

Especially later...

In order to save your life.

A variety of looks for mercy.

It’s really like the character of Joe Yu’s character.

No, no!

and many more……

Yesterday in the Soul Boundary Law, Joe Yu.

There was no wound left in her body the day before yesterday.

And the strength has increased greatly.

Although she explained later, it was because a group of black people gave her a medicinal medicine to enhance the mysterious order...

But who knows, what is she saying, is it true or not?

When I think of it, I lifted my head in the night and looked at Qiao Yanyan in a positive color: "I want to go to your Joe House and see the mysterious woman in person and confirm it."

Qiao Yuyan nodded without hesitation: "Okay, no problem."

The two did not delay the time, and screamed and screamed, even if they did not eat breakfast, they left Jubao directly.

Lao Lie immediately caught up: "I will go together too! There is Laozi, and the Joe family is absolutely obedient to the post!"

Qiao Yuyan: "..." Turtle grandson? When you want to marry Joe, can you choose when he is not there?

Night clear: "..." She is not going to Joe to find trouble, bring Lao Lie, isn't this the rhythm of going to the field?

The night fell and decided to reject the old fierce, and strongly urged the old to stay behind.

In the end, I used the excuse that “Ghosts know that Lucheng’s master will go to Jubao again and engage in moths” and succeeded in leaving Lao Lie.


Joe House.

The arrival of the night clearing was not as opposed to that of the Joe family as it was in the night.

On the contrary, the Qiao family heard her and Chaucer came to the house.

When I even came from the Chamber of Commerce, I came over.

It is reported that in the Chamber of Deputies, there are still many places of management.

The night fell into the house.

Joe’s family greeted him.

Two eyes, the thief slid back and forth in the night and Qiao Yanyan.

Then he smiled and looked satisfied. He also patted his son's shoulder with a heavy heart: "Not bad, it is a little progress, knowing to bring people home."

(End of this chapter)

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