Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3439: What happened?

Chapter 3439, what happened?

At night, I couldn’t help but smile. "If you want to be polite, please take a trip with you. Should you report your home first?"

The few people looked at each other and did not answer.

Just listening to the surrounding city people is also a fear, but also amazed sound.

"This... isn't it... the mercenary of the **** mercenary group?"

"Yes! It’s the **** mercenary group! Their clothes are the logo of the **** mercenary group!"

"How can the people of the **** mercenary group come to the emperor?"

"Don't it be... Princess Yu Yu... I asked the **** mercenary group to help?"


When the city people heard the name of the **** mercenary group, they were shocked.

Like these mercenary groups, they are generally only seen in the wild, or in extremely dangerous places.

Rarely in the city, people who saw the mercenary group were seen.

In particular, ... the mercenary of the **** mercenary group ranked second in the ranks of the mercenary group.

They are more ordinary people, it is even more impossible to see the face!

but now……

As soon as the mercenary of the **** mercenary group appeared, three people appeared!

The first reaction of the city people is -

Yu Yu Princess invited the mercenary of the **** mercenary group to deal with the emperor girl!

The look of the city people’s door has subtle changes.

Looking at the eyes of the **** mercenary group, disgust is greater than fear.

Some impatient three people stared at by the city people, their faces are a bit ugly, and they twisted their eyes and fell to the night: "Day girl, don't waste our time!"

The night fell when I heard the opinions of the city people.

The look on the face has already been sharpened before.

Her eyebrows were tight and her voice was worried: "Is there something wrong?"

Mentioned the name of Gu Yu.

The mercenary who was broken by the hand was twilight: "You will know when you walk with us."

Notice the change in the look of the three mercenaries.

At night, I was "squeaky" in my heart, and I continued to entangle with them: "Take the way."

The three turned and were leaving.

"and many more!"

Behind him, the voice of the man was breathing.

Before rushing forward, there was no fear of the mercenary's murderous temptation. When he rushed forward, his hands rested on the shoulders of a mercenary: "What do you say? What happened?"

Yan Qingjun’s face is full of anxiety and confusion.

He just woke up, even if the shoes were not worn, he rushed straight.

The clothes were a little messy, and the crown that was behind the head was also loosened.

The whole person is extremely embarrassed.

The mercenary group was dull and was trying to raise his hand and push his hands off his shoulders.

But he just moved.

I found that my shoulders were like being crushed by boulder, unable to move half a step!

This... What is this strength? !

He is a mercenary of the **** mercenary group.

Actually being crushed by a waste that looks thin and weak? !

"You talk! What happened in the end?!" Looking at the face of the mercenary, and the delay, he was more anxious.

The strength of both hands can not help but increase.

The mercenary's painful facial features twitched, his face gradually whitened, struggling to break his hands.

The more he struggles.

The more worried you are, the more flustered you are.

The mind is full of Gu Xiao’s smile.

His heart, his throat, seemed to be stunned by people, making him breathless.

Just when the mercenary body has been unable to withstand this load, the legs are bent and will be pressed to the ground.

A white hand, move gently.

Then I saw the girl, and it was a mysterious power.


[Sorry, the update is late, I am working on the code word~ If the baby is sleepy, go to sleep first~ It will be updated sooner tomorrow~]

(End of this chapter)

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