Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3471: Breaking (2)

Chapter 3471 is broken (2)

The rich scent of overflowing overflows from the body that has been cut to the cracked body.

It is like a group of thick ink.

I am stunned with everything.

The night falls and can even smell the air, the shady suffocating.

The sin of the four-and-a-half cracks, overwhelmingly wrapped up in the night!

At night, the eyebrows have an ominous premonition.

In the blink of an eye.

She was sideways and quickly jumped to the other side.

The evil spirits "squeaked" and slammed into the place where the night was clear.

The ground was hit and smashed.

The mysterious power of the fierce, the waves are like waves.

Rao is the night to clear the evil blow.

But the evil spirit of this stock is too overbearing.

The night was cleared and forced to retreat two steps.

The evil spirits of the spirit of the eye have not stopped, and they have once again rushed toward the direction of the night!

This posture.

The night clearing is to understand!

This so-called soul-harvesting method, as well as the awakening of the spirit of the eye.

It’s all a blind man.

Its purpose, the most important thing is for her soul!

Want to devour her soul!

So no matter how she ruined the spirit of the eye.

On the soul-seeking array, the sinister evil will try to devour her!

Just like now...

This group of evil spirits overflowing from the spirit of the eye, like the weaving of the big net, to cover the night in the net, no escape.


The spirit of this soul-harvesting method, even if it is still a media fusion, will completely wake up.

But now the turm has grown to a point.

It is even invulnerable.

Where is the injury, where can overflow the evil spirits, chasing after the night!

Let's go on like this.

Night clearing is not just the exhaustion of physical strength.

Her soul will also be damaged by more and more extravagant evils.

The feeling that this kind of soul is pulled by people is really unpleasant!

The night was half-scented and charming.

She must hurry to solve this turmoil!

Suddenly, what happened at night was clear, and there was a glimpse of the light in the eyes.

She blinked and looked back, like the ink that was rendered.

The corner of the mouth suddenly slammed.

"Hey, come out."

Her voice just fell.

A huge black leopard appeared out of thin air.

The black giant leopard has sharp teeth, the most noticeable is the two long dragons on the head.

It snarled at the roar, huge body, blocking in front of the night.

Xu is because of the body, with the Dragon blood.

This hoarseness.

It was also the moment that shocked the dynasty.

"What do you want to do?!"

The sound of Qinglong came from the pet space.

In its tone, it is full of worry.

The night cleared the head of the cockroach, did not directly answer the words of Qinglong, but asked 玺玦: "You now, the dragon's blood can wake up, the body can have other abnormalities?"

Shaking his head slammed.

Nodded in satisfaction at night, "I need you to help me."

I sweared: "What does the owner want me to do?"

"I have just passed the evolutionary period and have not yet gone through actual combat! The soul-seeking method is not only affecting the human soul, but also affecting the soul of Warcraft. What are you going to do?!" Qinglong was anxious.

I want to come out of the pet space several times.

It was sealed in the space by the night.

"My strength is much higher than 玺玦, what do you need to do, I am coming!" Qinglong was in the space, watching the evil spirits, and the rushing voice was shaking.


[Complement the last chapter of yesterday~]

(End of this chapter)

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