Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3463: Soul Array Method, find out (100 tickets for the monthly ticket)

Chapter 3463 Soul Eater Method, find out (100 tickets for the monthly ticket)

"I... I am the brother-in-law of my eldest brother. The **** who are smashing out are the sisters of the big brother! If you dare to kill me, my older brother will not let you go!"

Joe Yu's voice shook a little.

At night, watching the battlefield, Yu Guang blinked his eyes and said: "Oh."

Qiao Yuqi: "..." What does this make her answer?

Seeing the fight between Emperor Mo Xuan and the spirit of the eye, the spirit of the eye is almost every time the attack, wants to **** the soul of Emperor Xu Xuan.

At night, I was very worried, and I didn’t have time to spare. I listened to Joe Yu’s nonsense.

"wait wait wait!"

Qiao Yuqi noticed the murderousness of the night, and his face was white: "I... I don't know where the two wastes are in the battle, but I can tell you... Who set this battle? of!"

In order to survive.

Qiao Yuqi is also quite hard.

Decisively chose to sell his teammates.

The night cleared the words, the fingers were a meal, and half a sigh of scorn: "Say."

This array of methods is obviously directed at her.

It’s a guess at night when it’s clear.

This method is that Qiao Yuxi used the identity of the mysterious woman and asked for help.

Or related to Linglong Temple.

However, Joe Yuxi did not know at all that this is the soul-seeking method of absorbing the soul.

This point, let the night clear the idea of ​​dispelling this.

Not Joe Yu is targeting her.

Who is that? Set up such a sinister array in the back to target her?

Here is the boundary.

She is just a person who has just arrived in the land and is unknown.

Who would have tried hard to use Joe Yu to deal with her?


The person behind, knows her true identity... deliberately, targeting her.

The night was clear and the face was slightly sinking, and the hand of Joe Yu’s collar was tight, and it was a little tight: "Take me through the details."

"I said, you... you just let me go?!" Joe Yu was stiff and could not move.

In the heart of Joe Yu, almost collapsed.

She wanted to escape from the hands of the emperor several times.

It is to find out their own strength, and can't break the shackles of the emperor.

Even more, once she has the signs in this regard.

Emperor will not hesitate to go to her neck, close to one point.


The Emperor’s fall is not high!

With her strength, it is completely easy to ask for the life of the emperor!

Why... she was completely suppressed and could not resist?

Can be left with the collapse and uneasiness of Joe Yu’s heart.

Can't change the current situation.

In particular, after seeing the purple man, extraordinary strength.

She even dispelled the rebellious mind.

She has just become a mysterious woman in an innocent city.

Have not enjoyed the honor and pleasure of being a mysterious woman.

She must not be so dead!

Night clear: "Do not talk nonsense! Do you know, this array of methods, what is the formation? Then delay, do not kill me, you ... will be swallowed by this array."

Qiao Yu’s eyes flashed, and Yu Guang went to the side, and the dragon-non-dragon species that wrestled with the purple man.

Until now.

If Joe Yuxi still can't feel it, the array is not right, then she is a fool.

She stuttered: "What, what is the law? Why, why is it swallowed?"

The night cleared her cold and glanced at her: "Lone of the soul, look for it."

Soul Eater?

Qiao Yuqi was shocked by these two words.

"Who is the person who set the law? What is the purpose?!" The night was too lazy to say more to her, forced to ask.

Qiao Yuqi was a little embarrassed at this time, and looked at the night with his eyes closed: "Yes... is a group of people dressed in black robes. I didn't see their faces. They just said, can help me..."


(It’s too sleepy, I’m going to sleep on this chapter, so simply give it to you. [Additional (1) for every 100 monthly passes in May] Today’s update will be as early as possible~ Hey!)

I promised the babies before, the monthly ticket for May, every 100 plus one more chapter, the current 293, at the end of the month, the baby with the monthly ticket to throw some monthly tickets ~ before the end of the month will add the monthly ticket owed to the end ~

(End of this chapter)

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