Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3309: I will wait and see

Chapter 3309, I will wait and see

If the night falls, the last sound will fall.

The whole hall is silent.

The sound of dust that is quiet until the wind blows the ground can be heard.

I kept smiling at night and didn't continue to speak.

Quietly waiting for the reaction of the other party.

The more silent the other party is.

On behalf of, what she analyzed is correct.

This also explains.

It is her now, she controls the sovereignty.

In this way, quiet time is about half a column of incense.

In the air, it slowly overflowed, a very slight, almost inaudible laugh.

"The night is clear... It really is... the master of the sacred heart of the gods, it is really smart... people want to destroy you..."

With the chuckle, there is the sound of the person's yin measurement.

"You are sure, you want to destroy me?"

The man smiled even louder: "Good! Very good... The night is clear, you can indeed arrogantly... After the seat digs the phoenix heart with your heart... This seat will let you Life is better than death!"

This sentence is also indirectly acknowledged.

The other party is now unable to move her.

What she has determined, speculated, analyzed...

all hit!

The night was clear and laughed: "I will wait and see."


In the air, this word floats out.

Immediately, no sound.

The quieter it is.

The more the atmosphere is, the more weird it is.

A dangerous atmosphere filled the space.

The old man and Xuangui stepped forward, and quickly stopped in front of the night, full of vigilance.

"Nothing, the man has already left." The night fell and sighed, slowly sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"Going?" The old man turned and looked at the night.

The girl’s face is full of exhaustion, and how can she still have a confident self-confidence?

"Shantou, if the person is really behind the scenes of the dark secluded palace, it means that the person is the upper three worlds... It is likely to be from the plane above the heavens! You provoke the person like this, if it really provokes The man is angry, once he starts, even the old man and Xuangui can't save you!"

The old man thought of the talent, and the night cleared the scene that the man was irritated, and the heart was lifted up.

"That man is a man of the gods." The night fell against the wall, rubbing his eyebrows hard.

The ambition of that person is the creation **** who has become the world.

I want to be the master of the world.

A person with such a big ambition.

It is absolutely impossible to be just a person in heaven.

"God world..." The face of the old man is dark and dull.

The night fell and looked up, and the heavy exhalation sighed: "If you don't irritate him, he can't leave here, we will be even more dangerous..."

She can feel it.

When talking to that person.

The stinging sensation in her head became more and more obvious.

As she just analyzed.

The man talked to her.

It is simply tempting her heart.

Let her willpower gradually diminish.

If not later, she perceives the purpose of the person.

I am afraid... It is very likely that it will make that person plan to succeed.

"The dark palace wants the master's mysterious jade, and the master's body, at least, the master is safe before the other party must need the master's bearing effect on the gods and hearts."

Xuangui made up to the night to clear the side, to appease the road.

The night cleared and touched its turtle shell: "But... stay here again, even if my willpower is strong, it may be polluted."

She licked her dull head and stroked her fingertips to the phoenix ring.

"I only hope that Ah Xuan can come as soon as possible. Before this... What I can do is to hold my heart..."

(End of this chapter)

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