Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3456: Eye

Chapter 3456

People from the outside world will not be aware of the breath of the water bracelet.

"What do I have to do?"

"You can use your own spiritual knowledge to deal with the soul."

The old man paused and said: "Extract the spirit to the water bracelet, use the power of the water bracelet to sense the use of the five elements of the gossip, after the exclusion of the remaining media (mountain peaks), where the soul is the strongest, where It’s the eye."

Having said that, the old man reminded him again: "However, even if there is a curse on the body, you still have to control it. Moreover, you should find out where the eye is in the semi-column. If it is consumed by spiritual power Too much, your willpower is easily weakened, and you are sucked on your soul by this method."

The night cleared and nodded.

She closed her eyes again and quickly removed the surrounding media.

Inject the spirit into the water bracelet.

When the spirit is integrated into the water bracelet.

At night, I felt that a feeling of hot and burning was coming to my heart.

She shook a little.

A red streamer emerges from the water bracelet, circling a little bit and going forward.

When the night fell and then blinked, I was shocked to see everything in front of me... it was completely different from before!

In front of the eyes, the hundreds of peaks surrounded by yin and sorrow, at this time have become a black ball of light emitting evil.

Above each sphere of light, there is a thin layer of fluorescence.

This fluorescence should be the protective cover for these media.

That is to say, the protective cover that bounced her offensive back.

"Shantou, this is the medium of the formation." The old man explained, "The mountain you saw before is the blind eye of this law, in order to confuse your attention."

There is a kind of night clearing, and this is the mode that opened the eyes of the fire.

Can see through the world.

To be honest, watching this hundred-year-old ball of light with black light, there is still some worry in the night.


In this ball of light, to find the place with the strongest soul, it is easier to find a line of sight than in the towering peaks of the hundred.

Time is tight.

The night cleared and did not hesitate, his eyes quickly scanned the position that had not been ruled out.

Through various conversions in my mind, the sight of the night clearing is finally settled in the most remote and inconspicuous place.

"found it!"

She patted seven or seven and quickly went in that direction.

There, it is the corner of this array.

It is also the safest place.

The closer it is.

The more the feeling of night clearing, the stronger it is.

Even the black light ball can be seen almost everywhere, and the eyes are looming...

Just destroy the eyes!

Can destroy this array!

Also rescued you and Gu Yu!

The night was just close to the eye.

The fan of the fan in the hand has not released the mysterious force and will defeat it.

Suddenly, the glare of the eye flashed.

The black evil that covered the light ball was actually the arm that went straight to the night, and it came straight!

"Skull, you want to devour you!" The old man reminded him in his mind.

At night, the brows were slightly stunned, the offensive wrists slammed, and the fan of the flames turned, from the offensive mode to the defensive mode, blocking the front.


The black evil spirit collided with the flame fan.

A sultry stretch of strength, once again the night and the fall with seven seven, have turned over the bomb!

Seventy-seven kept the figure, the beast was big, red, and staring at the eyes, the low-pitched voice of the warning.


[Kiki's 520: Say to him three times, I love you (笙兮版)]

Hey: I love you.

Hey: [face is red] small... little girl... what are you talking about?

Hey: I said really, I love you.

Hey: I... I am your brother.

兮: [Seriously] I love you

笙: [Sliding out of the way, the face is red and bloody]


Hey: Say good confession success! You two lie to me

Ink: Oh, oh, oh, don't worry, Auntie has a feeling for you. It's really impossible for the overlord to bow hard... oh... [tossed by Kiki]

Kiki: Do not teach bad girls!

Hey: maybe you can try

Kiki: Ink and ink, you teach bad girls!

Ink: Please look forward to the overbearing female president on the line! [Take away by Kiki]


520 said to him three times that I love you, all come together!

(End of this chapter)

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