Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3283: At all costs, create such a disaster

Chapter 3283 does not hesitate to create such a disaster

That's right!

This is their home! Their territory!

Why do you want to give outside forces? !

What about people in the upper three worlds?

Can the Shang Sanjie be able to oppress their lower bounds?

Do not!

They definitely admit defeat!

The mysterious people of the major forces, the soldiers, the eyes of the re-burning of the raging war!

The smoke is everywhere, the war is continuous, and it is on the verge!

The two sides fought, the ground trembled, the clouds rolled, and there was a thunderous explosion.

The dark sky, for this battlefield, adds a chill.

The blood color is red and the bottom is bloody.

Here, the dark priest disciples, the dead bodies and the nirvana of the world's major forces to fight.

The shape of the night fell, and quickly rushed to the emperor.

At the same time, two huge fighting pets around him appeared out of thin air.

A black and white, breathtaking, igniting the aura of the heavens and the earth around, rolling up a wave of stormy waves.

The emperor did not expect that there would be someone in the lower bound, dare to take the initiative to find him as an opponent.

He narrowed his eyes and smirked an inscrutable sneer: "Little girl, don't be too self-righteous... I thought I could deal with the waste of the dark palace, and I could fight the Emperor."

The voice just fell.

The emperor waved his sleeves.

The power of incomparable power, with the sleeves, plucked a wave.

The air wave collided with the arrogance of the night.

In the air, the air waves collide violently.

The people who fought around the world were forced by this airflow and spread out on all sides.

A large battlefield was vacated.

The collision of this power made the eyes of the emperor's half-baked open.

His nephew had a little light.

Xuanbo spread out.

I saw the front, a huge black and white body, crossed in front of the girl.

Snowy giant tiger.

Black giant leopard.

The whole body lingers around the swirling air.

The girl was safely suspended behind two war pets.

In a red dress, the flames are like fire.

The long narrow and charming, at this time a flirtatious red awning flashes.

"White Tiger? And this... mutant beast?" When the Emperor saw the two battles in front of him, he could not help but be amazed.

The white tiger of the four great beasts was contracted, and the emperor was informed.

Just did not expect...

The contractor is the woman that the dark palace wants to catch.

And... the black leopard beast looks like a leopard, but the two black horns that come out of the head.

Others can't see it.

He is the emperor of the land, seeing a lot of knowledge, where will not recognize, the two black lacquered things, obviously the dragon horn!

A leopard beast with a long dragon head!

Isn't that a mutant beast? !

It's no wonder that he can stop his attack.

The eyes of the emperor, deep flashing.

It seems that ... the dark palace does not hesitate to do all the consequences, in the lower bound to create such a disaster ... just for such a little girl, it is not unreasonable.

At least, without knowing anything.

Currently speaking with the little girl.

He also thinks.

This little girl has too many surprises.

Just a pity...

The emperor’s eyes slammed into the ground.

More powerful powers are gone.

His body swayed and directly approached the night to clear the ground and launch an attack.

The landlord is extremely fast.

After all, the days of Tian Xuan went up.

The gap between the mysterious steps is not too obvious!

The night clearing will still have a reaction in the future.

The emperor has already appeared in front of her.

The punch that swayed on the face was strong and strong.

It also exudes a powerful Xuan Li.

If it is not the seven or seven bite to bite the night robes, she will pull back quickly.

The punch fell on the night.

She is not dead or disabled!


Thanks for (Sia) 1888 book currency, (mn cat lemon) *6, (flower ^ 0 ^ story) reward ~

(End of this chapter)

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