Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3474: Spiritual weakness

Chapter 3474 The Weakness of the Spirit

"The spirit of the eye is disintegrated!" The old man exclaimed with excitement. "Fast, breaking these media, the soul-breaking method is completely broken!"

The night fell to the corner of the mouth.

From the beginning.

She noticed it.

The tail of the spirit of the eye is always tight from time to time.

Especially when faced with embarrassment.

After being forcibly swallowed up all the evil spirits.

Under the wrath of the spirit of the eye, the tail of the dragon-like dragon was tightly huddled together.

The night will be settled.

This tail, I am afraid it is the weakness of the spirit of the eye.

as expected……

The tail of this eye spirit.

It is the gathering of evil spirits, but also the central fulcrum of the eye!

Cut off the end of the eye of the eye.

It is the fusion of power that breaks the spirit of the eye.

Losing the central fulcrum, using the medium of formation, the spirit of the formation and formation of the eye, was returned to the original shape.


The night cleared and sighed.

Immediately jumped.

She slammed into a fan, and Xuan Li poured into the fan-shaped fan. The mysterious turmoil, carrying the power of the mad tyrant, rushed to those black balls.

Yan Yangtian screamed, and the claws of the teeth also rushed into the black ball of light.

The flames are like a volcano in the air.

On the dark side of the sky, they were all dyed with a gorgeous red mans.


the other side.

I just entered the law.

Everything in front of me turned into a towering mountain range.

The mountains are layered one after the other.

He called a few "Alan" and no one responded.

It seems that he was separated from the emperor.

I don't know, what is the place here.

It’s really weird...

Little girl doesn't know where it is.

Even the emperor lost it.

The face of the man Qing Jun, his brow is close.

He can't sit here and wait, you have to find the little girl and Alan again!

Gently condense the gods and go to the layers of mountains.

While calling out loudly, the name of the night and Gu Yu.

I walked around with a half-column incense.

Min Min heard that not far away, there was a sigh.

His heart trembled and he quickly rushed past.

From the other side of the mountain, I went over the mountain and saw the front, floating black birds.

In the middle of the bird-wrapped, a petite girl, half-squatting on the cliff, stared at the birds in the sky with vigilance.

Under the pressure of the birds, the girl gradually climbed back a few steps.

Traces of bleeding water on the ground.

After a while, the girl stopped at the cliff.

Take a step back.

It is an endless cliff of the abyss.

As the girl retreated, the gravel fell and could not hear a slight sound.

The girl was pale and looked up at the birds in the sky. She was pretty face and full of unwillingness.

Just as the birds flapped their wings and rushed toward the girl.

The girl's fingers clenched into fists, and when I bite my teeth, I jumped into the sky and I was going to live with you.

Suddenly, the man’s panicked voice came from the ear: “Little girl!”

The girl stunned and the eyelashes trembled fiercely.

There was a hint of incredulity on the surface.

Is she because of her illusion before she died?


Seems to hear the voice of my brother?

This is lost.

Let the birds that have rushed down have a chance.

A sharp mouth squats down towards the girl.

A sharp claw, caught in the girl!

"Little girl!"

This scene makes the eyes blink red.

The heart is dull and painful, as if it is about to stop.

His body rushed toward the girl's direction.

All four limbs seem to be filled with infinite power.


There is still a chapter to update and promise you to make up more ~ ​​late night and night will also make up! kisses

(End of this chapter)

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