Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3275: I am standing here, public and private.

Chapter 3275 is in public, I must stand here.

"You are right. They are really non-intimate with me, and I really have no obligation to help them."

The representatives of the major forces around them, when they heard this sentence, had a slight change in their faces.

However, they are also unable to refute.

Or take out any noble sentiments, and ask for the night to clear the "capacity, the greater the responsibility".

After all, they can't do it themselves.

To put it bluntly, they will unite and appear on the mainland.

But for their own future.

Only now join hands and remove the dark palace.

The world of Nirvana has a future.


After the dark palace had been smashed once.

It will always be their turn.

And the night is clear...

Indeed, as Nether said.

There are emperors and adults, there is an imperial palace.

Even if it is not clear, it will not interfere.

Can also live happily.

Thinking so, the hearts of the people sinking heavily.

Nethered words, the lines on the face, softened a few points: "I don't want you to die, what I said is the best choice for you."

The night clears the pink lips, the long and narrow charming, like a smile and smiles at him: "But... In this nirvana, there is still my brother."

Her gaze, looking at the wall, stood in a row of straight, but extremely young faces.

That is everyone in the world mercenary group.

Her smile is more gentle: "Every continent has the brothers I care about. I can't ignore them for my own happiness, so... for the conspiracy of the dark palace, I will clear the night, and decide It is."

The look of the gloom suddenly sinks.

"Moreover... Nether, do you think that the dark palace will really let me be free?" The night is just a smile and a confrontation with him.

The Nether's complexion was slightly stiff, staring at the night, and there was a moment of bun.

The night cleared and continued to laugh: "The dark palace has no intention of ever, let me be an outsider."

Ghostly coveted, silently refuting.

"The last point, this nirvana is my home, A Xuan, who is here. The Imperial Palace is the first house of Nirvana. You have a dark palace, not just in the palace of our imperial palace. For the future mother of the Imperial Palace, I and the Dark Palace, that is not the same."

The night was clear and a serious saying, and immediately raised a big smile: "So ... in public, I must stand here."

Nether: "..."

Can not refute, but also have to admit.

The words said at night are all the best choices from her point of view.

At night, I raised my eyebrows and sat on the back of Chi Yan. I looked down at him with a smile: "Hey, Nether, I can't return to the nirvana from that place. Are you going to be the chess piece of your mouse?"

Nether frowned, reddish light, shimmering.

"And... I know that the woman doesn't love you, and I don't even have you in my heart. I still care about it? Well... you think that as long as you really touch it, one day, she will see you well. Then, the fart is thrown into your arms?"

At night, the chin was lifted, and the fingers licked the lips, and the smile became more and more evil: "But... the girl who saw you, like a ghost, I feel awkward, you are sure It’s no play.”

"Night, clear, falling!"

The red eyes of the secluded eyes are like burning anger, and slamming into the night.

A black robe, with the mysterious force released from the whole body, agitated.

(End of this chapter)

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