Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3468: This is growth

Chapter 3468 is the growth

As the stock rose to the point of exploding, it began to spread from the heart.

It was as if there was something in the night, and it was tearing her limbs.

The mysterious arrogance of the bully is almost to break her body.

Like a storm, the heart surges.


It was the sound of a burst, and it was in the clear mind of the night.

The night cleared the whole person, and a layer of faint red awns was covered.

Like a lit candle, swaying.

At night, when it was clear at night, why did Emperor Xu Xuan put her power in the sacred heart of Shenhuang?

Her body, indeed, can not support the mysterious world of sage!

Just accepting the mystery that is released in the body.

She is already suffering, and she wants to scream.

She can't imagine.

If Di Mo Xuan did not introduce strength into her body and protect her heart, what kind of consequences would it be!

The night fell and the eyebrows huddled tightly, and the body kept twitching.

Slim fingers, clenched into fists.

Repressing the pain of the body.

Do not want to call out, let Di Mo Xuan worry.

"Shantou, running Xuan Xinyu, using Xuan Xinyu, to absorb the mysterious body!"

In my mind, there was a voice that reminded the old man.

At night, I will try my best to stay awake, and concentrate the mysterious force in the body around the mysterious jade.

Her breath is constantly rising.

Emperor Mo Xuan slowly recovered his hand and stepped back.

He watched deeply as the girl's ink fluttered, and her body was cold and sweaty, her face was painful but hertitude, her eyes were tight, and it was not instantaneous.

From the tight body of a man.

With that focused look.

And obviously standing unsteadily, but put all the thoughts on the girl.

And so on.

It can be seen completely.

At this time, Emperor Mo Xuan was worried and nervous about the night.

This is the tension that Di Mo Xuan has never had before.

Even himself, in the face of the dead, has never felt this way.

When Di Mo Xuan retracted the palm of his hand.

At night, I only felt that I was covered for a while, and there was something in my head that was "squeaky" and exploded!

Tightly, the mysterious gas that surged in the body like a wave began to smash.

It is extremely uncomfortable to squeeze her!

"Shantou, you have to do it, even if the emperor does not help you control the mystery that leads the body, you can also flexibly run the mystery of the body, this is the growth!" The old man kept reminding the night to clear the night. It is also preventing the night from falling, and fainting because of the pain.

Night clearing has always endured the discomfort of the body.

According to the method provided by the old man, he tentatively used Xuan Xinyu to control those mysterious things.

A little bit...


A slight resounding sound came out from the body that cleared the night.

Tightly, the red mans that lingered around the night, suddenly exploded.


The realm of sage!

"Booming -"

Then, on the body that was cleared at night, the momentum continued to burst.

At this time, she is like the scouring and washing of holy water.

It is like the newborn grass.

He is carrying a new force.


As the night clears, I open my eyes.

A fierce cold mang shot from her eyes.

The temperament of the whole body also trembled fiercely.

"Small, how do you feel?" Di Mo Xuan eyes gazing tightly at night, paying attention to her emotions, and where there is discomfort, eyes focused and serious.

At night, he held his fist and looked down at the left fist. He looked at the right fist again and then looked at the emperor Xu Xuan. His face smiled and smiled: "A Xuan, I am fine!"


[Currently this month's total monthly ticket: 303 Zhang provoke ~ the end of the month, the baby with the monthly ticket to go up oh ~ over 100 have added more ~ ​​Do you want to try, before the end of the month, let me add more? ! 】

Thanks (Flying Dance), (mn Cat Lemon) for the reward~

(End of this chapter)

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