Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3452: A Xuan is such a perfect kiss.

Chapter 3452, A Xuan, such a perfect kiss

"Sucking the soul?!" In the night, I smashed the scorpion, "How can there be such a formation under the sun?"

"The world is big, there is nothing strange." Emperor Xu Xuan caressed her head. "Although your willpower is strong, but this kind of formation is encountered, after a long time, it will eventually be impossible to prevent."

The night cleared up and changed: "Well! If you **** the soul, you and the aunt..."

"Auntie?" Emperor Xu Xuan from the peach blossoms, "is the talent, followed by the men you came in?"

"You saw him?!" Nodded at night, "Do you know how he disappeared? How should I find him?"

The voice just fell.

At night, I only feel that the back is cool.

Her mouth closed, sulking and staring at the direction of the coolness.

The man's mouth smirked, and the sly peach blossoms, like a deep pool, stared at her.

The eyes are very warm.

The smile is very warm.

Can not be named, the night fell, I feel that I am going straight.

Emperor Mo Xuan's broad palm, covered in her hair.

Slender fingers, biting her blue thread little by little.

He laughs, clear and moist: "Is so intimate, just talented, but also wants to take his hand? It seems that the man named Auntie, you care."

Plain and faint muzzle.

The tone of the waves is not shocked.

Words can be like a thunder, blasting in the heart of the night.


Pull the first level alarm!

The emperor's vinegar jar was knocked over again!

The night cleared the whole person, and the instant gas field became weak.

Both hands actively wrapped around the man's neck.

The soft girl voice, such as the silver bell, is pleasing to the ear: "When you are such a relative, how can I hold other people in my eyes? Where can I find a perfect figure like A Xuan? So, other In my eyes, people are just a person with a mouth and a nose and two eyes! People, only!"

She deliberately bit the word "person".

It means that everyone else is just a person.

It is a cannon fodder that does not have to be placed on the heart.

However, this girl's charming, but did not let the man's look, there is the slightest movement.

The sly peach blossoms are still curved.

The ink is dark and deep, and he can't see what he thinks.

"It's very important to let you say so much to him." He whispered and his voice was a little cool.

The night fell and fell into his arms: "I swear, I have no heart for you! Aunt... cough, hey, hey!"

She even shouted a few times with her surname, and continued: "Hey, there are people you like! I will care about him because I have interests with him. If he and I have an accident, I am Innocent city will be very troublesome."

The girl was explained in a serious way, and the eyes looked serious, so that the man couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

After hearing the unbearable laughter of "噗哧", the night fell and I reacted: "You...you are deliberate!"

Emperor Xu Xuan smiled, the chest was shaking: "No."

"It's not strange! You just deliberately want to lie to me and stare at you!" The night was in a hurry, this man... childish, really speechless!

Emperor Xu Xuan smiled quickly.

While laughing, she leaned over and leaned into her ear: "I am jealous."

His breathing was very warm, and he sprayed his ear so that she couldn't help but shrink.

"Of course, I also want to hear you shouting me a few words, you call a few more, I will not be jealous, how?"

In his next sentence, success made the night clear.

She smashed the chest of Emperor Mo Xuan, turned around, and walked forward quickly: "Don't make trouble with you, do business! Then drag on, everyone will have an accident."


Unified interpretation of the updated problem: the waste seven emperors now update four chapters every day! When there is a lot of inspiration, there will be more chapters, and the updates that owe you will be added!

PS (say some words): Now the seven emperors have already 380W words, and it is counted in the middle and late period. While the ink master is preparing for the new book, while writing the abolition of the seven emperors, it is inevitable that it will be difficult, especially to conceive a New stories, new frameworks, new characters, hard to add (baby don't blame Mo Ye, why not write a waste seven and then think about new books. The reason is simple: the new book free period is 4-5 months, if I finish The waste seven is writing a new book, which is equivalent to the fact that I have no income for four or five months.)

In addition, Moye recently had very severe tenosynovitis, sore fingers and wrists, and typing was very difficult. Seeing the doctor was just a plaster. Recently, it has been a plaster sticking up. This is familiar to the baby of the ink master.

To be honest, no author doesn't want to update more, and more updates mean more subscriptions, no one can go over with money.

Moye said this, not complaining about it, just want to explain why.

Finally, once again, I would like to thank the tolerant and incompetent Moye, who support the arrogant baby.

Thousands of words, to make a more wonderful story, return you.

Love you, my Mohist treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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