Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3345: final decision

Chapter 3345 final decision

At night, I took a deep breath and let my tone calmer.

"I don't want to make decisions for you. If you don't want to, we choose another way."

The tone, though calm.

But from the night, the pair of charming, shivering waves.

Highlighting her complex mood at this time.

"You don't need any other pressure. You don't have to be with me because I am your master. For me, you are not only a warlord with me, but also a brother, partner... ”

The fluctuations of the rogue in the night are gradually gathering.

She licked her lips and looked at a few people: "So, you can express your opinions according to your own ideas."

"Seventy-seven have no opinions." Seven-seven raised his head, and the bright scorpion was full of trust in the night.

At night, the hooks are hooked and the little head is stroking it: "If the holy beast is plundered and turned into ashes, you will lose the source of life and become a stone statue of the sacred beast... eternal life can no longer wake up, this consequence is very Serious, you have to think about it, don't answer me so quickly."

"Seventy-seven thoughts..." Seven-seven swaying the small head, it is very serious to continue to speak.

I haven't finished it yet, and I have been floating in the air. I like to sneak out like a sleeping old man. I suddenly said: "Shantou, you only said, another way?"

The night cleared and looked up: "Yeah."

"Do you intend to open the passage to the Upper Three Realms directly? Then, with your own body, absorb all the power of the Emperor's Emperor's Remnants in the Four Holy Beasts?" The old man floated down and squeezed into the night.

The night fell and fell for a moment, nodding: "Yes."

"Are you sure that your body can withstand the power of the four holy beasts? You are sure that you can guarantee your body when this power spreads across the Three Realms and attracts a lot of people to plunder. Retired?" The old man was very dignified and his tone was very urgent. "You just said that you don't want to take risks. You know the consequences of choosing this method to open the entrance!"

The night fell into silence.

For a long while, she licked her lips and said with firm words: "Perhaps, I can... after I have absorbed the residual power of the seal, maybe I can protect everyone..."

"You said it, maybe!" The old man interrupted the night and cleared the words. "The old man will not let you take risks. You have said that you will not take risks. This method is free of talk!"

At night, I fell down and sighed.

Indeed, she does not want to take risks.

But which of the two ways to open the channel, which one is not risky?

Just one is her adventure.

One is the adventure of the four holy beasts.

But...if the four holy beasts do not want to.

She also does not want to force.

Not to blame each other.

"Okay, we haven't said anything yet, you are quarreling." Chi Yan snorted and waved his wings impatiently. "Do you still need to ask us about this kind of thing?"

Qinglong shook his faucet: "Since you treat us as your own partners, we naturally treat you as a trusted partner."

"That is, if you don't trust, how can we contract with you?" Chi Yan fluttered his wings and made it clear at night. "Who are we? Four holy sacred yeahs! Are we like sorrowful beasts?!" ”

"Master, they are right." Xuangui Bi-colored scorpion, bent, shallow smile in the shackles, "We believe in you, I believe you will protect us, protect the Holy Beast."


Maybe we can make a decision for someone.

Maybe someone does make such a decision.

But Mo Ye feels that no matter what decision is made, if it is related to others, the other party has the right to know and has the right to choose.

PS: This only represents the personal opinion of Mo Ye, and I don't like it.

(End of this chapter)

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